Episode 51. Prince in the Cage pt.5

I walked out of the factory.

At outside, I saw the group of guards at the factory that I had made faint earlier were still lying there.

'This is none of my business.' I continued to run using the light element until I ended up on a wide and quiet road.

If I remember, this is the same street where I forced Stevent's car to a stop.

'Are they still around?' I thought to myself.

Still down a long road with a body covered in red liquid. I still can't find them.

'Looks like they've gone, how fast were they?' I thought as I continued to run.

Got to the end of the road, and there was no sign of them at all. That means they're safe, I hope.

At the end of the road, I saw an old toilet standing beside the road. The atmosphere surrounded by rice fields gives the toilet a haunting impression.

However, this red liquid that is almost all over my body must be cleaned. Like it or not, I have to go in there.

Inside the toilet, there are only 3 rooms and 2 mirrors in front of it. It turns out that this toilet, although old, is still well-maintained.

In less than 10 minutes, I've been trying to wash away all that red liquid. Unfortunately for those that stick to clothes, it feels a bit impossible for me to clean.

'Damn, I'm too carried away...' I annoyed myself while looking in the mirror using the mirror provided in front of the toilet.

When I saw my reflection, I could only stare at myself blankly. I tried to touch my reflection in the mirror with my hand. Something had dawned on me, even though I got my emotions back. However, this behavior of mine still doesn't show any signs of diminishing. It was proven by me still feeling nothing after destroying them all.

'Is a second chance really exist?'

I kept looking at the mirror with a sad gaze, until suddenly. A person's face appeared next to mine.

The faces of Rosa, Farhan, Fajri, and the people I had made disappeared. They all seemed to be waiting for me in the back. Waiting to immediately finish off this person who is in the mirror.

My eyes went wide, but the flatness was still visible on my face. If this is the case, then the only way is...

I made a blade of ice and stabbed it into my palm. This hallucination probably happened because I was tired.


The sharp, cold blade pierced my palm.


My imaginations disappeared along with the blood dripping on my palms.

I should go home soon and sleep to rest. It's going to get worse if I let it go any longer. I hope this method really works.

I continued on my way from the toilet back to the house walking because I was too tired to even cast magic.




The sound of the alarm ringing from my cell phone which I put beside me.

I turned it off and tried to wake up from my sleep. When he came out, a portion of the breakfast set was already prepared by him before leaving.

I immediately walked over to the table and gave it a try. I don't forget to turn on the television to see the latest news.


A television from a distance is turned on. The picture from the television wasn't what I wanted to find, but the content. I was just checking, if did they do it or not?



THE BIG QUESTION IS, IS THERE ANYONE ELSE WHO COULD DO THIS OTHER THAN HER? IF TRUE... THEN NUSANTARA NOW IS IN SERIOUS DANGER!" The news anchor brought the news in his typical tone of voice, he also warned how dangerous it is if there are other people besides Nova who can do that.

The television continued to broadcast the news while I ate. There's nothing more important for me to hear other than the initial news, and it looks like they've managed to hide about the students being taken as hostage. Then what about the kidnappers guarding outside?

I don't know, I don't care. Continuing to eat this food is better than thinking about them.

'I really fell into that old lady's trap...' I mused while chewing the food.

The reason she made me angry at that time was for me to act on my own. She only gave me information about them, and when I knew what was going to happen. Then I will definitely go after them.

'Damn, I did the dirty work for free...!' My hand held my heavy forehead.

I'm too easily provoked as usual.


Morning in the teacher's room, for the first time I arrive at this school very late. This all happened because I regretted what happened last night too much. Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything but clench my fists.

In that room, the teachers were ready to prepare their materials. The material will be used for their exam preparation.

'There's a rather strange air in here, but what is it?' I felt it from the first time I walked in.

"Oh, Mr. Rasyid… you just came?" Tasya greeted me who was still at the door.

"Hmm (nods), I was a bit late because I forgot to set the alarm, hahaha." I joked.

"Susss, what have you done? Wait, why the alarm setting? Why did you lose that setting? It won't be lost unless you delete it, right?" Tasya grew suspicious.

Stupid me, this time my lies are a bit loose.

"Ah ha hahahaha..." I laughed as I thought of a way to change the topic.

"Th-that, about last night… did you experience the same thing?" I tried to change the topic.

"You mean..." She came closer and whispered in my ear. "Yesterday's kidnappers?" She looked very serious.

"Yes, something like that…"

"So they are after you too, huh? I thought they were only after students…" (Tasya)

"About yesterday, I was actually with my student so…" I averted my eyes because I couldn't bear to say this embarrassing thing.

