Clean Up Duty

"So you want me to be in clean up duty then? Mr. Cedric, you know I don't do that anymore right?"

"Vaughn I know what you did 3 days ago."

"It was one person Cedric, ONE."

"Yes, I know but this one I'm telling you will affect everything we own and run. You hear me Vaughn?"

"If it affects our business then tell me then what's the big idea?"

"It's about a guy codenamed Null. He has been up in our ass in the past months now. And he's planning to do a wide range raid over every warehouse we own."

"Give me the details of this guy is he a cop?"

"No, he's much different from a cop. Let's just say he plays the same game as you. An Instigator, he's the one who started the civil war on the east."

"What do I need cleaning up then?" As I started packing up weapons body armor. Machine guns, rifles with grenade launchers, pistols, a collection of knives, and to top it all off a Juggernaut suit.

"There's one enemy base near one of our main warehouses. Should be easy sweeping up that place."

"How about the other warehouses?"

"Vaughn we already took care of that also I have some specialists coming your way they'll be helping you with the operation."

"Cedric don't let me clean this up solo. Remember I have a reputation to protect."

"Okay then Mr. Killjoy. Anyways you have a few hours left before Null notices his men are dead."

"Give me 30 minutes I'll be done here." I grabbed everything I could and place it on one of the spare vans on the warehouse. Vaughn it's been a while but you've become a Cleaner again. I don't know who is this Null bastard but I need to cleanup his bloody mess then I'll raise hell on him.

As I drove across town with an entire private army's worth of weapons in the backseat. I won't let this business homewreckers ruin the peace and reputation I've built from the ground up. After a few minutes I arrived in the base I was indicated to clean up. I tapped into their electronic systems and announced these words. "Hello you poor poor souls. This is the devil speaking and you're in the pot of your own mess. You messed with my business say your prayers because I'm coming for you." I cut off my transmission with their comms while I hear the alarms activate and as I'm wearing my juggernaut helmet.

"*Knock knock* Housekeeping!" I kicked down the rear doors of the Van with machine gun at hand and a full suit of armor I'll take on all of you. I saw a group of armed men who are trying to spot the vehicle but it was too late I spotted them first so I mowed them down. The sound of a continuous firing machine gun can make you deaf.

And just from the loud sound the entire group knows where I'm at and tried to overwhelm me with numbers but they forgot I am a walking mass and piles of death incarnate in this form I'm invincible. I'm on my third magazine belt box already and bodies kept piling on. The barrel won't last so I need to replace this gun but which one though?

By pulling out another machine gun of course! I dropped the red hot machine gun I used in the early assault. I walked slowly into the building with a trail of casings, bodies, and blood everywhere. Bullets bouncing off my juggernaut suit does hinder me but it's not enough to stop me. From what the floor plan says where I'm at, so far I've gone through half of the entire complex already.

Very efficient as usual, but the place gets narrower and narrower and it's hard to aim with the machine guns now and from the looks of it the barrel is toasted. Time to be mobile then, as I disengage some of the body armor of the suit it became lighter and more nimble yet it's still bulletproof so I switched to the rifles now.

*Thunk* Then *BOOM!* A good grenade launcher is always nice in a fight. It levels out any unfair fight with explosives. Lowers your morale, and cleans out idiots who don't know how to space out. So far so good, I'm a bit rusty now but I can still clean house.

"It's just one guy. Can't you take down one guy?" I hear their radio chatter through the dead soldiers they have. So I decided to play with them.

"This is death speaking. I'm coming for you. This one guy will wipe you out of this world." That should be enough to enrage them.

I just kept mowing them down. They're dropping like flies, are they really professionals? Some of them are really sloppy with their guns. Some can shoot but not accurately. Well one reason is they're dead before they can even shoot me. It's quite sad for a dangerous man's private army.

I finish off the last of them and I saw their operations room. Seems like they're gonna just rush our warehouses all at the same time. I called Mr. Cedric about this info and told him about their plans here. "Hey, Cedric you may like what I found out about Null."

"Yeah, what did you found out?"

"Turns out the bastard is in town."

"Right, can you confirm it? I mean it could be a trap."

"I'm going through it right now wait."

"Oh yeah Vaughn I need your help here until tomorrow."

"But I have school tomorrow Cedric."

"I already informed the headmaster about this issue."

"Guess you really need me to clean this mess up then?"

"I mean you can tell already why I told you this Vaughn, right?"

"Anyways, onto what I've found about their plans. I'll send you the files you read it I have to clean out this place first."

"Sure, we'll continue talking about this later."

After I finished sending the files I started to pile on the bodies inside the warehouse of the facility and poured gasoline all over them with C4 placed all around the place to clean it flat off the earth. I went back to the van and with the detonator at hand. The building went down, along with the burning bodies inside as I leave the place of rubble, blood, and ash.