Episode 35. King of Beauty

Sophia and I walked side by side towards our destination. Sophia said she was told to pick me up because I suddenly disappeared.

"Why don't you just called me?" I asked.

"Ha? Called you?! I've done it many times but you're not picking up!" Sophia nagged me.

When that girl said that, I accidentally checked my phone in my pocket but couldn't find them.

Cold sweat dripped down my head.

I left my cell phone on that president's stupid ship.

'Imbecile of me, how could I forget something important like this?!' I say in my heart.

"What's wrong, sir? Did you leave your cell phone?"

"No, my cell phone was broken during the fight against Haran, ah hahaha." I smiled wryly while lying to her.

There's no way I can say I left my phone on the ship, right? Luckily, there's nothing important on my phone other than the numbers I've saved.

I'm lucky... Accidentally I remembered something.

My credit card, student data, and exam questions are there.

I fell down pitifully. 'God bring your miracle to a sinner like me.' Even though I know it won't do me any good, at least I tried.

"What happened, Sir?!" Sophia was surprised.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I classified everything.

"Hmm(nods), nothing to worry about." I half-smile while lifting my body back to its original position.

"Hahaha, you're so weird. Sometimes I even forget how cold you used to be, even though you were cold back then, but you looked more like an idiot than it." Sophia burst out laughing.

"Are you insulting me?" My flat face tries to scold her.

Sophia walked in front of me and faced me. "No, but your current character is really more fitting. Who made you can change so quickly? Oh, is that Miss Erika?!" She smiled to tease me.

"Ehmm..." I scratched my cheek.

"Sounds like an I hit a bull's eye! So... Do you like her?!"



Sophia's previously grinning face suddenly became confused and surprised. But I felt a little pleasure in her after hearing those words.

"No? But both of you look so close!" Sophia shrugged her shoulders in confusion.

My silly face immediately turned serious.

"There are things in the adult world where we only see the opposite sex as friends or partners. You can't immediately conclude someone likes each other just because they look close. For example like Moka, she seems close to everyone and that means being close to her is normal. . Likewise with Erika, she used to be my supervisor when I first came in. I was close to her because she was the first one I spoke to at this school."

My voice was flat and cold looking scary added with the evening darkening part of my face. The wind blows my hair. My eyes shone as I stared at the confused and stiff Sophia. My silly face disappeared without a trace.

"E hehehe, is that so? hehehehe, for-forgive me for being so rude, I don't understand about that." Sophia scratched her cheek and gave me a wry smile at me.

If I don't change it right away, it will get worse. I returned my face.

It seems that after hearing about this topic I didn't throw up anymore, but instead became like this.

"We'd better hurry, they'll be waiting." I smiled shyly at her.

"Eh... that's right. T-they m-must be waiting for us." Sophia stammered a wry smile.

Sophia continued to lead me to the party place.

An upscale restaurant is in my sight. I suddenly couldn't believe it.

'Which crazy rich person rents a restaurant just to celebrate this small victory?' That's what I had in my mind.

"Is this really the place?" I asked.

"I don't really believe it either, but since the one who rented this place was Mr. Xander then this is not something surprising."

Sophia led me into the restaurant. Inside there are many tables that have been decorated with expensive ornaments.

All Teacher of Physical 1 Classes and their students were inside to celebrate this. A look of joy shone on each of their faces.

'How much you pay for all of this, Xander?!'

"Oh welcome... Our champion!" (Samuel)

"Hey... where have you been, Mr. Rasyid?!" (Tasya)

"Glad to see you're back." (Erika)

"I feel bad for having to replace you, Syid!" (Xander)

The teachers greeted me with bright smiles.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry. I have to normalize my attitude after entering that damned mode!" I lied about my reasons.

But everyone seems to believe it, maybe because right in the arena I was really looking terrible.

"Never mind about it, come here and join us, Syid." Erika smiled sweetly.

Sophia who was still beside me looked at Erika's sweet smile sadly. She was still thinking about that earlier.

"Hey Sophia, how long are you going to stay on Mr. Rasyid's side?!" Moka called Sophia with a mischievous look.

"E-eh yes, I'm coming!"

Sophia walked toward her group of friends. From here I can hear their conversation.

"What did you talk to him about?"

"It's nothing."

But nothing was interesting in their conversation.

I walked over to the teachers and sat near them.

"That's great, you. How did you beat that teacher?" Tasya seems drunk from drinking.

"Hey, Tasya don't drink too much. Look! You already look worse like this!" Erika rocked Tasya's helpless body.

"Forget about her, what happened in the arena? You look like you're enjoying your pain." Xander asked in a serious tone.

I want to hurry to go home. I can no longer continue. Cold sweat started to roll down my face, I tried to avert my gaze.

"Oh, are you what people say you are. Masochists, they're people who really like it when they're in pain. They think pain is a source of pleasure." Samuel with a broad smile without guilt spoke plainly.


Erika, who was just brewing her coffee, immediately squirted it.

