Episode 52. Prince in the Cage pt.6

After school, Stevent wanted to meet me in person.

"What do you want, Stevent?" I asked Stevent who was leaning against the wall.

He stood up straight after seeing me arrive.

"I... have done what you asked!" Steven squealed at me.

"Then?" I asked pretending to be a fool.

"What else should I do?" Steven looked at me in annoyance.

"Oh... I don't know..." I answered.


"Even I never had many friends."

"Then why did you lecture me then?!"

"Lecture? I don't remember?"

"Don't tell me, at that time is just bullshit?!"

"Sorry... uh..."

I can't make him rely too much on me. I'd better get him helped by someone other than me as well. At least he will realize how important other people are.

"Well because now the exam will begin just in some of the day, why don't you call the others?" I told him while holding my chin.

"Other?" Stevent tilted his head in confusion.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you don't have…" I better not say any more.

"Don't have what?" He asked stupidly.

"Forget it, let me take care of it..." I said as I took out my cell phone.





Not long after, almost 8 people came to this place due to my call.

"So, why were we summoned at here?" Moka shrugged her shoulders, her gaze seemed to be wondering.

"Hmm (nods), if it's for my master, I'll just do what I can." Hakam closed his eyes with a straight face.

"Oh, training with Mr. Rasyid, huh? I can't wait to try it!" Gita smacked his palm with a grinning expression.

"Mr. Rasyid… Want to train with us?" Sophia was full of questions and didn't dare look at me.

"Yosh, I will fight you again, but this time seriously, huh?!" Astra raised his head with a face that was burning with enthusiasm.

"Mr. Rasyid… I will fight as best I can." Dahlia looked at me blushing.

Apart from them, there are 2 more people I called.

"Hey, Rasyid, why did you call me? Isn't that time was enough for you?" Vicky crossed his arms as he looked away from me.

"Are you asking me to beat these physical classes myself? I don't mind…" Maul looked at them all with a low gaze.

Just for a reminder, Maul is a student who beats Hakam easily during practice. He defeated Hakam without even moving a single step from where he was standing.

I brought him because I think he is also suitable for this.

Shortly after they gathered, Stevent walked over to me nervously.

"Mr. Rasyid… What does this mean?"

"You won't be able to achieve anything alone, so I'll bring some help for you."


"Relax, this will also be related to the 4th day of the exam."

"…I hate this, but if you say so... Fine! I'll follow it!"

With that Stevent walked backward and returned to his original position.


I clap my hand to get attention.

They all looked at me right away after hearing that.

"Today, I want you to fight as a team, and you must work together to retrieve the flag that was mine and Mr. Vicky's." I decided this without telling him this.

He was obviously about to reflexively be surprised. "Hey, what do you mean you and me?!"

"You could say we're going to be a team and fight them all," I told him with a sly smile.

"Where do you want me to-

I suddenly got behind him and lightly touched his shoulder.

"Come on Vicky, don't you want to be Teacher of the Year?" I said while influencing him with my sly smile.

"O-okay, I'll help you, but remember! Just this once!" He looked at me with a forced face.

He seemed to be aware, no matter how much I tried at the moment. I won't get that title because I came during the 2nd semester.

"Sir, is it okay with just the two of you?" Moka looked worriedly at both of us.

"How should I put it, huh? Some people feel more free when fighting alone than with a team." I explained it to Moka.

That's why I called Vicky instead of the teacher from the same class as me. Most of them are relying more on team fights than solo.

"If there are no questions, then take this!" I gave the flags to all of them.

They will carry the flag, the place is up to them as long as it is visible to the eye.

"Vic!" I also didn't forget to give it to Vicky.

His gaze seemed forced, but I ignored it.

Don't forget to put it on myself too.

From my gaze, They put their flag in a place that looks safe.

Sophia put it behind her belt.

Moka put it in her shirt pocket.

Gita put it right on his wrist.

Hakam put it on his back collar.

