Episode 40. The Arjuna

Astra's eyes stared sharply at me. The bow was pointed at me like it was going to shoot me. But unfortunately, his courage was blocked by his shaking hands.

I looked at him as if I knew what he meant. Does he want to solve the problem with the pride of man way or something else?

"You want to duel against me?" I looked straight at the boy's sharp face.

Anger, sadness, jealousy, and envy mixed within him. He wanted to get rid of that feeling just by fighting me.

Unfortunately, I don't think that's enough to get rid of it but at least he's trying. Then I will accept the challenge.

"Yes, I will duel with you, but not duel in a formal way but in the way of wild warriors like!" Astra clenched his other hand.

Duel formally and wildly is not much different. What makes them different is where they take place. If a formal duel is carried out in an arena, then a wild duel can be done anywhere, it can even carry bets within the fight.

My previously flat eyes sharpened when I heard his words. It was something that a schoolboy shouldn't say. Wild duels don't look what they look like, it's more than that.

I'll just keep my mouth shut for now.

"Okay, but where do you want to fight? Is it here?" I said while joking a little.


An arrow shot right at the next of my neck. Maybe if I move a little to the side, I'll get stabbed in the neck with that thing.

The boy's eyes haven't changed at all. His bow had not yet been lowered, indicating that he really wanted to be here.

"If that's what you want, fine." I took my pageblug out of my pocket and activated it.

My face trying not to get carried away seriously, I forced a smile, and I pointed my curved sword at him. "I'm just reminding you, this will be very hurt!" I looked at this kid disappointed. 'He's trying to challenge me in an alley like this, where it's clear the bow will be at a loss.'

We both stared at each other to wait for one of us to make a move. But it seemed impossible, he was too wary to go forward.

'Well, if you so cautious!'

I jumped on the wall and ran over it. A charge attack will be used to open the battle.

'Gotcha!' I slashed my sword at him.

Suddenly when I got close to him a dark fog of smoke blinded my vision. The hallway that had minimal sunlight was now completely devoid of light.

My mouth subconsciously smiled seeing his plan. 'So this is why he chose this place?' I had misjudged it.

He was actually called the Student Council President not only because of his agility but also his cleverness in coming up with a plan. I thought at first he was just fighting blindly because it was a matter of the heart.

My ears deftly noticed that an arrow was shot at me. One of my hands I pointed in the direction the arrow appeared.


The arrow was instantly shattered by the earthen shield I made just as the arrow shot past my palm.


3 arrows came after the first arrow.

'Troublemaker!' I deactivated my curved sword and raised both hands to prepare to block the attack.


The entire passage was covered with a thick lump of ground so that the arrows could no longer pass through.

"Those were not arrows, but wind magic," I said while patting my dirty palms.

As expected, that one was just a bait attack. Because the real thing is for the actual attack.


Astra was right above me and kicked from above.

I turned my body and held the high jump kick with both of my hands. The sound of the crackling of broken bones rang out in my hand.

"Utilizing the passageway to dangle upwards and make a surprise attack, it's amazing. Unfortunately, that doesn't suit your role as an archer, Arjuna!" I looked at him with a satisfied smile.

He was too calm during the fight, his eyes just stared at me without answering.

Even though I had provoked him, but he was not consumed at all.

"Your silence is pissing me off!" I pushed Astra who was still above me.

He was thrown up but quickly his hands caught the iron that was in the alleys to use to hang.

He spun like a circus and jumped up. He took out his bow and aimed it at me.


A wave of black wind shot out from his bow which he shot.

My slowed movement made my right arm that I usually use to hold a weapon got hit.

When I get hit, I notice something, usually in battle. I am the calm one and my enemy is talking a lot. But now, in this fight, I'm too much talking than fighting. Was there a spell he used that made me talk a lot?

What can I do, if this continues, I will lose. I'd better take advantage of Astra's plunging condition to land on the ground instead.

