Episode 43. Frozen Heart

Erika and I were facing each other on the way home from school. Her face looked awkward because of something. She wanted to ask me but didn't dare say it.

"What's the matter..., Erika..." I asked calmly.

Erika who was silent immediately looked at me pitifully. "I heard that you were walking around with the girls from this school yesterday, is that true?" She asked nervously.

Information spreads very fast. I didn't think that this would become a rumor in just one day. But earlier, when I was with Haran, she didn't mention this at all. Maybe she doesn't care about romance stuff.

I lowered my head slowly and still wore a reassuringly flat face.

"Yes, why?" I asked back.

"Are you and her are dating?" Erika asked scratching her cheek with her hand.

Her blushing cheeks and shy look erased her tsundere behavior. She now looked like a dandere who just realized that she was on the losing team like in the manga.

"I refuse her..." I still haven't finished, but Erika's face suddenly widens with hope. "... But, she forced me to... I just did what she wanted..." Erika's hopeful face disappeared after I continued my words.

She looked away from watching my face.

I'll pretend I don't know what she's feeling right now. The pain inside her couldn't be cured just by my words.

"Why did you accept it?!" Erika shrugged her shoulders in a high-pitched voice

Her desperate face scared me. Right now her face looks so bad, that I don't even dare to look at her.

"She told me, let's treat our trauma together." I gave a brief excuse without feeling guilty or blushing.

Erika walked back 3 steps back with a sad face. Her hands clenched into fists holding her chest as she held back tears.

"Stupid!" Erika suddenly gave me a hard punch to the cheek.

I who saw the direction of the blow could only slightly ward off the attack. My feelings of guilt surfaced after a long time, unfortunately, I haven't gotten used to it yet.

Her face looked like she couldn't believe what I had done. She who tried to hit me instead fell to the floor because her attack was missed. His eyes were vacant, perhaps not even aware of what was in front of her.

"Stupid..." On the floor, Erika burst into tears.

I don't know what to do at a time like this. Usually, all I see is them with covered in blood while crying like Erika's current position.

The shaking in my hand suddenly happened. I saw my hands shaking like they were cold. 'What is this, why is it happening? Right now, it's a hot afternoon,' I thought at this point.

I don't know what happened, but I realized the shake wasn't from the cold temperature or anything. Rather it comes from my heart that feels guilty.

I walked slowly towards Erika who was lying down. She who was aware of my approaching presence tried to get up from her position and stood up. Her palm was faced to me to ask me to stop my intention.

I was silent after she signaled it.

"Why?" I said confused.

"No, it's too soon for me to be sad." Erika wiped her tears and forced herself to smile "You still haven't felt it... the true feelings from your heart... So, I hope one day... the one who opened the gap wasn't that girl or Sophia..." She pointed out her hand toward me in a stuttering tone.

Her eyes stared intently at my still gaping face. "...The one who will open the gap in your heart is me!" Erika continued her sentence with a serious face and pointed to herself.

'Eh?!' I said to myself because I was confused to see Erika.

I haven't done anything yet but she has recovered her temper very quickly. A feeling of envy came over me after seeing her able to do that.

"As long as your heart isn't open, I'll assume our fight isn't over yet." Her face smiled confidently. "Since this is a battle of the three of us, it is still continuing."

My face gaped in disbelief and subconsciously said something not related to my past. "The war of three kingdoms...?" I said quietly inadvertently.

Erika, who heard that, was immediately taken aback. But her lips that smiled confidently didn't go away, instead, she added my words.

"Yeah, it's like the war of the three kingdoms... But without the 4th kingdom(Jin). If that side shows up, then I'll destroy it," even though that word looked terrible, she didn't have bad intent in her words.

For me who's been trying to analyze this, it's just a normal human competition. I won't take it seriously.

The problem ended without me helping out.

After that, I immediately rushed to the principal's place.

I don't want anyone to disturb me on my way and say something unrelated to my life.

My promise must be fulfilled, but completing the mission for me is the most important thing. That is my life principle.

"Excuse me, may I come in?" I knocked on the principal's door.

The room lights are on. It's already night, I've wasted a lot of time because of earlier. The meeting that was supposed to be held after school at 3 pm turned into 6 pm.

"Come in, you're taking it too late!" Bahar allowed me while scolding my late arrival.

After getting permission to enter, I opened the door and entered the room. Bahar's annoyed face appeared on his face who was sitting in his chair.

But his desire to continue to scold me was immediately dispelled and focused more on his task.

"Next week...as you know, it's exam day for the students. We will have guests from the royal family. If I'm not mistaken, they are from the Tyas family. They will send their daughter to visit here." Bahar said while smoking his cigarette.

Hearing the name Tyas my mind immediately remembered something. But where? Leave it alone, later also remember yourself.

"Then...?" I asked confused.

"Unlike the president who must have bodyguards, Tyas' daughter will only come using her damn elegant car accompanied by her personal driver," Bahar answered my question.

"Therefore, we need some teachers to be her bodyguards when she is coming here," Bahar added.

"So...?" I added my question.

"Hah..., you never talk much but when you ask you never understand," he complained to me. "I originally wanted the top 10 who were at the time of the teacher test yesterday to be supervisors, but when I look, on average they are from your class and 3rd class. So I want to appoint a new face to be the supervisor, I'm sure the guests will get bored if I keep appointing the same people over and over again." Bahar raised a list of teachers' names at the Podoagung Fighter School.

"I want you to choose the names of the teachers who you think are worthy of being our guest bodyguards during the exam." His smile was seen when he raised the names.

I was surprised by Bahar's wish. "Why did you choose me?" I asked.

His face contorted after hearing me ask again. His hand held her forehead.

"Huh... do you need to ask why, Champion?" He mentioned my title which I got from the Teacher Test.

I honestly don't know where the title came from. Even though they never said that there would be a title award as well.

My eyes widened slightly then nodded understanding what Bahar said. My eyes returned to the paper containing the names and lists of the strengths of the teachers here.

There's a name underlined in blue there.

"Why is Xander's name underlined?" I asked, bringing my face closer to the paper he was still holding.

Bahar was surprised after hearing me ask again. This time his expression was in disbelief.

"Don't you know?!"


"Ah never mind, you'll find out for yourself when the exam takes place. Anyway, Xander's name will be automatically entered and you're also included in that, so choose only 8 people, got it!"

Puzzle again, I'm lazy with it. Whatever it won't affect me either.

"Okay, I'll choose it. Then what are you doing? Waiting for me?" I asked again while taking the paper he was holding.

Bahar took his suitcase and equipment to pack immediately. His face smiled at me while holding one shoulder.

"Of course going home! It's already too late," with a mocking smile he went home and left me.

I sighed, this happened because I came too late. He who waited for me all this time is proof that he really wants me to finish this alone.

I walked out of the room. The school was dark and the lights were starting to go out.

I sat alone in the school building. I turned on one room lamp to illuminate the paper he was given. I looked at the names of the teachers at the school one by one.

It will become a long night.