Episode 38. Forced Date

Today is the day off after The Teacher Test. For 2 days, school is closed at once to give a time for students to prepare for their exams.

Today I took a walk in the city for a reason. The reason is still related to what happened last night.

That night right after I packed the suitcase, Astra immediately called me.

"Sir, what exactly happened to her? Did you use forbidden magic on Dahlia?!" Astra's voice is furious on the phone.

I could only freeze from nervousness. A Sweat dripped down from my face.

"I actually don't know what happened either, I just used the sealing magic on her. Nothing else, really!" I said shaking.

I really don't want this to happen either.

"Sealing? Is there really such magic? Isn't magic only consist of an element?" Asked Astra confused.

Maybe this is a good time to change the subject.

"You don't know? Wasn't there an update for Anitya last week?" I tried to change the subject even though my teeth were currently quivering.

"Update for Anitya?" Asked Astra confused.

"Oi oi, you are student council why do you miss this information? During my fight with Haran, you also saw a new type of pageblug that you never saw, right? Likewise, for Anitya, technology is one more step ahead," I said while trying to instigate him.

"Oh really, what's new in Anitya's update?"

Astra is completely sidetracked now. An evil smile formed on my face as it managed to distract him.

"Now magic not only consists of elemental but also strange magic like teleportation, gravity, sealing, and also many more that have not been identified has been added in Anitya's settings. Unfortunately, if you want to get magic like that, it's still very difficult." I said something seductive.

"So how do you get it?" Astra is interested.

"Next week is an exam for students. The top 10 students will get that one magic randomly. By the way, the distribution of 10 magics applies to all Podoagung students. So only 10 students from grades 1-3 are entitled to that magic." I teased him by leaking the prize from the upcoming exam.

"Really?! Ahh, why only 10 students?!" Astra was annoyed at the fact.

"Calm down, I believe you can! You are the greatest student council president!" I encouraged him.

But I realized one thing, my words were a reminder of the boy.

"Student... Student Council? Oh yeah, we're talking about Dahlia right?!" Astra shouted into the phone. "Why did it turn into a school exam?!"

My sweat, which had started to dry earlier, is now falling again.

"Ehe..." I chuckled.

"What the hell with that chuckled! Anyway, tomorrow you have to accompany Dahlia to go for a walk! I can say this is a 'forced date'!"

"Why do you call it a forced date?!"

"Because I had to let Dahlia date you!"

When I heard Astra's complaints, I immediately realized he was jealous right now. So Astra apparently...

"Oh... apparently you... je... a... lous..." I said that to tease him.

"Hey, it's not like that!"

"Then what, why are you so heavy-hearted when you say it?"

Astra suddenly fell silent.

"Listen, Mr. Rasyid! If I really find evidence that you are the one who made Dahlia like this. I will destroy you!" Astra's voice was so soft but very cold that can stab my neck.

He seemed to really like her, but he also realized that he had no right to decide who Dahlia liked. He really wanted to make whoever made Dahlia cry pay for what they had done.

And that's what happened last night. Astra told me to meet Dahlia at the town square to ask her to do something called a date.

Thanks to Erika back then, now I'm less frightened when I hear those words. If only Erika hadn't woken me up. Yesterday, I might have exploded in my empty house.

I walked to the square whose function had returned to normal.

Technology is too advanced. Even the square that was previously turned into an arena, returned to normal in just one night.

I saw Dahlia sitting alone on a park bench playing on her cell phone.

"H-hi." I greeted her nervously.

Dahlia turned her gaze towards me. Her face immediately turned very red when she saw my straight face.

"M-Mr Rashid, you really came?!" Her tone was shy.

"Of course, I always keep my promises," But I smile with a lie.

'Actually, I came here because I was forced.'

Dahlia who heard that was immediately happy and hugged me tightly.

"I feel relieved! I thought you would stay away from me after that incident." Dahlia said that while rubbing her cheek against mine.

I looked around me. I had a bad feeling of eyes all around me. The visitors who walked into the square glanced at me with disgusting faces.

They must have thought that I was a predator or a lolicon.

"He's with the schoolgirl?"

"Such horrible!"


"Tch! You damn schoolgirl lover!"

I could hear what they were saying even though it was just a whisper.

I wish I could pretend I didn't hear what they were saying. But the desire to wonder what they are talking about me is very high.

"Ahh, Dahlia! You are very close to that damn teacher!"

An annoying voice from a distance caught my attention. If I remember, it was the voice of my student, Sophia.

'So, there are many eyes on this date?'

"Ugh..." I looked up at the sky.

It's terrible, get forced to date, even now I got spied on by my students.

"Gosh, this would be big news if the school found out." (Stevent)

"Master, it's best not to do things that cause harm to others." (Hakam)

"Well, it seems Sophia has more and more rivals." (Moka)

"Fight, Mr. Rasyid!"(Gita)

The voices of my students are heard with the power of my long-distance hearing.

I'll pretend to play in the palm of their hand.