I stomped my foot on the ground.


A tornado of water shot up and became very dense. The object is formed to be tapered until becomes a needle.

The water continued to spurt upwards until it pierced Astra who was unable to control himself in the air.


Astra's body got stabbed by the water.

As a good teacher, I brought down Astra slowly with the water I spat out earlier.

His exhausted face as well as a hole in his body was trying to stand up forcefully.

He slowly stood up, catching his breath. His right hand holds his injured left hand. The glasses he was wearing were broken on the floor. His bow was thrown far behind him.

I stared blankly at that poor boy, he didn't look dangerous anymore.

The battle will end, but that's if it's a formal fight. In fact, this is a wild duel.

I advanced towards Astra and kicked him with my earth elemental foot.


I threw him aside to the wall and crashed at the trash can at the side of the hall, his cheeks swollen from my kick.

But he still hasn't given up. He got up and limped away from me.

I relentlessly advanced after him. I used a hard kick and hit him right in the back.

Astra fell back to the ground.

"I'm going to end this," I said flatly.

I took out my pageblug and activated it. I will stick a curved sword that is shaped like an Arabian sword into the back of the fallen Astra's body.

While trying to stab my blade, my eye locked on his eye. His mouth that had been gaping open from exhaustion suddenly smiled.

I who realized that immediately dispelled my intention to stab him and jumped backward.

'Damn, no time!'

My chin was hit by his leg kick.

Astra returned to his feet with a badly injured body. Despite that, his face had a satisfied smile on his face. He was happy to do it, he was happy to have tried it.

His mouth slowly opened wide. "AHHHHHHHH!" The scream that came out of his mouth emitted very powerful wind magic.

My body was carried by the wind to the back.

So this was the reason why he had been silent all this time. He was gathering wind magic from his mouth to shoot at me.

'Sasuga, Student Council President. Even though you're sly but you're smart! I said in my heart while smiling by closing my eyes even though I was being thrown back by the strong wind.

"But this is not your victory!" My eyes opened wide and cast earth magic behind me.


My body crashed into the dirt wall I made and landed on the ground because of it.

"Ahh... ahh... ahh..." I was exhausted from fighting him.

When I tried to look ahead, Astra had already taken his bow and was ready to shoot me.

"This is my victory, sir. Do it, Gandhiwa!" Astra let go of the bowstring.

The arrows shot toward me in a very beautiful way. It shone in the darkness of the passage. Its beauty left me speechless in awe.


The arrow pierced right beside me.

I can only glance at his awesome arrows.

"I lost, really lost." I stood up and declared my defeat.

Nothing is more shameful than being pitied by your enemy.

He did not shoot me right in the head or neck. So it means, I am too suck to get an honor defeat.

For the first time, I was defeated in a beautiful way. As the result of this duel, I completely lost without letting my opponent win.

Astra's face was smiling with relief drawn there. He limped towards me but failed and fell.

I held him who was about to fall using both my hands.

"Congratulations son, your strength and your love have won." I congratulated him.

"It-it's nothing, I-I won b-because it's a wild duel!" Astra lowered his head over my hand holding his body.

"Woi woi..., did you forget? I'm a wild fighter... I should be the one who should have the advantage this time. But fate says otherwise, right now you are victorious against me, even in my own field."

"Th-thank you..."

"So what do you want? Remember this is a wild duel, obviously, there is a bet. If you want me to stay away from Dahlia maybe I'll think about it."

"No, it's n-no need. All I want is 'don't hurt her...' Th-that's all I want."

My mouth paused for a while.

"You really are a gentleman, Astra."

Astra's body fainted from the wound I had inflicted.

I pay my respects to him, he is a truly responsible leader.

"Who is there!" The police voice from behind me startled me.

My body casually stared ahead and prepared to flee. For me, this is a common thing in a wild duel.

I lifted Astra's body away from this place and took off from the hallway which was dark and messy from our fight.