"You are with the students at night, could it be…?" Her face turned into a frown, her expression turned into an ignorant one.

"What?" I looked at her flatly.

For some reason, every time I enter this topic, I suddenly feel a painful pressure.

"Oh?" Tasya was surprised by my facial expression which suddenly turned flat.

At the same time, Erika was about to leave the room for her class. She will definitely pass us by because we are talking at the door.

"Ah… it doesn't look like it's going to happen, hehe he he." Tasya threw away her curiosity.

It's a bit impolite when talking about someone when the someone we talking about is nearby.

Maybe that's what she thought as Erika walked past us.


The school bell has rung, I also have to hurry to get ready.

"Shit, the bell just ring, then! See you later, Mr. Rasyid!" Tasya walked away from this place to her class.


In class, I do not teach at this time, but give what material will be tested. I don't know why I have to do this, but they (the teachers) say, the tests that are tested are different every semester.

"The first day of the exam will start on Monday. The test held on the first day is a knowledge test, the question will be on paper. It consists of general science material, general social material, our language(Nusantara), and civilization.

The second day of the exam, Physical Test, consisted of speed, sensitivity, endurance, and strength.

On the third day, the solo duel test, this test is between students so there is a possibility that you will fight against your own classmates.

On the fourth day, the solidarity test, your team will be chosen at random from all first years students. What will be contested is a game of fighting for the flag. Each student who fights will be given a flag and they must guard it, if your flag is taken, take it back so that the flag doesn't reach your opponent's headquarters. You also have to steal their flag and put it in your own base.

On the last day, this test is between classes. You will fight in groups, this is what is usually called a siege battle. Later there will be a class that will occupy the castle, in that castle, there is one person who must be made king, the task of that class is to protect their king from enemies. Their enemy will be called the attacking class. Victory will depend on whether the king of the defensive side can last until time runs out or not.

So far, any questions?"

I explain in front of my students about what will be tested. The exam will last 5 days, which means a full week because Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

"Sir, may I ask a question?" As usual, Moka always asked first.

"Ask what, Moka?"

"About the last day, what do you mean by the castle? There is no castle at this school." Moka asked something that really had to be asked.

"Me too sir!" Stevent followed to ask. "Does only the defensive team that has a king?" he asked.

I expected the last part to be the most asked.

"Ask sir!" Now it was the fat student who asked. "Do the participants who lost while fighting in the siege battle have to leave the area? Doesn't that even seem to give the impression of being so empty in the arena?"

The students started asking questions.

"Are there no more questions?" I slowly turned to all of them.

Unexpectedly, a student wearing glasses is raised her hand to ask.

I accidentally looked up at her. She had a strong aura, but unfortunately, her geeky appearance covered it up. I didn't even notice that aura.

"When is the moral test?" She asked something that even my students forgot to ask.

Even though they already got the main instructions for the exam, they forgot about it. Luckily this student reminded them.

I can't hide my smile.

"I will answer one by one.

Regarding the castle, the students will use the royal house of the Tyas Family."

The students suddenly fell silent, they looked at me in disbelief.

"What the hell?! You mean that damn big house?!" Stevent stood up in shock.

"W-what if we accidentally destroy some of their properties?!" Gita shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry, this castle will be empty. So there are only walls and curtains there!" I answered Gita's question.

"Did you understand?!" I looked at them all.

But there was no answer other than shock. This I'll take for 'Please continue.'

"Then, for Stevent's question, only the defending team has a king. The attacking team has a commander but even if they fall, it won't be a problem for the fight." I've answered Stevent's question.

"And for the question from..." I opened my list of names to look for the boy's name. "Ah, for Camal's question. Yes, the castle will look very empty if more and more fighters are killed(faint). But won't that make the fight easier?!" I looked at Camal with an excited smile.

"Easier, what do you mean?" He asked back.

"The fight if you are all in the same class in one team, then you will be more chaotic. The course of the fight will be rather difficult because you have to minimize what is called 'friendly fire'. But the longer the fight, the fewer people will fight and your difficulties will be looser because you don't have to fear hitting your own ally." I already explained it.

Camal just nodded in understanding and sat back down.

"And about the last question, do you think your morals will be tested during exam time...? OF COURSE NOT!!! The moral exam has been started since the beginning of the semester. And you should have changed your attitude from the start I told you that!" I looked at them in disappointment.

I wouldn't have thought that they didn't know what was called moral exams.

The students were shocked again and looked at me with fear.

Never mind, this has already happened, after all, I warned them even though it was too late.


After school, one of my students wanted to meet me.

"What's the matter, Stevent?" I asked him who was leaning against the wall.