The Deal (Null)

School day came again everyone seems to be very tensed up. Especially the teachers, none of them even make eye contact in the teachers lounge. Probably the influence of Null member within the teachers. The fear within their eyes can be felt, I ended up going to my class with this heavy atmosphere within the school I can tell they're faking their smiles.

We have to... As they're probably are thinking off. How can I approach this situation right now. At anytime the Null member might call me and have to agree upon a choice. That's what's probably gonna go down with me. The day today is filled with tension and fear just from the teachers alone. The headmaster isn't in the school right now. Where the hell are you Maestro...

I waited and waited. I tried to relax by the school garden while reading my book killing time in the process. I heard multiple footsteps behind me while I was reading. "Can I help you with anything?" As I turn the first thing I saw was a gun barrel right to my face.

"Follow us if you want save your students." Said by one of the soldiers who were aiming their gun at me. "Fine fine, sheesh no need to rush."

"You seem to be oddly fine with this." Said one of the soldiers.

"Fine? Do you really think I'm fine with this?" I stared at the soldier who said that to me with a pissed off face.

After a few minutes we ended up meeting in the headmasters office... "Mr. Killjoy isn't it? I guess you already know what is happening here." As the chair turns towards my direction showing his face.

"Leon... Never knew you were the snake of the Organization. You were a smart guy you know that right? Wouldn't that make you special for the Organization?" I spoke to him like it was just a normal conversation between old colleagues.

"I never knew you would stoop this low and become a teacher. Like seriously? I thought you became this pathetic but after investigating you were as active as ever in the industry. Selling guns to terrorists and private armies." I was forced to sit down to a chair and him stood up to talk to me close.

"Tell me what's your deal with me?" As I try to intimidate him into talking well to be honest I can easily take down all of his bodyguards and he probably already know this.

"We need your power to support us in this world we're in Vaughn. The power you posses and the weapons mastery you know can fully accelerate our operations here plus... You'll get to see all your precious students alive and at the same time you get to enjoy your wars again. Just like the good ol' days." An intriguing offer they just need my support and nothing less from the looks of it.

"What's the catch?" I tried to open up more details for me to learn from.

"Catch? Oh nothing really. Your job is mostly just supplying our main squadron. You get to fight in the field especially with the old sword you made remember? Vulcan hasn't been in proper hands since you left. You don't have to worry about your precious students Vaugh they'll be under our protection with your full cooperation that is. From what I've said that's much about it what you want to know about the deal."

"But if I decline? What would happen then?"

"Well Vaugh we'll make your entire world your enemy. So please take your time to decide. We can be here all day don't worry we're already taking care of your precious students. What is it to be? Will you be with us or against us?"

I see so this is the corner I'll be ending up standing on. If I decline shit's gonna go down along with my students. That's the least I could do to them. Then again I would see war again with my own two hands. With Vulcan as well... That sword was my creation.

"Your decision then Vaughn? You can take as much time as you like. Remember you'll be just doing the easy tasks and nothing more plus you'll fight in the frontlines again. You miss that do you? The scent of your burning blade, the smell of burnt gunpowder smoking out of your gun. The screaming agony of bastards who oppose you."

From the looks of it his offer is really good. Man, I'm really under his grasps. Knowing the world will become my enemy if I fight him... But that will probably make my students suffer. Do I really have to get in touch with my past? Well... If you really have to say so.

"Then I'll take on your offer then If I have to be the Killjoy you wanted to be again. I'm not doing this for the sake of joining you. I'm joining for the sake of your offer of me reuniting with my past which seems to be calling out for me again. I guarantee that you will provide my students safety from all of this mess we'll be going through."

"All provided by our best security Vaughn you know you can trust my men especially if they're using your guns in your supply." As the guards untie me from the chair and Leon reaches out his hand for a handshake.

"You have a deal then you bastard. Show me Vulcan and I'll be happy working with you." As I stood up smiling with the dead look in my eyes. Ah, yes it's been a while since I've seen this face.

"Straight to the point already Vaughn come follow us the council will love the good news I'll be bringing in. Trust me your precious Vulcan hasn't been touched by anyone apart from you from years back. Your sword is still as sharp as ever but we did make adjustments to your exoskeleton. It should keep up with your skills now."

After a few hours we arrived in the Organization's weapons laboratory to meet my long lost partner in crime of mine. "It's like I'm a candy store again. Then again it was 10 years ago since I last saw Vulcan like this."

"With all said and done now Vaughn... Welcome to the Organization: Null Mr. Killjoy."