Episode 47. Prince in the Cage pt. 1

Today I did not go to school, but to the mayor's office. Taking the bus, I got there on time.

While walking through the hall, there was a person in formal dress and has a long hair. We passed by without greeting each other.

Until finally, I arrived at the door of the mayor's room.

Knock knock

The sound of knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Nova let me in.

I looked sick after getting a call from her. In fact, I didn't want to come because I just fell asleep after continuing to hear documents from her. Around 3 AM in the morning I just fell asleep. But she cleverly got me here on my own initiative. Unfortunately, my eyes are now very sleepy.

She said that this meeting would have something to do with my school. Students' lives are at stake if I ignore this old lady's warning. She is an absolute source of information.

"So what's the problem?" I walked forward through the door until I stopped in front of this old lady's desk.

As usual, Nova prefers to stare at the view of Ningru city from behind the curtain wall. I ignored her who wasn't looking at me at all, the moment she was the one who should be receiving guests.

"They're have make a move..." she said quietly as she stared at the scenery of this city.

She never gave clear information. I was always told to quickly understand the meaning of her words. This was also part of my training while working under her command.

I straightened my gaze at the empty chair and put on a serious face. She gave me the information I needed even though it was has a vague meaning.

That 'They're have make a move' already explained everything that happened when I came home from school last night.

"So what do you want?" I asked.

She must have wanted something from them. There's no way she'd suddenly want to help me maintain the school's reputation.

"Rainbow Agate," Nova spoke while slowly closing her eyes.

I heard those words from Haran yesterday. If I'm not mistaken, the stone had such strong power that Haran wanted to research it.

However, there is also one very dangerous thing with the stone. I even had to refuse Haran's request to steal it.

That stone is kept in the care of the Tyas family. No need to ask 'how do they keep it?' That thing must be guarded with super tight security even the strongest Anitya and Pageblug users couldn't get through it.

If I try to get through it will be fine, but if I kill them all just to get the stone. Obviously, I'll be a fugitive from all over the Nusantara after doing that.

"So you want Anitya's secret not to be exposed, right?" I said right at the main point of the conversation.

Nova who was used to my behavior just nodded slowly.

The existence of those who know the power of the stone other than the Tyas Family would be extremely dangerous. Even the government will not hesitate to make them silent in various ways.

"Do I have to get to the bottom of it?" I asked while looking down at that old lady.

But not a scold that I got after saying it, but instead the devil's smile from the old lady.

She ended up looking at me using that gaze.

"Do it, kill them! Even if they die, the citizens will be happy because the greedy businessmen are starting to decrease!" She said in a scary tone.

She had always used the fool behavior of the people of this country to trick her enemies. Her cleverness at manipulating the Ningru people was terrifying. If there was even one person who tried to betray her, then a Ningru City would be fighting against that traitor.

"You know, I'm not your subordinate anymore, right?" I sighed and looked at the old lady uncomfortable.

"Sure... but right now your school and your students are in danger. Do you want to let it happen?" Nova cornered me.

"You never change at all. Once again I explain, I... won't... kill... again...!" I said annoyed while raising my finger at her.

"Okay, if that's your choice. Then I'll just keep quiet, eliminating you right now won't make me feel good!" Nova agreed casually.

She raised her right hand and pointed it at me. She tried to give me a strong push.

"I can get out on my own!" I cut off the magic and left on my own.

She was annoyed that I cut her magic, but unfortunately, Nova couldn't do much.

I felt something strange about her. Shouldn't she have more power than me? Why is she silent then? She looked very unmoved after hearing my choice.

But I just seem to dance on the palm of her hand. However, next week they (people who want to steal the rainbow agate) will come to school and try to force Princes Tyas to take it out.

I couldn't help but bit my own mouth when I realized that.

Because of Nova's words, I had asked permission to not go to school to teach this week because I had important business, but instead, I just canceled it.