My face stares with shame and disbelief.

"Ah hahaha, you like things like that huh?" Erika's face was forced to smile wryly.

"Hey-hey, respect people's privacy. Even if it's masochistic. Everyone has their own pleasure!"

Xander tried to remain firm, but his face couldn't lie. He was currently holding back his laughter.

I lowered my head in resignation and sighed.

"Come on, don't talk about this anymore. We are in Teacher Test and we are the teacher is the main player in this program but the students are set to come. Let's entertain them for their will to come!" The drunken Tasya gave a clever idea.

"You're smart when you're drunk!" Samuel touched his chin while praising Tasya's cleverness.

"In that case, Let's shuffle and give our student entertainment (lifting a jar containing folded paper and placing it on the table). In it there are many choices, you have to take one folded paper. You have to entertain them according to the contents of the paper." Tasya said that with a drunk expression that looked stupid.

"You even prepared this?!" Erika is surprised.

"In that case, let is start from Mr. Rasyid... Because your class is physical 1 so you must take it first!" Xander looked at me nervously.

'Why should I go first? But whatever, I don't care about it, at most it's just normal things. Bring it on Tasya!' I said to myself as I took a folded piece of paper that was in the jar.

I opened it as if there was a white light shining on the paper when I opened it.

"Huh?" My eyes glazed over after reading it.


that's what it says there. My face broke out in cold sweat. I really want to go home right now.

"What are you getting-(Xander's voice was cut off after seeing the contents of the paper.)

"Rest in pieces" He kneeling down at me.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" WHY DO I HAVE TO COSPLAY LIKE THIS?! THIS CONTENT IS FOR A GIRL, RIGHT?!" I raised my tone while showing the contents of the paper.

"Yes indeed, there are many types in the folds. Some are for men and some are specifically for women. It seems you took the one specifically for women, but since this is the game. Then you must follow." Tasya's drunken smile still looks like it hasn't gone away.

I looked at the other teacher.

They only clapped their hands once.

"Thank you for being our sacrifice!" Samuel and Erika said that with sweaty faces.

"Come on Mr. Rasyid! Let's follow me, I've also brought the clothes for this!" Tasya took me to the locker room.

"Hey wait, I'm coming!" Erika was surprised after realizing that I went to the changing room with Tasya.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Erika shouted while chasing us.

Inside the locker room.


"It's finished!"

Tasya and Erika dressed me as Japanese female schoolgirls and give make-up were put on me. Don't forget the long wig.

When they give the wig to me, I accidentally tied up the wig that had already been put on to make a horse tail.

They were both shocked.

"Mr. Rasyid, do you do this often?"

"Is you don't trust women anymore, and become like this?!"

Their bodies trembled, even though Tasya was drunk, she still had a little female instinct. On the other hand, Erika who already knows my past suspects my straightness.

"No-no, I used to have a long hair before becoming a teacher, but because of the school policy, I had to cut it." I dodged quickly.

"Oh yeah, you used to be a wild duelist, right? Their hair is usually long." Tasya hit her head gently.

But on the other hand, Erika doesn't believe it and is still afraid.

"Don't put the wrong idea, I'm still normal!" I screamed at Erika.

"Hehehe... yes I believe in you!" Erika is nervous.

"Come on, Mr. Rasyid. Come out and show your beauties!" Tasya pushed me.

In the north of the restaurant, there is a stage. Mr. Xander was standing there.

"Well to all of the students, firstly I want to thank you for coming even though this is not your event instead you're all obliged to come. Second, we feel guilty about this. So we have an event to entertain you. Moreover, this is to celebrate our first victory ever...!" Xander's voice trailed off.


Applause followed his scream.



The female students cheered the teacher's name, while the male students just clapped flatly out of envy.

There is no escape, I must be professional. There is no shame anymore! Go Rasyid!

The curtains are open and I'm already posing with my mouth shut.


The female students fell silent and the male students were nervous with embarrassment.

If that's the case, then I must continue.

My hand covered my mouth and slowly swung forward.


I gave a shy kiss to the audience.

The men immediately cheered and nosebleed.




The students looked happy.

"MY NEW WAIFU! MAKE MYSELF BECOME YOURS!" Astra shouted loudly in the middle of the restaurant.

Meanwhile backstage.

"Wow... Rasyid is really professional. Even in things like this!" Xander stared in disbelief.

"Has his vein of shame been severed?!" Samuel looked on in fear.

"He's just enjoying the show, look at his face. He's like someone who has done something like this for the first time. It seems that during his time as a fighter he was always alone so he's never felt anything like this." Tasya has recovered from her drunk.

"You can be relied on some time, Tasya." Xander praised that short new teacher.

"From what I see, Tasya is right. He really enjoys it. The smile on that face, I've never seen. A natural smile from him." Erika looks at me happily from backstage.

Suddenly, tears of joy fell from that woman's eyes.


Not long after that, Bahar accidentally entered the restaurant and saw my beauties. He fastly threw money at me.