Episodes 157. Their Target

The students left at the school could only sit in silence, feeling like fools. They didn't know what they should do there. There was nothing they could do there.

"Ah! Why are we here and have to look at all these damned ice statues?!" Moka, who had been sitting on a rock, suddenly stood up and cursed at the sky.

"What can we do now? There's a monster out there that can devour your immortality!" Astra walked towards Moka, pointing in the direction the teachers had left in with their car.

"But... but...!"

"But what?"

"At least give us something to do! Are we really supposed to just sit here and do nothing, not knowing if they are safe or not?!"

"We can free them?! If you bored, I mean." Astra pointed at the ice statues around them.

"No, that would only create new problems for them (the teachers) and us."

"Then stop complaining! I also want to smash your goddamn fucking teacher into pieces! But look! We're just powerless students here!"

That statement pierced Moka's heart like a dagger.

She fell silent and couldn't say anything else.

"Arghhh!" Moka screamed in frustration again, and after releasing all her emotions, she sat back on the rock as before.

She looked in another direction and saw something unusual near the school exit gate.

"Gita, what are you doing over there?" Moka asked from a distance.

"Oh?" Hearing the call, Gita quickly put away the small object he had just obtained.

He walked towards the two of them with a foolish smile. "Nothing special, just getting rid of boredom."

"Eh... You're not doing anything weird, are you?"

"Of course not! What are you thinking?"

"Nothing!" Her cheeks turned red, thinking of something inappropriate.

What Gita took was something he had just received from his superior. It was a new model of Pageblug that had two weapon data stored in it. That was why he couldn't just tell his friends what he had obtained.

"Enough, instead of arguing, let's do something a bit... fun." Gita tried to divert their attention to something else.

There's no harm in this either; they hadn't done anything since earlier.

"Hakam! Do you want to join?!" Gita called out to Hakam, who was far from them.

He was staring at the sky, which was radiating heat in the middle of the cold snow. His mind drifted to another place, a place he considered important.

Is my sister safe? He thought about his sister's fate.

Did she manage to evacuate, or did she end up as a statue like the others? He didn't know at all, but he was relieved to know that the ice wouldn't kill her. His only fear was whether his sister would be traumatized or not. Trauma was the most frightening thing here.



He was startled as a hand suddenly touched his shoulder from behind.

When he turned around, Hakam saw the face of his friend who always acted silly as usual.


"Want to play?" Gita said with a constant smile.

"Play?" Hakam tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, a game..." As Gita said that, for some reason, Hakam suddenly felt a cold, shivering sensation. "...The name of the game is... 'Run! There's a government lapdog!'" With a frightening smile, Gita activated his Pageblug and turned it into a knife.

Sensing danger, Hakam immediately retreated using his light magic.

"Oh, I missed!" Gita smiled and shrugged.

His smiling face showed that he was playing around with the earlier attack. However, when Hakam's eyes locked onto something behind his friend, he was shocked. His eyes widened in fear and anger. Behind him, there were two bodies lying unconscious with stab wounds in their necks.

"Gita, what did you do to Moka and Astra?!" Hakam asked, though he knew it wasn't necessary.

He immediately activated his Pageblug and tightly gripped his halberd.

He didn't want to waste any time. If Astra had been fooled by Gita, what about him? That was his thought.

"Are you going to attack me with your slow weapon?!" Gita mocks that silly heavy weapon.

"At least I'm not as slow as you think!"

Despite the taunt, Hakam remained cautious of his opponent. He tightened his grip on his weapon and prepared for an imminent attack.

"Too bad, it seems you'll lose your chance!"

With a light jest, Gita revealed his weapon's transformation. Just like Haran's during the Teacher Test, Gita's weapon changed form, becoming an M4A1, the pride of the soldiers.

Without wasting much time, Hakam immediately activated his light magic and ran behind Gita.

A long halberd was swung from afar, aiming for his opponent's neck.

Knowing the attack's direction, Gita quickly turned and dodged backward.

In that position, he raised his weapon and fired.

bang bang bang

Several shots were fired, but Hakam, with his light magic, dodged them swiftly.

Now he was a bit farther from Gita, once again swinging his halberd from afar, creating a strong gust of wind.


The gust headed towards Gita, but he wasn't out of tricks.

Gita quickly used his dark magic, turning the wind heading his way into his weapons.

Now, around him was a black smoke that would slow down his opponent's movements.

"Tch!" Hakam had made a mistake; now he couldn't use his light attacks to get close.

"It seems this is my victory!" Slowly, Gita raised his rifle, aiming at Hakam's head.


"Wait!" Hakam shouted in panic towards Gita.

Instantly, his opponent stopped pulling the trigger.

"What are you planning, Gita?!"

That big question arose in Hakam's mind.

Why was Gita doing all this? What was his mission?

But instead of answering, Gita smiled as usual. "You don't need to know."


Gita pulled the trigger.

But at the same time, Hakam dodged using his light magic and approached his opponent.


When Hakam was close, the black wind protecting Gita disappeared, exposing an opening.


Gita was thrown far, crashing into a building.


His body slumped against the cracked wall.

Without giving him a chance to breathe, Hakam immediately continued his attack by breaking his own halberd into two. He thrust the broken weapon into his opponent's hands, pinning him to the wall.

"Arghhh!" Gita screamed in pain as the blade pierced his skin.

"I know my own magic, so I knew when my wind would disappear!" Hakam said, pushing the sticks deeper.


"Now tell me, what are you planning?!" Hakam shouted at him.

His anger wasn't just ordinary anger. He was disappointed and upset with his friend.

"Why did you suddenly attack us?!"

There was no answer; Gita only smirked.

"I said... What are you planning?!" He repeated, this time pushing the blade deeper.

Despite the pain, Gita still didn't answer.

Hakam tried another approach; he tried to read his opponent.

"You... whatever your plan is, you won't be able to carry it out." Hakam released his grip on his weapon. "You still don't dare to hit a conscious friend, do you?!"

Gita immediately looked at Hakam.

"You could attack Moka and Astra and knock them out because it was an instant attack, but when facing me, you couldn't do it. Your hands trembled because I knew you were trying to attack me."

"Heh... Say what you want, but... I still won't tell."

"Then..." Hakam tried to take something from Gita's pocket. "... This is mine now."

It was a stick-like object that he held and showed to Gita.

It was the Pageblug he had just received from his superior.

"What are you trying to do?" Gita started to panic.

"You know, I work under Mr. Stevent, and actually, I'm also part of the team that checks the weapons... So..." He showed his Citra, a device that could format Pageblug.

"You wouldn't dare, would you?!"

"Then tell me!"

"Tch!" Defeated, that's what he felt.

He could lie about telling him what was happening now, but if the Pageblug was formatted, his superior would soon know.

"What an unexpected situation..."

"Tell me...!"

"Alright~ Alright~!" Gita can't do anything other than do what Hakam wants.

With that, Gita explained his task to Hakam without revealing his true identity.

Hakam's eyebrows raised, a bit surprised to hear it.