Episode 41. The Real Key of Answer

2 days off after the Teacher Test has ended. Now it's time to go back to school to prepare the students for the exams.

I'm currently standing in front of the class explaining a few things about magic.

"As you know, every people only has 2 magic elements after Anitya's injection."

"How these elements occur is not random, but behavior also plays a role."

"Because on average people are injected with Anitya when they are over 5 years old, most of them have the element of fire because their enthusiasm for finding meaning in their lives is still very high."

"Opposite of the fire element, the ice element is obtained when the nature of the candidate to be injected by Anitya is quiet. That's why rarely anyone has that element."

"Some teachers who have the element of ice got it because they were adults by then and were already feeling irritated with life, even after the Summer of Fire. Many of them had lost their purpose in life."

"Although normally everyone only has 2 elements, there are special conditions where people have 3 elements at once."

"Madu Haran is one of them, she has 3 elements not because it is special. But because the water element in her is a combination of ice that melts due to the heat of the fire. Unfortunately, Haran still needs time to do it before completely releasing the water element."

"There's also a special condition where Fighters can't use their elements at the same time."

"That happens to the elements of water and fire. The two opposing elements will evaporate after being released simultaneously. Likewise, with fire and earth, the earth element will kill the element of fire when released simultaneously. And for the elements of electricity and earth have their own special conditions, the electric element won't come out if it's emitted along with the earth, but it can still be used with the earth if the earth magic has been cast first. If I remember, the person who used that concept was the teacher of the 1st year physical 3 class, Marika Tasya. She made a sword out of the ground and shrouded its lightning element. When I remember that time, I saw her make the sword first then she combined it with the other element."

"Wind elemental has a special case, they can blend into all elements except darkness and light. Because of its use to strengthen the power of other elements, the element of wind is often only used as a support element. Unfortunately, users of the wind element that unite with the elements of light or darkness must be smart to use the wind element as their main element. Their attacks must be stronger than their opponent's attacks, otherwise, their attacks will only strengthen their enemy's attacks."

"If you want to know more easily how the 2 elements work, more or less like this,

Water × Fire : destroyed

Water × Ground : Turned into mud(Fire resistance: +4×, frost resistance: -4×, and absolute loss of resistance to electrical elements.)

Water × Ice : Water will strengthen Ice(Can freeze)

Water × Electric : Water will help spread electric magic.

Water × Wind: Wind can help create a water tornado as I did against Kasuarta Lodo.

Water × Darkness/Light : No effect.

Fire × Earth : Earth will turn off fire magic when cast together, if cast alternately then nothing special happens.

Fire × Ice : Will form another element(Water)

Fire × Electricity: Electricity will amplify fire attacks.

Fire × Wind: Wind can help spread fire and can even create a terrible firestorm if the user understands what are they doing.

Fire × Darkness/Light : Same as water, no effect.

Earth × Ice: Because they are both defensive elements, then if the two of them are combined they will form a very strong defense.

Earth × Electric : Earth will turn off electricity when released simultaneously, and nothing special happens when cast alternately.

Earth × Wind: Will create a sandstorm that damages the eyes. (Should not be used during a duel.)

Ground × Darkness : Thickens the black smoke that comes out.

Earth × Light : Nothing happened.

Ice × Electric: Just like water, ice will spread electricity. But the effects of these 2 elements will be very fatal when hit by an opponent, you should be careful when using them.

Ice × Wind: Raise the temperature of the ice-cold.

Ice × Darkness : The black smoke that comes out will be cold.

Ice × Light: Makes light shine and makes it difficult for the user's steady speed.

Electric × Wind: Will make even the slightest thunder combined.

Electric × Darkness : Clashes and destroys dark magic slowdown.

Electric × Light: Increases speed gain in Light magic.

Wind × Darkness: Widen the black smoke that comes out.

Wind × Light : Nothing happened.

Darkness × Light: Cannot be released simultaneously, if the light is released first then the darkness element will destroy the effect of the light element, but if darkness comes first then the enemy will slow down and you will speed up."

"There are also special conditions that have recently been discovered, such as

Light × Light: Then it will create gold plates that can be used to tear the opponent's skin."