'And I ended up in this school again.' I stared at the school gate with a sleepy face.

'Wait, didn't I say tomorrow, did I?!' I held my chin as I reminisced.

'Better strolling around the town for a bit.' I forced myself to leave the school.

A voice from behind the wall suddenly sounded and averted my eyes.

"You, you incompetent! Can't you just do this?" Stevent's voice came from the railing.

He was seen scolding his servant.

For some reason, that make me interested to interfere was growing. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I'm sorry, sir..." Hakam's voice sounded apologetic with a firm tone.

He really is what people call a mental of steel. No matter how many times he's been abused, his mental state is still normal. Even still able to smile as if nothing happened.

"Remember, even though you became my servant because of my brother! But I'm the one who still holds your fate at this time!" Stevent said that in a cursing superior tone.

Hakam didn't seem to be responding at all. Has he reached his limit? I tried to peek at it and found a scene where Hakam was completely silenced by a slur.

There was nothing strange about the incident, but judging by the look on Hakam's face. He seemed to be fed up with Stevent's attitude.

"Remember, this will be your last request! After that, I will get out of here! I can work under pressure, but not die for you!" Hakam scolded his boss and left.

They were both immature and still unstable. But I think Stevent has gone too far.

What did he say or order that made Hakam so angry?

Stevent who saw Hakam's anger could only freeze. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. His teary eyes were visible behind his glasses.

Feeling that this is my duty, I try to jump over the school wall and approach the prince.

"What happened?" I asked while slowly approaching him.

Steven looked surprised at my arrival. It seems he has gotten used to my sudden arrival.

"You always suddenly appear in a dire situation... Are you an angel?" Stevent tried to joke in his sorrow.

"You're weak..." I said mocking him with a flat expression.

Stevent, who was still holding onto his ego, immediately activated his pageblug. A royal sword shining brightly was swung at me.


I held it with my hands which had become hard as stone.

"Someone who cares about you even has left you..." I made him even more emotional.

He gave me another swing of his sword.


Still like before, I endured it the same way.

"What do you know about 'caring for other people'?!" Stevent looked at me with an annoyed expression.


The sword swing again slashed at me.

"A person who can even beat his opponent with a psychopathic smile! How could someone like you understand about it?!" Stevent activated the element of light into his sword and prepared to thrust his sword.

Seeing that, I prepared to make a thick wall of dirt.


The sword pierced the thick wall and stuck.

"What do you understand about caring after you dumped two people who loved you for someone who suddenly came into your life!" Stevent pulled out his stuck sword using emotion as his strength.


"You can't even express yourself properly! Your weird face really disgusts me!" He slashed his sword from a distance and formed 3 streaks of light streaking toward me.

This time I let him hit me. That attack was just a piece of paper to me.

Steven looked at me in disbelief. Sweat started to fall down his face. He took a step back.

"I am a man like you said!" I acknowledge everything he said.

It's all true, I'm never well-spoken, cold-blooded, stone-hearted, and chasing after things for money that I don't even know what I want to spend it on.

I took out a sword from the earth magic and pointed it at Stevent. "But people can still gather around me!" I revealed a fact to him.

"They still think I exist, and not just a useless NPC in a game!" I gave him a flat but loud expression.

At that moment, Stevent looked around and imagined the people around him. But the reality cannot be hidden. Even though it was imagined, there was no one with him.

He started sweating and glared at me. An image of people close to me began to appear in his eyes.

Feeling unable to fight back, Stevent lowered his head and wept. "Then what can I do? I have to be like this! Otherwise, they don't even think I exist and my existence is obscured by my brother's greatness!" He cries saying the reason.

I slowly approached him who was still covered in tears. I held both his shoulders tightly.

"First of all, apologize first..." I said flatly.

Stevent looked at me expectantly.

Filling the free time before the exam with this might help me out.

"I will help you, become a star!" I give him high hopes.

Hopefully not be disturbed by the dark side that will come to this school.