I held and stroked Dahlia's hair which was still rubbing her cheek against me.

"Where are we going now?" I asked with a smile.

"Huh? Didn't you set the schedule?" Dahlia let go of her hug and was confused.


I'm confused, didn't Astra say he would schedule a date and give it to Dahlia?

'Is this one of his vengeance moves?'

If so, then I'll have to improvise myself.

I flashed a bright smile at her. Her face reddened again and turned away.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. haha... ha, let's go shopping, shall we?" I give advice.

"Not start by watching a movie?" Dahlia tilted her head.

I shook my head with a doubtful smile. "Actually, I don't like watching movies."

"Oh... it seems that people's preferences are different, don't they?" Dahlia looked at me with a sweet smile.

After that, she walked a little away from me and pointed to a shopping center near the square. "Then let's just go there!" Cheerful but limp was depicted on her face.

"Hmm (nods), come on!" I walked after her.

Dahlia immediately embraced my hand as if she didn't want to let it go.

I had to walk like that to get to my destination?

The two of us entered the shopping center that Dahlia had chosen.

In inside was full of a sea of humans, and there is a crowd of people circling something.

"What happened there?" Dahlia said confused.

"Wanna see?"

I reflexively took the initiative to hold her hand. Her face blushed when I held that palm. But I ignored her and led her through into the crowd.

"Huh?! They even holding hands already?!" (Moka)

"H-holding hands?!" (Sophia)

"You are my best teacher!" (Gita)

Their voices rang out as I pulled Dahlia into the crowd.

"Hello everyone, this is a new version of pageblug! Not only can store one weapon data but TWO WEAPONS DATA AT SAMETIME!"

The salesman was promoting his pageblug while waving his pageblug up.

He showed off the pageblug by activating it. The first weapon form he made was an ordinary sword, then he deactivated it and reactivated it back. The second form of weapon formed is a bow.

Dahlia stared at the thing with sparkling eyes.

"Do you want it?!" I took the initiative when I saw her sparkle.

"Uh, can I?" She was surprised and turned to me.

I looked at the price list of the weapon. It was sold at a fantastic price. From the most expensive at 13 million Rupiah(684,2 USD) to the cheapest made especially for students is 1.3 million Rupiah(68,42 USD)

Maybe for ordinary people, it is still very expensive. But to me, the two prices from the most expensive to the cheapest are nothing to me. Because I have a lot of money but I don't know what to do with them.

But the problem now is, that Dahlia seems reluctant if I give a gift this expensive for a date that isn't even related at all.

"I don't think so, my old pageblug is still working fine." Dahlia declined my offer with a coy smile.

I looked at her with a slightly sad feeling. I think she will really do what I say.

Right now, she was different from the one I meet in the toilet yesterday. The one in the toilet not had some self-control, but now it looks like she still has.

"And for me, just being with you was enough for me." Dahlia turned her tomato face away.

"Just call me, Rasyid! It's not well called 'you' by my partner date." I feel bad about how she called me in this situation. "We're here for a date, aren't we?" I give my hand forward to her.

Dahlia answer my hand and make a warm smile. "Hmm(nods)"

We walked around the shopping center without buying anything. Even though I repeatedly saw her look like want to buy something, I had a feeling that she would refuse again.

Our date is almost over, dusk has accompanied us in this square. The two of us sat next to each other on the park bench.

"Today is so fun!" Dahlia smiled in satisfaction and leaned her head against me.

We both watched the sunset from there.

Even though a beautiful girl was leaning against my soul, I still didn't feel anything special.

I stared ahead blankly to an empty sky. 'How long will I go on like this?'

I keep trying to get out of the prison inside me. But I can't seem to, no progress at all, my heart did not change a single meter. I'm still the same, still cold and seeing humans just like any other living being who lives only to die.

"Rasyid, if I suddenly hugged you with a trembling body in fear. What would you do?" Dahlia said that with a sigh.

Dahlia's words made my eyes widen. Memories of the past haunt me, my body is instantly nervous and sweaty.

Unknowingly tears rolled down my face.

"Rasyid?" Dahlia looked at me in confusion.

Dahlia saw my ugly face because of tears.

she immediately let go of her hand and stood facing me.

'What will she do?!' my body readying itself.

But something unexpected happened.

She wiped the tears that fall from me with her handkerchief.

"Everything is fine, Rasyid." Dahlia smiled at me with hiding her tomato face.

"Forgive this teacher because fucked up, getting carried away in the past is something that adults always fear." I wiped my stupid-looking tears.

"Remember, it's just you and me here. No need to say like senior or junior, understand?!" Dahlia direct her index finger at me.

"Hmm(nods)." 'U' smile is can be seen on my face.

"And again..." Dahlia's voice came closer to my face.

I tried to dodge it but Dahlia held my backhead with her palm.

And then, our lips touched each other.

It's soft, the same like her.

It wet, the same like her.

Then, what is the difference?

Until a few seconds later, Dahlia took it off and her face was very red with embarrassment clearly visible.

"I love you..."