I have explained this at length to my students. They all seem to be listening, but I'm not sure it's all in their brains.

As I sat back down in my chair, my eyes fell on each one of them.

Of all the students I looked at, there were around 15 students whose minds were all over the place including, Sophia and Stevent. That's half the number of this class.

'Huh... It didn't work, did it?' I sat down and sighed.

The lessons I gave were still difficult for them to understand. I'd better distract them with something they really like.

"Listen, everyone, exams will take place next week. I hope you guys study hard. Don't embarrass this school, this is the most prestigious school in your country..." I tapped on the table and looked seriously at the students.

They got even more scared, but that's what I thought. Then it's the right time for me to do it.

"You know, the top 10 of all classes 1-3 will get a new Anitya's update," I said with a sly smile.

The frightened students suddenly looked at me in disbelief. My plan worked, all of them who were dispirited straightened themselves again.

"Anitya update?!"

"New power?!"

"But, earlier you said only for the top 10 out of all classes 1-3. Does that mean, we also compete with classes 2 and 3?" Hakam questioned me carefully.

The students who were excited earlier returned to despair after hearing Hakam's question.

"We can't possibly compete for intelligence or strength of the 3rd-year student." One of the students lowered his head sadly.

It was all planned, my mouth curled up, and looked at them proudly. "In this exam, not only your intelligence and strength are judged, but also your morale..." I pointed at the class with a proud smile.

The class was silent, but after that, the distraught students looked back at me questioningly.

"Morals, you mean?"

I closed my eyes confidently. "If all the scores of the strength and intelligence test were put together, it would be a score of 50%. So, as for the scores from your moral test, it would amount to..." My eyes opened with a sharp gaze and a defiant smile.

"A moral test score of 50%? How can that be? Isn't this a prestigious school that only looks for talented people?!" Stevent stood up in shock as he pounded his desk.

I looked at Steven with the same look.

It turns out that is the secret of this school, the students are not aware of it at all. I didn't even notice it at first either, the other teachers didn't seem to have been told about this either.

Last semester's test scores always confused me, their grades all dropped. Even for people as smart as Sophia, Moka, and Stevent at the same time get a pathetic score.

Something this school had been hiding for so long, something even the teachers didn't know. Maybe only that person knows, my eyes remember Bahar's image.

"This is a prestigious school and has the smartest students, then why are we teachers teaching you who already have academics and physiques that are above the average of normal students in general. What's all that for, after all, you also get all your scores from the results study on your own instead of listening to your teacher, right?" I stood banging on the digital board.

The students in the class were wide-eyed. Their hopeful eyes were on me. They finally realized what I meant.

"This school is actually not meant to strengthen your understanding of science and physics. Rather, it aims to strengthen your understanding of ethics! Who needs a smart student but they are arrogant?! Who needs smart students but they are so passive?! Who needs a smart student when they just shut their mouth when someone need help? Who needs people who are restrained by the so-called rules of themselves?!" I gave a lecture to them.

"Top 10 is not difficult when you understand what morals, ethics, and manners are." I kicked back the board while holding my breath. "Then when the exam will begin, you're all definitely can do it, my students!" I opened my voice and said plainly.

The confidence and enthusiasm of my student have returned, they are clenching their fists with a definite purpose. Victory in the exams will be theirs this semester.

"I can do it!" One of the fat student raised his clenched fist up.

The other students also started following him one by one, until the whole class raised all their fists. The class became very crowded, probably disturbing other classes as well.

The satisfied me immediately looked at them with expectant eyes. I can't help my proud smile, this is the beginning of you guys shining.


The class bell rang signaling the end of class.

"Then, see you again... Next week," I said while saying goodbye.

The students who were too excited didn't realize the meaning of my words. I could only express it with a straight face and went to the principal's office.

Meanwhile in class 1 physical 2, the class that Xander taught.


The voice from Rashid's class sounded so lively that it made Xander confused and disturbed.

"What did that teacher do?!" Xander crossed his arms and went back to explaining his exam plans.

Of course, what he was planning was how to increase his physical strength and academic ability, without mentioning morals at all.