Busy Being Smart

The next day was nicer... "...In recent news there has been a massacre of two clans last night sources say it was a suicide attack that killed both clans along with their leaders and their heirs more news after this." Seems like it made headlines this early. I have a tight schedule today and seems like there's no arms deal for the next few days. Nice, I can finally focus on teaching the kids.

After days and days teaching the kids and doing tests for them. Doing assignments testing out their knowledge on the lessons. It's been a breeze my class has been doing well. Dustin has been improving with his scores recently pretty impressive who mainly focuses on painting. Leon has to succeed on class to maintain his position in the basketball team so that's pretty reasonable.

Ophelia is still a proud gal but her being proud can be backed up with her recent achievements on English especially these kids are remarkable. Really surprising the school let me be their homeroom teacher despite this is my first time as a full time teacher. Kyrie on the other hand has been active with her extra curricular activities yet she has kept up with all 5 of them even with her hands are full.

Then there's Winston, he's a good student a genius at best. I'm surprised he doesn't know his father's work. Better to keep that way, the kids got potential to go global using his smarts. As I read a document while I'm on break. Kyrie asked me something. "Professor can I ask you about the formula you gave us." Ah a lesson question, that's nice. "Oh that, you just need to cancel out this and that. For the most part you can simplify the formula for easy calculations. Is there any other questions you're concern?"

"Not really... Apart from your research recently how has it been doing?" Interesting question. "Well I've postpone it for now but the research is still the research is intact don't worry about it. I've just postpone it for now due to my busy schedule." Kyrie nods and said.

"Anyways good luck with the research see you later Professor." Kyrie seems to be busy again with another speech. It's nice to have students that don't cause you any trouble in fact they're doing their best to improve the school. What a bliss am I right?

The weekend came... And its my first time having one. Which is unusual for me to be honest. Since its my first time and as I was about to relax a call from Mr. Cedric came. "Hello..." As I hear him laughing over the line. "You were having a relaxing day were you Vaughn but great news I have received news that there is a new customer coming from another country and is asking for your goods." An international buyer? Been a while since I had one.

"Yeah, you have the name or something?"

"This time Vaughn, none... You have to meet this guy in person."

"You're not kidding right?"

"Vaughn you have to do this. It's nice to meet someone you don't know ever once in a while."

After that call he gave I went to my basement to prepare for this mysterious customer that will be visiting my store. I have to prepare my contingency plans if this mysterious customer as it might be a rival of mine if possible.

I drove off to the Boneyard and waited there until the client arrives. "You must be Mr. Killjoy." As he walks slowly being shined down by the lamp post showing his face. Seems like he's the only one here.

"State your business with me."

"I want to buy your goods fine Sir."

"You working alone?"

"Yes, actually I'm a travelling hitman I just so happen to stumble upon the famed Mr. Killjoy's weapons cache."

"You're under the Organization?"

As I said that he dropped a bag of chips at hand. I see so he means business then.

"Come with me, I have a special cache for members of the Organization. What's your codename should I call you Sir?"

"Jack, just Jack."

"Well then Sir Jack. Welcome to the Organization's weapons store. Grab what you need."

He seems to be a very well thought out professional. A very well trained eye can maximize the use case of these weapons enough to wipe an entire platoon of soldiers at a blink of an eye. The Organization didn't inform me about an agent visiting me.

I do doubt that he is really from the Organization. While I'm turning on the cache's lights a gun has been placed behind my head. "Okay, I think you're suspicious of me Mr. Killjoy." I guess he knows that I'm onto him.

"Now, now we don't want blood to be spattered all over the goods." Thankfully he is smart and he holds back his gun. But something is really off with this guy, something sinister about it. Then why is he threatening me then?

"Let me clear up some things first before we shoot each other here. Trust me Mr. Killjoy I know your .357 is already on your hand." Kid's good I'm gonna be a goner if I slip and made a deadly mistake. "Okay you got me. I'll listen to your reason, but first why didn't the Organization inform me that you were coming."

"I came here in a urgent state."

"By what urgent state?"

He showed me that he was bleeding quite surprising that he held that pain for so long. What can I expect they're dogs of war. "You're injured why are you just standing there. Sit over that chair over there. I'll get my kit." I patched up the guy and he was battered with all the fighting he had gone through.

"So, any plans since you came here unnoticed?"

"Just give me guns, lots of guns."

"Whatever you say Jack. Grab whichever weapon you need in your field. It's on the house payment is not needed. Keep your chips with you. Trust me there are other shops under the Organization that will do you better."

"Thanks. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, I can tell you're going through something. Good luck"

The man grabbed an parked SUV with all of his weapons intact in pelican cases. Looks like the Organization is still active all this time after what happened 10 years ago. Which reminds me how old I've become now. When I thought I was having a normal day, a call came in.

"Vaugh... I have some really bad news for you pal."