Stevent put it on the right side of his pants.

Astra put it on his bow.

Dahlia put it in her hair circle.

Maul puts it on his waist.

Looks like it's all of them. Now I change my gaze to the person standing next to me.

He looked at me with disdain. "Why are you looking at me?!" He reprimanded me.

"Are you sure you want to put it in there?!" I reprimanded him.

He put it right behind him. I don't need to explain which part. I hope you understand.

"This way, no one will want to take it, right?" He smiled happily as he did so.

I held my forehead tiredly. "Please, you don't want to be seen as weird right in front of your own student, do you?" I reminded him that right now, he was fighting against his student, not with someone on the same level as him.

"Eh, that's right...!" He looked at the student who was looking at him with disgusting looks.




The students gave mixed comments.

Hearing that, Vicky immediately put the flag in his pocket while his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I saw that they were ready to put up my flag too. I put it on the waist because it was the most difficult part for the students to pick up.

"Very well, all of you, students! Take the flag from us, and bring it back to your headquarters!" I said it firmly to them.

"Headquarters?" Steven asked confusedly.

I pointed to the very back of them. They all turned their heads in that direction.

A box is there. That box will be where they put their opponent's flag.

"But remember, we will also take yours. Therefore, when your team's flag is taken, try to get it back!" Vicky added an explanation.

He also will not hesitate to attack his students.

They turned back to us. "Affirmative!"

The preparations are complete, for the box from my team is also far behind us.

"The fight… Begins!" Vicky gives the signal.

Vicky quickly jumps back 5 meters and activates a water and lightning shield.

"What are you doing?!" I shout at him.

"It's a fight for the flag, as long as your flag is safe. Then you'll be safe too!" He said while baring his teeth.

"Damn you!" I looked at him in annoyance.

"Hey, watch out, the students are attacking!" Vicky warned me.

Sophia and Moka came toward me with their pageblug are already activated.

Sophia threw her fan that had been imbued with ice magic at me. At the same time, Moka helps her with wind magic to make Sophia's ice expand.

"This is for my dense teacher!" Moka tried to slash me with her Dual Knife before the ice hit me.

"What do you mean by 'dense'?!" I dodged the slash of the knife by moving backward.

Fastly after that, I did a middle kick and hit Moka's stomach.

She was blown away, but without being given the time to look at her. A fan carrying an icy storm shot towards me swiftly.

I quickly cast water magic and I made it like a barricade.

Quickly, the water I summoned was instantly turned into ice crystals by that fan.


The fan was stuck in the ice wall.

Without any delay, Stevent and Hakam suddenly appeared behind me and swung their weapons together.

Hakam's speed increased because he used light magic together with Stevent's light magic.

Even just from their swing. A golden wave was formed from their swing.

I backed away and jumped in circles to dodge their golden wave.

But as I was turning, my eyes fell on Astra who was ready to shoot me with his arrows.

I swiftly cast earth magic to create a protective wall.


The arrow was stopped by the wall.

I landed perfectly, and the moment I saw them. I feel a bit disappointed.

Sophia is with Moka.

Stevent is with Hakam.

Astra is with Dahlia.

They all have not been able to try to get along with the others.

'No... This is not how to suppose to be!'

I did a middle kick and I aim it to behind me, the water pulse was made from the kick.

Instantly Gita and Maul who tried to ambush me were blown away by my water pulse.

"This is it? Can't you fight with people other than them (who are their partners when fighting.). It will be troublesome later if you can't!" I closed my eyes in the middle of my lecture.

They didn't try to attack, even though this was a good time to attack me.

'They are too obedient!' I said in my heart.

"All of you, WEAK!" I glared at all of them except Gita and Maul.

They just glared and didn't dare to answer. Their weakness is real. But they need to get over it soon. The 4th day of the exam will be team randomization. If they pass this alone they can't, especially during exams.

I looked at them with a blank stare.

"What are you guys going to do now?!"