Episode 29. Teacher Test pt.7

I sat in the audience seat. The names of the fighter were shuffled again, most of them were teachers of other classes.

Fredrica's name appeared on the digital board.

I suddenly sharpened myself because I was very interested into her fight. What make it more interesting, she is one of my brother's ex.

"Long time no see, Rasyid." Someone is standing next to me and greeting me.

I turned to the person who greet me. A young mother who holding a baby smiled at me.


"Good morning."

"Take a walk with your son?"

One of my students got up from his seat and let Haniyah to sit down.

"Hahaha..., more or less like that. Zulfikri was very happy everytime he sees a match like this." Haniyah sat on the seat.

"Isn't it bad to make the kid watch a match like this?"

"There's no blood, right? Even though I don't know how Anitya works..., at least, I can be calmer from now. Zul won't have to see blood like on our day back then."

"But he is still underage... Anitya can only be injected when children are over 5 years old."

"Don't worry, he will always be safe in my arms."

Haniyah and I sat next to each other and had a good chat while sometimes we do a small joke.

Haniyah is the wife of Jauhari, she is also a classmate of me and Jauhari when I was in high school. Right now, she still hiding her sadness after Jauhari left. It must be hard to be told to raise a child alone without the help of a husband.

In the last moment of Jauhari's live, he and I had a chance to talk.

"You won't have much time, Jauhari..." I stared blankly at Jauhari's body lying on the bed of the hospital.

"It's okay if this is my fate. Just let God take my life." He smiled even though the infus was pricking him.

"What will happen to your wife? She will have a hard time taking care of her own child you..."

"I'm scared to think that too-..." (Jauhari)

"—Maybe this is selfish of me, but please. When my son grows up, can you teach him to be a great fighter like you?" (Jauhari)

"I'd be happy to help out their financially too if you want it."

Jauhari holds my hand. "No need, that's enough."

"What about you? Have you made any progress?" Jauhari asked weakly.

"Hmm..." I smiled and nodded, but it was all a lie, I didn't improve at all.

"I see... Someday, you will get the help you needed." He realized my lie, but still smiled at me.

Jauhari slowly removed his hand from me and closed his eyes.

For eternity...

I left the room with a blank stare. "Goodbye, Jauhari ..." my low voice accompanied my gone from this room.

Back to this time.

"When Zul grows up, I will be his personal teacher!" I said something that I kept as my promise.

"Really? Then, thank you for your help." Haniyah smiled.

The two of us watched the match between Fredrica and the teacher of 3rd-year physical 5. The teacher's name was Meri Andika, who was a double-sided spear wielder.

The two of them were fighting in a state that suppressed each other.

"By the way, who is the aunt next to you, Mr. Rasyid?" Sophia, who had been sitting before shifting from me to next to Haniyah, finally asked.

"Please... don't call aunty okay?" Haniyah smiled holding her annoying feeling.

"She's my friend's wife," I answered with a smile to calm them both down.

"Where's your husband?" She asked innocently.

Haniyah just smiled as she turned her gaze to the match. Zul, who heard his father's words, burst into tears. "HWAAA!"

"Ha? What have I done?!" Sophia was surprised.

"He was passed away..." I said that so she wouldn't mess around anymore.

Sophia immediately widened her eyes and apologized. "Please, forgive me for my word!" She lowered her head in shame.

Haniyah rubbed her eyes and comforted her son. "It's okay..., that's normal. Those who just met me would think that my husband is still alive." She held back the tears from her eyes with a smile.

Haniyah stood up. "Looks like Zul is already sleepy, I will go home, sorry for disturbing you, Syid. Goodbye." Haniyah left the town square and left us behind.

Sophia's eyes still didn't dare meet mine. "I apologize... did I hurt her?"

"Maybe, but it's already happened to her so many times... She's has become a strong woman, right now."

I don't know how strong or weak her heart is right now. At least for now, I can't let my guard down. Bad things might happen to Zulfikri.

"No need to worry... you're not wrong when you ask. When you feel guilty for doing it, it's enough." I stroked her hair.

I saw Sophia's face turn red when I do that.

Sophia lifted her head and smiled at me. She became more docile than before.

"Why does the atmosphere become so hot?" Stevent wondered.

"This was a town square, of course, it would be hot!" Hakam answered logically but misunderstood his master's question.

"Maybe this is called gloomy warming," Gita answered correctly but still got it wrong.

"That's global warming, dumbass. Hah... Why did no one understands what he was talking about?" Moka held her forehead.

"Whatever, just leave them." Stevent crossed his arms resignedly because there was no one understood what he talking about.

Moka could only smile forcefully at Stevent.

"HYAAGHH!" The sound of groans from the field are sounded loud.

Fredrica's body was blown away after being hit by the strong wind magic that Meri created by spinning her spear rapidly.

Meri did not waste his opportunity.

He stepped forward and twirled his spear like he was dancing toward Fredrica.

A slash of wind tore through the poor woman's body.

Fredrica couldn't keep up with her short knife. Her weapon type is the same as Moka, she must be smart to avoid his attack rather than defend. But in a situation like this, she couldn't move, even just waking up from her position is impossible right now.

Meri jumped and stabbed Fredrica's lying body from above. A vortex of wind that formed a rotating drill pierced through her body.

Fastly, Fredrica faints due to trauma. As they said, the 3rd-year teachers are likes to play dirty. They even don't show any feelings of bad when make their opponent traumatized like that.


The audience's cheers were heard but some of them are leaving because it was too brutal for kids. They went out with their children.

"What a horror... that teacher doesn't even know how to be gentle with women." Moka bit her finger after seeing the match.

"They are all very cunning." Sophia's eyes widened.

"You could say this is how the adult world work. They don't care, male or female, the most important thing is yourself." I said that calmly while watching Fredrica's hollow body that the medical team carried out of the arena.


I looked at Erika's class to see her expression. But she wasn't there.

My eyes traced the path from the seats in the town square. And finally, I found her among the leaving visitors. She ran worriedly towards Fredrica's condition.

"You're too kind, Erika. Even though you already know how bad she treat you was..." I whispered to myself.

Meanwhile, in place of the commentator operator. Bahar and the President were sitting there.

"Amazing, I want to see how Rasyid will deal with it. What kind of Symphony will happen? If fighting Lodo itself will make a stunning light show, especially in the final. Then how about the other?!" The president smiled from the room.

On the other hand, the group of students from earlier was watching me again.

"Hey Dahlia, look for information about that teacher!"

"Yes understand, President Astra Arjuna." The girl with hair tied like a pair of balls opened her laptop.

I who felt the danger immediately tried to turn off her Anitya. "CODE NAME: DAHLIA K2M4, REMOVE ANITYA FOR 5 MINUTES. IF 'TRY TYPE MY NAME'. IF NOT, 'DO NOTHING'." I say a code.

The student named Dahlia immediately fainted while trying to type my name on her laptop. The person whose Anitya is got turning off will briefly faint.

"Dahlia?! What happened?!" Astra held up Dahlia's fallen body.

Her laptop that she was using fell and broke. Astra's eyes looked at me. We stared at each other even though we were both very far apart.

Astra was immediately frightened when I found out his intentions. 'Don't try to pry my name, understand?' My gaze beckoned him.

Astra with his head already drenched in sweat nodded nervously and then left with his group.