Episodes 160. The Prince/Pangeran(Goddess)

We entered the building and ran as if being chased by dogs.

Not because we were actually being chased, but we just felt it was best to do this as quickly as possible.

I had already told everyone around me that Doni's fight with Ryan was not over. Even if his body was cut to pieces, Doni would rise again and again, wielding his axe.

"Ah... Ah... Ah..." The sound of exhaustion echoed loudly in the corridor.

"What's going on here? Why can't I find anyone?" Erika sensed something odd in the building.

It was a normal reaction for me; she didn't know how crazy that old woman could get. What's happening now isn't the craziest thing I've seen.

"This is how she plays... She's definitely waiting for me right now," I explained.

"So, what's with this empty building?" Stevent asked, clueless.

"This building will be-" Before I could explain further, Sophia cut me off and continued what I wanted to say.

"-The battleground," she said calmly.

I just nodded to affirm her statement.

Both of them looked confused after hearing that. They still didn't understand what "battleground" meant. Especially Stevent, he was the slowest to grasp the idea.

On the other hand, Erika, who had looked confused earlier, now turned serious and nodded, understanding what Sophia meant.

"So, this place is going to be torn apart until it's reduced to rubble, right?" Erika asked, clarifying her idea.

"hmm (nodding)..." I answered hastily.

Stevent's eyes widened upon hearing his teacher's explanation. It was as if he had been shocked by an electric current that jolted him awake.

"So we need to prepare for the worst-case scenario?" the boy asked softly, hiding his nervousness.

"I told you, didn't I? What's in front of us is something more terrifying than anything you've ever imagined... Something beyond all our comprehension... We are facing the False Prince/Pangeran(Goddess) Nova."

I noticed the boy's nervousness. If he stayed here without overcoming his nerves, he would be more of a burden than a help.

I didn't want that to happen.

"Stevent, if you're still nervous, you should back off," I said, taunting him.

If I didn't tease him, he might end up nervous continuously. I used the taunt to turn his nervousness into stubbornness.

Although it sounded harsh, stubbornness was better than doubt or nervousness in a critical situation like this.

"Wh-who's nervous?!"

"You, Stevent... If you keep this up, you'll only be a burden." Sophia echoed my thoughts, though I didn't expect her to say it so bluntly.

"Hey, you know?! I'm just gathering information about my opponent, not scared! That's why I asked about that old woman!"

"But your previous question sounded like you were scared." Sophia wore a flat expression adorned with an irritating smile.

It had been a long time since I'd seen Sophia happy.

When was the last time I saw her smile like that? I thought she wouldn't smile like that again after that incident.

But still, after this, that smile would vanish again.

After all, this is when all the bad things will happen, and once again, she might witness death.


*Tak! *Tak! *Tak!

The sound of our footsteps echoed throughout the building's hallway.

As expected, there was no one in the building. It was empty, like it had been deliberately abandoned.

Whether Nova cared about them or the opposite, there was a second possibility, but I better not assume it's true.

Hopefully, it's just my wild imagination.

Our footsteps stopped when we reached a brightly lit room. The sound of labored breathing and the sweat soaking our bodies greeted us in that exclusive room. The place was at the far end and the highest point of the building.

If my memory serves me right, this place is where I was trained in many things before becoming an assassin. The white room should have been filled with advanced medical equipment and machines.

But everything I saw was different. There was none of what I remembered here. It was as if the room had completely transformed into a garbage dump.

A large white dome-like machine made the room feel cramped. There were about seven holes big enough for an adult human body at the bottom of the dome.

What is this place?! Why does it look like...

I thought while observing my surroundings carefully.

The holes at the bottom of the dome made me think. What are those holes for?

"Is this a garbage disposal?" Stevent looked at the holes with disgust.

"Ugh! It smells awful!" Erika reflexively covered her nose.

"Besides that, I feel a cold breeze inside." Sophia noticed the mist coming out of the holes.

"Are we in the wrong room?!" (Erika)

They all looked at me with disappointed eyes.

I grinned foolishly to cover it up.

Because, even though it didn't feel like anyone was here, I, who was used to Nova's nature, already knew how and where she would appear.

"I'm sure she's here because I didn't see that old woman in her room earlier."

The only place with the strongest magical presence is this place.

I was indeed doubtful at the moment, but when my instincts said it was here, I could only agree.

"So~? Where is she now?!" Erika raised her hand in exasperation and didn't expect anything from me.

She tried to say something politely, but since she remembered her opponent wasn't human to her, she tried not to include any politeness at all. She actually wanted to call her by a rude nickname.

"We should wait... Mr. Rasyid rarely makes mistakes."

For some reason, Sophia's words sounded insulting, even though her intention was to help me.

"Uh- Rarely doesn't mean never-" Stevent tried to counter that idea, but he suddenly stopped.

He went silent and limp like a robot whose battery had been removed while still on. The light in his non-glasses eyes dimmed and closed slightly.

"Stevent?" Erika tried calling the boy.

But there was no answer.


Everyone there was shocked and immediately checked his body.

"Damn, the boy's body... there's no pulse at all!" Erika panicked.

On the other hand, I wasn't just shocked but scared and slightly panicked. All my nerves tensed, my already pouring sweat flowed even more, and my eyes darted everywhere.

"She's coming!"

Erika and Sophia, who were checking Stevent's body, immediately turned to me with even more shocked faces.

Their faces froze like statues and went limp.

What happened to him will happen to both of them.

I am sorry! But I have to do this!!!


I punch the air and make a strong and large wind wave that throws my companies into hit the building wall glass and falls from this tower.

They will surely become dead meat if they are still here.

Now I was alone.

Did she trick me so she could be alone with me?

Is she gonna confess her love to me? Sorry, but you hag!

The three of my company have left this room due to my wind. I hope they are okay, moreover, I hope nothing happens to Stevent. Hope his Anitya is not turned off by that command.



The dome suddenly exploded, scattering tools and furniture around here. The dome emitted steam that kept billowing from inside.

In the boiling steam, there was a silhouette of a woman with long white hair floating inside.

The woman looked at me as if she had been waiting for me all along.

"You took your time getting here, Rasyid!" The woman greeted me with a mad smile.

From her appearance and my senses... I realized one thing. The woman who looked around 30 years old was the one we had been looking for. She was Nova Sena.

It seems the Prince Project made her young again, although not too young.