Episode 36. Cìkè Nǚwáng / Queen of Assasin

After getting on stage, I returned to my seat quietly. The other teachers were still nervous at the backstage to pull the paper out of the jar.

When I am waiting here alone, my students come to see me.

"What a great performance, sir."

"Hahaha, not only became the Champion but you also became the King of Beauty."

"If that was me, I more prefer to change it."

The students praised me with varying opinions.

They sat around me to keep me company.

"By the way, why Astra and she are here?" I looked at Astra and Dahlia who were standing with them.

"I told the teachers that the student council is your first and best supporter. So they let me in as soon as they heard about it without any comment." Astra held his glasses proudly.

"Fine, but you shouldn't use your position as a weapon, again!"

"Calm down, I'm a professional. I'll use this position as a weapon only in times of need." He touched his chest proudly.

The girl beside him was silent in shame.

"Is this what they called as on an edge situation?"

"Of course, I have to make a good image of you in order to make you want to train us in earnest." His eyes are sparkling now.

I looked at him with a straight expression. My gaze turned back to Dahlia who sat quietly beside him shyly.

"Where are your eyes looking, sir?..." Moka who was sitting next to me whispered to me right in my ear.

A wind blew in my ear and averted my gaze. Moka's flushed face looked at me with a wistful look.

I fastly shifted my seat away from this drunk girl's gaze.

"Gosh, Moka!" Sophia was surprised.

"She's drunk?! How could that be? Shouldn't they serve normal beverages to students?!" Hakam immediately checked the beverages Moka was drinking.

"Hey, it contains alcohol! Could it be because this is the teacher's seat? Why alcoholic beverages like this were here?!" Gita looks at the composition of the beverages.

"Alcohol? That's impossible, the proof is I'm not drunk." Stevent said that with a red face.

"Now there are two drunk people at here?!" Sophia turned to Steven.

"We'd better calm them down," I said in hurry.

Drunk people often tell the truth. If it was continued, Moka would accidentally mention the Fajri incident.

"Ah,... Mr. Rasyid... I really-"

Dahlia touched the back of Moka's neck with two fingers. A halo of light waves shot out from her touchmark. Immediately after that Moka fell asleep. She also did the same thing to Steven. An extremely bold look appeared on her face.

"S-so-so, sorry! Looks like I overdid it!"

The girl's brave face suddenly disappeared and became shy again.

"It's okay, you did well." I praise her for successfully stopping Moka's rambling.

"Calm down Dahlia..., Mr. Rasyid praises your action!" Astra calmed Dahlia who was stammering in shame and feeling guilty.

"Th-thank you f-for the compliment!" She lowered her head with a stutter and sat back down.

Now Stevent and Moka are asleep on the sofa.

We must change our seats to avoid the incident from happening again

When I walk while change the seats, my eye watched the teachers' performances on the stage.

On the stage, Samuel was seen showing off his muscles. "Look! This is the result of my hard work!"

The students turned their faces away in embarrassment. From the shame of being touched to the disgust of being mixed together at there.

Back to my place.

"Dahlia, you were so cool earlier!" Sophia praised Dahlia with enthusiasm.

"Eh, it-it's nothing."

When I first saw her, she looks cold. But accidentally she changed after showing her power.

Why is she like this?

"Don't be shy, you look so cute if you do like that." Gita seduces her.

After hearing what Gita says, Dahlia turned her blushing face into a disgusted face instead.

"Heh..." Dahlia looked at Gita with a cold, disgusted, and low gaze.

"Ukhhh! That hurts." Gita fainted by the girl's disgusted gaze.

"Ah, he passed out!" Hakam looked at Gita who was already lying on the floor.

"By the way, why does he have a different expression?" Hakam asked Astra and forgetting about what happened to Gita already.

Astra put on a forced smile while scratching his hair. In a split second, I saw Astra's eyes glance at me then moved. "I don't even know what happened, but today, she suddenly becomes like this."

It seems the incident when I sealed her actions had an impact on the girl's mentality. When she looked at me, her face turned red.

Is that a side effect of sealing? I usually use it right before finishing off the target. So what happened to the affected person, I have no idea.

"Oh yeah, have you ever heard the story 'Cìkè Nǚwáng'?" Astra suddenly changed the topic so that the problem with Dahlia's expression would not continue to be explored.

"Ckè Nǚwáng? Do you mean the Queen of Assassin? I heard she has killed off politicians and rich people according to the client's wishes, am I right? Why you asked?" Sophia asked.

"That woman's story is going to be made into a movie!" Astra pounded the table with a happy feeling.

