Episode 45. The Sangkuni

On the same morning as Rasyid was motivating his students, in a place that was used as the headquarters of an information-selling organization, SANGKUNI.

Someone neatly dressed in a suit and tie, short hair neatly combed to the right, and sitting on the chair of the meeting.

Along with 6 other people, he lead over the hidden and poorly lit meeting.

"Alright, let's start our meeting. First, how's your company doing?" The leader who we will call as 'The Sangkuni' asked something to the other 6 people with a grin.

"Of course, everyone is doing shit, am I right...?! Hahaha, there's no way you guys came here when things were fine, right?" A terrible laugh he accompanies as he says it.

However, the meeting members just stared at the person in silence. The person who chaired the meeting must have been very influential. Even the conglomerates bow to him.

Satisfied with a laugh, he continued his meeting. "Secondly, do you know about rainbow agate?"

The meeting members looked confused and looked at each other. Until finally, one of them raised his hand.

"Rainbow agate, it's a stone that has many colors, right. The various colors make it have a high price." The man smiled optimistically at the Sangkuni.

The other meeting members just looked confused at what the person said. Many of them do not know what it is. It can't be helped, they are not native from the Nusantara but foreigners who come here just to do business. Hearing the name agate alone has made them confused.

The Sangkuni laughed out loud when he heard the statement from the person who had been brave to explain it. "Hahahaha ha ha, that's right. Agate is very expensive, the more colorful it is, the more expensive it is. But apart from that, the stone also has other powers." He stood up and began to circle the meeting members.

The members were just silent while holding back the sweat that fell on their faces. It felt like there was a heavy pressure that made them unable to speak or fight against that person.

"Agate not only has a high price but also strength." The Sangkuni walked over to the first meeting member who sat nearby.

His face approached the person from behind to his ear as if he wanted to whisper something.

"But also, a power that can surpass Anitya," he said softly in the ear of his first meeting members.

After that, he continued his speech and walked over to the second meeting members. "Anitya's technology is strong, but as we know it."

He arrived at the second meeting members and did the same as the second meeting members. "Anitya still has a weakness."

Now his pace slowed down a bit towards the third meeting members. "As you witnessed yesterday, during the Teacher Test in Ningru city held in the city square. Suddenly, the headmaster stopped the fighting during the final attack of the fighter."

He came behind the third meeting members. In contrast to those who were whispered. The third meeting member was only surrounded by him from behind.

"What do you think? Why did that thing was happened" His head came close to the face of the third meeting members while asking.

He returned to his position while walking toward the fourth meeting member who was at the opposite table.

"Isn't that strange? Isn't Anitya a technology that is expected to be perfect?" He shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms questioningly.

"Then why, why does the fight need to be stopped?" He said as he walked over to the fourth meeting member who was already near.

"Is it because of the fear that someone will be killed by a magic made even of Anitya's own power?" He stared with an angry expression at his fourth meeting members.

After that, he stopped and walked behind the 4th, 5th, and 6th meeting members. He started to take a rest position on the spot.

"Aren't you conglomerates unhappy with this technology?" The Sangkuni began to smile slyly from there.

"You can't get rid of business opponents, not even a janitor!" He wore an annoyed expression.

Anitya's existence is like a double-edged sword to them, the conglomerates are starting to lose their power. Even the royal family that has the power is bowing to this technology.

The existence of Anitya made many companies go bankrupt because a lot of their data was scattered. Starting from the theft of projects, cash, and information they can't stop. Even people who work as janitors though often caught doing that thing.

Back when Anitya was still not around, they just needed to take action against them with fake accidents as the heaviest punishment and fired as the lightest punishment. But obviously, the harshest punishment that was carried out for keeping the information could not be carried out because Anitya was currently protecting them.

The meeting members got annoyed and clenched their fists. Their expressions were like they couldn't stand the urge to hit someone.

Meanwhile, the Sangkuni laughed out loud seeing their annoyed expressions.

"Relax, though, there's a way to make your wish to do that come true." He said while walking slowly to the fifth meeting member who was the one who answered earlier.

"That agate, the stone currently owned by the Noble Family, the Tyas Family!" He screamed behind her.

"The family already knows the power of the stone, so under the president's orders. The Tyas family keeps all the rainbow agates in their palace!" He shouted loudly towards the sixth meeting members without even approaching him.

One of the members was the first member that was brave to ask. "Didn't you say earlier, during the Teacher Test battle... Does it have anything to do with this?" His body shook violently.

Not a confused face that the Sangkuni put out, but a face that smiled sinisterly. He pointed towards the first meeting members.

"Bingo, like I said. Anitya isn't perfect, therefore. Some of Anitya's elemental powers can kill that person." He spoke proudly in a sinister tone.

The first meeting members still dared to ask further. "Isn't that the easiest way to kill someone? Why use agate?" His body was still shaking violently.

The members started staring at each other. The Sangkuni just smiled madly.

"Are you stupid or what? If we do that, it will leave traces? Anyone that connected to Anitya will not be able to deceive the goddess." He glared at the man.

Suddenly the person bowed his head in sweat and felt afraid because he had asked.

"Every move, step, the food we eat, even the lives we have lost will be recorded by the goddess!" The Sangkuni spread his arms and tried to ask them in a loud voice.

"That's why we must use that agate. If we combined it into our pageblug, it can kill a life without being detected by Anitya's power!" He began to circle the meeting members slowly.

"Don't you, want your intentions to be hidden?!" His eyes began to slowly close as he looked from the first to the sixth meeting members.

The meeting members started nodding their heads indicating that they had understood the point.

"Then what should we do to get the stone?" Ask the third meeting members.

The Sangkuni with his devilish smile opened a hologram screen containing the latest news. In the news, it was written that Putri Tyas would visit Podoagung School during the exam as a VIP guest.

The meeting members widened their eyes knowing what he meant.

"We can force Princess Tyas to hand over the stone to us?" Say by asking the fifth meeting member.

The other meeting members could only hold their foreheads. They felt ashamed at his stupidity.

"Why?" He looked at the other meeting members in confusion.

The meeting members did not explain at all, but the Sangkuni walked over to the person.

"Have you forgotten, what happened to your wife and child?" The Sangkuni grabbed the man's shoulders from behind and whispered it in his ear.

His eyes widened with a blank stare. He understood the meaning of Sangkuni. What happened to his family was...

"We have to do it, that way!" He pounded the conference table and agreed to the plan.

The other meeting members also nodded in agreement, for the sake of the continuity of their company. They are willing to do this dirty thing.

But all of that is actually just the instigation of the Sangkuni.

The meeting room is now empty, the meeting members are ready to carry out their plans.

He was silent in the dark room only accompanied by the light from the hologram. His mouth opened slightly. "What a fool... hi hi hi hihihihi!" He laughed madly alone in the room.

"Cìkè Nǚwáng, we will meet again..."