Episode 42. Profesionality is the Real Answer

School time is over, I left the classroom to the principal's office. That fat man called me there.

There were no other teachers I met on the street. Looks like they are still busy with exams.

'Fortunately, I was able to quickly finish my business.'

But my guess was not correct, the person I had forgotten to exist suddenly found out next to me, and was leaning on the wall of the classroom terrace.

"Long time no see, Rasyid Londerik." Haran greeted me mockingly.

I tried to ignore it and kept walking. But my hunch says otherwise, this person seems to be causing trouble if ignored.

I briefly turned my body and looked at the face of the woman in her 30s. She looked satisfied after I tried to listen to her.

"What?" I asked.

"You don't have to say much, I'll explain." She finally let go of her lean and stood up straight with her arms crossed. "Sorry if I am late to realize, you're not working for that person anymore?" asked the woman while looking at me intently and smiling wryly at me.

"Hmm (nods)," I replied.

"I see, then why do you still want to listen to that old lady?"

"Just consider yesterday was my part-time job," I lie naturally as breath.

"I see, so basically you're still working for her?" Haran wielded her pageblug and could attack me with a surprise at any moment.

"If I don't think it's necessary, then I'll refuse. Amounts zero in your money is how I will react, even though I never use them. They even pile up in the bank." I answered honestly.

"Money money money... So, now you're more like a mercenary, huh?" Haran held her chin with an annoyed expression.

"You could say that!" I just answered.

Upon hearing that, her eyes widened limply. Her mouth tried to smile as she thought of a plan.

"If it's true you're a mercenary, will you do something for me as long as there is money," she asked with a grin.

I don't know what this 30-year-old grandma will do. But I try to go with the flow and just let myself dance in the palm of her hand.

I sighed and tried to lean my body against the wall. I crossed my arms and looked at the woman with a piercing gaze.

"What, who, where, how, why, and how much?" I answered flatly.

"I ask you to take Princess Tyas Anjani's engagement ring which is in her big house. Do it secretly, do not get caught. I need that rare agate ring for my Anitya magic research. I will open prices starting from 20 million(1.357,40 USD)." She looked down at me.

"If I get caught?" Ask if there is something unexpected.

I have to confirm this one. Right now, I'm not someone who has to just kill my target, but the terms of the mission must also be followed.

"I just hope that doesn't happen, but you're too cautious, so I'll tell you." Her eyes were closed with a happy expression. "Just kill her! The one who gets blamed is will be Nova." Her laughter was heard from there.

What the woman said was true. If there was a murder incident, then Nova would become the first suspect. Because of all the people in this city who had subordinates that could be used to execute people was only Nova.

Fajri's incident does not involve Nova either because the man has a missing status at this time.

But I have to think about it carefully. If I fail and kill the target, then Nova will notice that I'm working for someone else. Even though I'm already half free from that granny, but that doesn't mean I can just wander around being a hitman. There are consequences if I violate.

Using the power of CODE is also not the right choice. What happened to Dahlia will also happen again.

'This is a troublesome mission.' I massaged the area between my eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." I finally made a decision.

"Huh, it turns out you can't if it's not that old lady, huh? What's the difference between slave if you still can't be free?" Haran's expression contorted in disappointment.

The mission she gave me was too risky for me. If I get caught I'll be crushed, and if I succeed it won't be much. Rejection is the right choice for now.

"Never mind, forget about that. I wanted to tell you the real reason I spoke to you." She changed the subject.

So that was just a topic made up of my boasting, huh? Again, my boasting makes a long problem.


"It seems that you also know the truth about this exam, am I right?" She turned her gaze to the garden in front of the classroom.

So she knew that too, but that didn't surprise me. She was the strongest person in this school before.

"Hmm." I nodded in response yes.

"The prizes from the top 10 exams this time, look different than before. Usually, they only get the latest version of the pageblug and guarantee they can choose the university they want. This time, they only get Anitya's version upgrade. How valuable or powerful is the magic created by the latest version of Anitya? ?" She said that while leaning her body against the wall in front of the class.

By the way, the class behind us is a reserved class in case something unexpected happens like last week's incident.

The woman slowly turned to me with a questioning face. "What do you think Nova's plans are this time, Rasyid?" She expected me to provide free information.

"She's just jealous of Halim's advances in pageblug technology," I said flatly.

This is valid information but not very influential. Tells her also no one gains or loses.

She couldn't help but laugh when she heard that.

"Ha-ah hahaha, so that old lady also understands the meaning of envy, apparently?" Haran laughed out loud.

It was the first time I saw her laughing at that old lady with such a laugh. The incident about the fate of her son/sister 'I don't really remember.' come into my mind. She seemed to be releasing her anger and turning it into satisfaction.

"Hahaha ha ha....ha, I didn't know she was like that. So my attempts to question you about Nova's hidden plans only turned out like this?! What a waste of time." She laughed while offending me.

"Why are you laughing with me?" I thought of that.

She should hate me even just looking at me, will make her feel uncomfortable. Then why is she talking to me like a casual chat?

Haran stopped her smile but her expression was still relaxed.

"Calm down, you're a victim of Nova's slavery. And you weren't the culprit who killed my sister either, were you? The culprit was Nova's guinea pig that exploded at school at that time, and now she's dead. There's no way I can take revenge on a dead person, especially to someone who is also a victim." Haran smiled loosely while holding back her sadness remembering that person I just remembered that she was her sister.

"I am also a 3rd-year teacher, especially in magic class. Professionalism must also be in me, no matter how much I hate you because you are that old lady's subordinate. You are still my junior and also one of us right now." She lowered her head while putting on a guilty face.

After saying that, Haran stood up straight and faced me. "Sorry if I offended you, but remember I'm keeping an eye on your actions." She narrowed her eyes while asking for a handshake.

I answered with her handshake. Her face hates me because she still puts on Nova when she shakes my hand.

After shaking hands, she turned around and prepared to go back to the teacher's room. But before that, she turned her head towards me while saying. "If there is a problem, you can also ask me. Remember, I am also your senior. Helping my juniors is also my duty," after saying that she continued her steps to the teacher's room.

I just stared blankly at the woman's back which was getting further away.

She still misunderstood the events of the Summer of Fire. She also misunderstood the child who died at that time.

'The child is not dead, he was in front of you earlier.' What expression will she put on when I say it.

But I better keep my mouth shut. As long as the problem is gone, that's enough for me. After all, she said she would not bring up those times with me.

I thought my problem with Haran was over, but her grudge against me was still there. I'll take that as a matter of course.

Not because I'm that granny's subordinate, but because I've made class 3 magic fall into the abyss of ranking during the Teacher Test. It's really hard to imagine, a class that was always at the top suddenly dropped to the bottom 2nd rank.

The sound of other class students coming out of the classroom and walking home indicated that the other teachers had finished giving additional lessons.

I stood up straight from that wall.

I mumbled and stared at the road to the principal's office.

Talking to Haran had taken up a lot of my time.

"Mr. Rasyid...." Someone called me from behind.

Her hair braided and pushed to the front of her shoulders reminded me of something I had forgotten.

"Erika...?" I looked at the teacher with a sigh.

Come on, I just want to go to the principal's office.