"What's so good about that woman? She's just an assassin who's never been caught, right?" (Hakam)

"She's not just an ordinary assassin. Her magical and physical abilities are so powerful, that many political families have been massacred by her. Even with the help of the police and the army, she still can't be defeated." Dahlia returned to her cold nature.

"Magic? You mean she's in this current era?" Hakam was surprised after receiving that information.

"Hmm (nods), she always wears a mask and a cloak that covers her entire body. What's famous about that woman is her mask shaped like the faces of the romance of three kingdom characters. The mask she wears always changes in every mission. But what makes her the same is the horse of water that she always rides on." Dahlia explained.

"Water horse? It wasn't like the incident at the school last week there was also a horse of water. If my memory is right, Mr. Bahar beat the horse together with the Mr. President." Sophia held her chin.

"I don't know, I don't really remember exactly what the Queen of Assassin's horse looked like. But maybe what happened at school was the Queen of Assassin's doing." Dahlia narrowed her eyes.

"I actually wanted to talk about the film at first but after you said that, I just thought about it. Queen of Assassins suddenly has no news this month. Neither politicians nor rich people have been killed at this time. The media think if she was dead or got caught. But last week's events changed everything..." Astra closed his eyes and was lost in thought.

"Then..., LET'S LEAD HER OUT!" Astra stood up and squealed loudly, luckily the voice of the salon from the stage covered his screams.

Hakam, Sophia, and Dahlia looked at Astra in surprise. But Dahlia seemed to have gotten used to it and immediately turned her face away.

My and Dahlia's faces met by chance. Her face immediately turned red and she turned around again.

I looked at her with a face full of questions. 'Is this really the side effect of sealing? I never know what effect it will have on the victim. What kind of effect did it have on Dahlia?!'

But my mind says different, I must change my gaze.

I looked back at Astra who was still standing. "No, you can't get her out just yet." I stopped this wild Student Council President's plan.

"Why?" Astra sat back down in confusion.

"Have you guys forgotten? Test! Exam! It's next week! And didn't you ask me to be your coach!" I scold them with a straight expression but with a sharp tone.

"Eh he he he, I'm student council so I can a shortcut in my te-!"

Dahlia stepped on Astra's feet before he slipped his word.

"You what?!" Sophia and Hakam randomly interrogated the student council president.

Dahlia, who was beside him, turned her face away while covering her tired face in overcoming her friend's behavior.

"Anyway, now is celebration time. Better use this to refresh our tough before the test!" I stopped their fighting.

Sophia and Hakam sat back down.

"A test huh? In the arena, I was like a queen there, but if I get into question test, I'll become the worst," complained Sophia.

"I also have a lot of work because I have to be Stevent's servant." Hakam leaned his body while staring at the ceiling of the restaurant.

I was surprised when I heard Hakam's words.

"You're a full-time servant? Isn't it just Sundays?!" I asked.

"Actually it was, but when I found out that the person I had to serve was Stevent. I immediately lost my enthusiasm, but Mr. Xander immediately asked me for a bigger fee and signed a contract. Because I needed money, so who cares? Unfortunately, I didn't know that on the paper was also written 'even in school time'." Hakam told with a sad face.

So that Earl is really sly person, but just let it be. I had expected this to happen. At least Hakam wasn't pressured by his work.

Before I knew it, the other teachers had finished performing. 'Damn, I missed their disgrace act!' I sighed to accept this lame fate.

After a long talk, those who had fainted had already awakened from their sleep

"What happened to me?"

They asked without any memory of when they were drunk.

Looks like the teachers are walking back. I'll join them later.

There is something I must do first.

"I'm going to the toilet!" I said goodbye to my students.

I wash my face at there. I'm actually sleepy right now. Partying into the night and being surrounded by so many people tired me out.

I looked in the mirror and wiped my wet face. At the same time, there was a girl with hair tied up like a ball reflected in the mirror.

I was surprised and turned my head, but in an instant, the girl immediately stepped toward me and held me with both of her hands.

"I can't wait any longer..." Dahlia spoke quietly.

Her face was already too red and she came closer to me.

It only took us about 1 cm to kiss.


Dahlia's flushed face suddenly disappeared and fainted and fell onto my chest.

Luckily I stayed calm and could think clearly. It would be terrible if she was found in the men's restroom.

Fastly, I threw her out of the window and left.

"This way it's settled." I clapped my hands and walked out to meet the teachers.

Don't worry, Dahlia is safe as long as my code is with her. I realized that once I broke Anitya's code, it couldn't be restored. The only way to get rid of it is to eliminate it(kill her).