Episodes 133. The End of a One-Sided Rivalry

"Come and face, all of you!"

That's what I said to show how much stronger I am than them. To me, the teachers in front of me are just ants trying to unite into one entity. But ants will always be ants, no matter how much they cooperate, if fire strikes them, they will perish.

Perhaps I sound arrogant right now, but I still have to say it. By choosing this path, it means I have left all those times behind and chosen the path of violence.

Moreover, among the few familiar faces I see right now, none of them truly know me.

There is no Erika, Samuel, Tasya, or Xander among them. I don't even see my cousin Ryan...

By the way, I also don't see the woman who was with me and Ryan when I was the guardian of Princess Tyas. Linda Melinda, if I recall correctly, where is she?

"Damn you, Rasyid!" Among all the crowd of teachers, Vicky is the first to approach me. The angry expression painted on his face right now shows how furious he is with me at this moment. Not angry because of past grudges, but furious because I involved the students in this incident.

It is all clearly visible on his face.

So now he sees it that way? Vicky no longer sees his students as tools to advance his position, he now considers them like his own children.

This is just my own conjecture, by the way.

Back to the fight,

It seems they are using the technique of advancing one by one rather than attacking simultaneously. Would they have difficulty attacking together, or are they hoping for a reward for defeating me?

Never mind, right now I just need to focus on kicking whoever comes at me.

Vicky activated his pageblug and revealed four swords floating behind him.

Fueled by anger, he launched one sword at me.


An ordinary sword, without any magic, flew towards me. This is the initial attack, so dodging it is not a problem.

But the real issue is what kind of attack he will use after I dodge.

With a sidestep, I avoided the first attack.

The moment my foot touched the ground, I immediately created a barricade of earth and ice to withstand any kind of attack.


As expected, three swords followed after the first one, and now the swords were combined with water and lightning magic simultaneously.

That would have been a fatal attack if it had hit.

"Finally! Finally, you show your true form, Rasyid Londerik!" With a satisfied face, Vicky laughed maniacally in front of me and the other teachers.

The other teachers were also surprised when they saw my true power. They could only remain silent and didn't know what to do at this point. Some of them even lost their fighting spirit because they knew my true strength.

"You've seen me, now I will show you..." Not content with just letting Vicky have fun in this fight, I will create a bit of my own amusement. "...What death is."

A thin, sinister smile painted my face. This smile had never appeared on my face before when trying to finish off my targets, but for some reason, this smile was now uncontrollable.

I advanced, preparing lightning magic in my right hand and ice magic in my left hand. These two deadly magics combined into one, forming a spear that I could throw.

Not wanting to just stand by and watch me advance, Vicky recalled his four swords and then struck the ground, creating a surge of water that surrounded him.

"You-?!" (Vicky)

Is he panicking?

Using water magic when your opponent wields ice and lightning magic is a big mistake. Does he have a plan? Is he just making me do this and leading me into his trap?


Trying to make direct contact with him while I'm using lightning magic is a mistake. Therefore, I must throw my spear at him and break through that water shield.


The spear soared through the air and hit his shield.


The shield managed to withstand my attack. However, due to the direct contact with ice, the shield froze, and because of the lightning magic, the shield shattered instantly.

And as the shield shattered,

"I still have my wits, fool!"

Vicky, running and wielding his two swords, tried to fight me in a close-quarters battle.


My sword blocked his first sword strike, but his second sword was about to follow through.

The second swing aimed at my leg, but I immediately released my defense from the first swing and jumped back.

At that moment, the other two floating swords shot towards me, stabbing into both of my shoulders.

I was pushed back, enduring the pain from the swords piercing me.

But Vicky didn't waste the opportunity, he reinforced the thrusts of the two swords lodged in my shoulders and...


Both my hands were severed and fell to the ground.

"I knew it, you can't fight relying on your swordsmanship!" The satisfaction on his face didn't indicate he was 100% pleased, there was still some suspicion towards me.

Soon after, his suspicion became reality, his previously grinning face now turned blank with confusion.

"How is it possible? How can you not react to the pain in your hands?!" He displayed a horrified expression towards me.

On the other hand,

I didn't expect that I would truly enjoy someone cutting off my hands.

Stay normal, Rasyid Londerik!

I tried to hold back my sinister smile. In my heart, I was sure he thought I was smiling to mock him, whereas in reality, I was delighted by the pain. My masochist side is growing.

I must end this quickly!

I don't want to make him wait!


I called out to him.

This parting happened so quickly.

One's fate is held by those who are more powerful.

And that's an undeniable fact no matter how much you try to break it.

"What?" He answered with a face full of questions and anger.

"Life has never been fair." I smiled as if victory belonged to Vicky.

"Yes, life is indeed unfair, the only fair thing in life is death." His face turned expressionless, full of anger. "Therefore, goodbye, Rasyid!"

He tried to thrust the sword with his right hand.

"I'm the one saying goodbye to you, fool!"

But I immediately redirected his statement. He seemed to have misunderstood my previous words, so I just had to clarify.


After saying that, Vicky, who had a confused face while preparing to stab me, suddenly had empty eyes.


Not long after, his body collapsed and lay lifeless near me.

Seeing Vicky already dead made the other teachers even more reluctant to face me.

Many of them could only stand frozen in their spots.

Maybe this is the right time to scare them.

I made a sinister smile that appeared to challenge them again, and this time that same smile was far more intimidating than before.

"Come on, who wants to meet their maker next?"

If I have to eliminate them all for my goal, then I don't care. Even though I initially didn't want to involve them, now it's unavoidable.

I will destroy anyone who dares to stand on my path!

Even if it's Widodo with his lovely multi-colored agate bullet.

Now there's a group advancing towards me.

I will make them feel the pain of death.