Episode 46. Document of 'Summer of Fire' 2

"Humans have successfully evolved, now they are immortal."

"But if they are immortal, then nothing can stop their evil scheme..."

"I have to make an Anti-Anitya to prevent it from happening!"

"There must be someone I make as executioner to clear that evil scheme!"

"Someone who can kill thousands of lives without any feelings of guilt!"

"Someone who has lost her/his humanity!"

"Someone who has let go of what love is!"

"Sooner or later I have to find that kind human!"

"But who?!"

"I don't want to sacrifice innocent humans!"

"They will call me a devil like that old lady if do that!"

"I have to use someone who won't get me into the criminal record if I destroy it!"

"Is it possible?!"

"Maybe I can use one of the two of them?!"

"It's a bit evil, but for the sake of my research!"

"I will do anything!"

The recorder ends there.

I took off the earphones that I plugged into my laptop to hear what was in the flash disk was contained.

But it seems this is just a voice note from my brother. He was strange, not willing to sacrifice other people he did not know but instead sacrificed his own family.

I who had gotten used to his madness still couldn't even bear this pain. His madness seems to have gone beyond that.

I chose another file that was in that flash disk. There are several sound and video files. I'll just open the sound file first. This will make it easier for me to mentally restrain myself instead of watching the video. The thumbnail alone makes me shake my head.

I tried pressing the second file.

"If humans are like this, then who will stop them?"

"One executioner is not enough!"

"But if I make a few more, then there will be a conflict between the executioners."

"They have indeed lost their temper!"

"But, they are still human! One day they will definitely recover their mentality!"

"Then what?!"

"What should I do!"

"Something controlling all of this?!"

"What's that called?!"

"I forgot, something that sees the whole world and knows all of our sins!"

"Ah, yes...!"

"There it is!"

"A God!"

"I'll just make something like that!"

The recorder stops here.

My eyes widen in disbelief, he's even trying to get in there. To the forbidden place.

My body shook violently after hearing that, I was trying to press the next file so I wasn't sure. But I insisted on doing it.

This is my goal! I have to know the purpose! Because that is my life goal!


I press the mouse and press the third record.

"Ah, this project is almost a success!"

"I can control life, see privacy, even detect someone's wounds!"

"This is miraculous!"

"I'm like a God who rules the world!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Alright, as a prelude to the celebration of the fixation of this technology!"

"I'll try to use it on him!"

"BRAK!" The sound of the door rang on the recorder.

"Who are you?!"

"Oh, it's you!"

"What are you doing here?!"

"GRAKK!" The sound of a loud bang from the wood sounded on the recorder.

Even though I was just listening, I could tell it was trying to attack Nazrul who was recording this.

"How dare you!" Nazrul's voice was heard while activating his pageblug.

"BRAK! BROK! BANG! BANG BANG BANG!" The sound of wood hitting Nazrul's pageblug 2 times was followed by Nazrul trying to attack but was restrained, followed by the sound of fireballs shooting 3 times at the intruder.

Who is the intruder?! He seemed to know him so well.

"TWO! TANG TANG TANG CANG?" Sounds like a building collapsing.

The sound of things burning followed after. What happened?!

"Who sent you?!"

"Wait, your weapon?!"

"Could it be her?!"

"Fuck you, Nova!"

"You betrayed me!"

"Even tried to kill me with a weapon I made with my hard work!" He gulped without minding the fight.

"Don't you know, that I need to sacrifice 2 people who love each other to make that thing?!"

"That thing can even protect their mas-(cut off suddenly)"

Nazrul's voice completely disappeared from the record. But the record is still running, and then the sound of footsteps approaches.

"When you find out, quickly find me. Kill me!" The voice of someone I know.

Who's he? I recognized him, but his voice was too blurry because of the fire in the room. Did the room crumble until the roof was gone? I could hear the wind blowing loudly in my ears.

The record stops there.

I massaged the part between my eyes. The mental fatigue after hearing that was still unbearable.

There's one more file recorder, I'll hear about it. 'This is the last one, okay?' I said in my heart to myself.


"Pageblug is an item made by someone who is currently running for governor of East Dawa."

"That thing is so great, it brings the fantasy in us to life!"

"Humans returned to their original nature because of that!"

"They're hurting each other again...! AGAIN!"

"Unfortunately, it's still weak. And now I'm being asked to fix it."

"Working for someone other than her, I might sound like a traitor."

"But money is still money, hahahaha!"

"Maybe I'll give her a present so she doesn't kill me."


The sound of the recorder seemed to stop.


The voice suddenly changed again.

"Done, at last! It is really done!"

"A Perfect Pageblug!"

"This thing can create weapons according to our imagination!"

"Unfortunately, this contains only one record of weapon data."

"And the only ones who can upload that data are only people who have CITRA."

CITRA are chips that are usually only owned by pageblug sellers to make weapons according to buyer requests.

"Alright, the recorder on pageblug is done."

"I also have to give her this special pageblug as my apologies!"

"If you ask what this is from?"

"So I'll say, it's made of souls of... Both of my parents!"

My eyes widen after hearing that. Cold sweat covered my whole body. I almost lost consciousness again.

The thing my brother made was again using her own family as a test. So that's the reason, the reason why suddenly both my parents died suddenly.

As I recall, my brother Rizki once said he would finish this as soon as possible before leaving me who was still in school at that time.

But when they got home, they were both still at home.

Then the distance between the last and previous recorders is quite long, and the placement is reversed.

This is known from how in the previous recorder, the room in that place was shattered to ashes, and Nazrul just disappeared.

("When you find out, hurry up, find me, and kill me!") The words on the recorder made me think.

What really happened? Why did that person want to be killed after completing his task?

"Ah....!" Tired of this, I closed my laptop and walked over to my bed.

Loneliness in this house happened again, he suddenly disappeared again. Maybe I should look for it?

No, I don't think so! We had a big fight after that incident. Maybe our relationship is back to normal. Like not knowing each other but living together.

"What should I do, Jauhari?" I suddenly said his name.

Should I just let it go and focus on my work as usual?