Killjoy's Former Glory

"Welcome back to the field Killjoy. I hope you're still as sharp as ever." This is Dr. Trav, he was my old handler for equipment especially my Exosuit used in the field. "Yes, it appears you guys still have everything in tact." As I look at the equipment rack still having my Exosuit and Vulcan in top shape.

"We have been doing refinements on your tools of war Killjoy. We've improved upon a lot of components but its still the same design as yours. It never gets dull, it only cuts through." Dr. Trav as usual is brilliant when it comes to weapons.

"Never knew you would join Null too Doc." As I look at the weapons remembering the good days.

"What can we do in the brink of all this destruction and mayhem you decide on a whim who cares which side I'm in as long as I can make chaos and a mess of everyone's day I will join their side." As expected of this mad man of a scientist.

"Knew you would say that didn't I heard you were gonna test me again?" As I grab Vulcan off the rack and it automatically disengages the ID Lock on it.

"Yes, I was about to mentioned that but I see you were ahead of me. We did improve the tests to make it harder due to Null's new specifications for making stronger soldiers and smarter too by the way." Huh seems like they've already been busy.

"So you're saying the previous test made them dumb?"

"Oh don't exaggerate Killjoy. This is just a more violent update than the previous test. I'd say you'll enjoy it especially the new difficulty I added specifically for you. Called Killjoy's Funland." Funland he says huh?

"Show me what you got then." As I wore the Exosuit to begin my next set of tests on the new difficulty. Let's really see if it fits my style. As I enter the test room for my special test from Null.

"Ready when you are Killjoy." As I get used to the suit for now and I can feel all the sweet sweet memories of war.

"Okay... Let's rock!" As the mask covers half of my lower face hiding the huge grin in my face as waves of enemies floods through the test room I raise a red hot glowing edge of Vulcan the sword made to cut through and slice through anyone.

The room closes and the sound of machines as the room initializes and the dummies appear before me. "So close already? Okay then." As I quickdraw Vulcan out of its sheathe the sound of the high-frequency energy of the edge of the blade making it glow bright red. Slicing through the hardened dummies like butter the dummies aren't build like normal training props. They can withstand armor-piercing ammunition without breaking a sweat not even able to penetrate through them. But this sword just ignores that trait of those hardened dummies.

They just fall apart from the presence of this sword. I may not be in the level of great swordsmanship as Natalie but I was self-taught since back in my days I was taught that I have to be useful in any kinds of situations using any weapon I could get a grasp with. Swords were one of them I was more accustomed to it since I had the most bodies collected using a sword than my knife.

Apparently I was really good at it that... I was forced to developed my own blade to maximize my effectiveness in the field. But that just took me up to the next level of being a monster. I became a living legend the next year. I kept enjoying the war I have caused to suppressed my view upon the piles of bodies I have made.

But that just adds fuel to my already burning passion for war. I just realized that I've gone through the training test already without noticing I already finished. "Impressive Killjoy you're still as sharp as ever your results look like you never left the Organization anyways you pass the new test. I appreciate your immense hard work out there you really are back aren't you."

"I appreciate that I'll work with you again Dr. Trav. I expect more amazing weapons from you Doc." As I shake hands with Dr. Trav knowing that he was the best handler I had for weapons he was the one who taught me how guns work, how certain weapons work. He was basically my guide when I was opening up my first arms deal.

"Anyways how's your arms empire? I heard you have the entire arms dealing shut down in your city and you were the sole seller there."

"Yes, I was the one who became the sole arms dealer in the city. Yes, it was all my hard work paying off it wasn't easy but I was able to out sell everyone there. I had the best guns in the industry there to the point that government officers started buying my goods to protect themselves. Private militaries too."

"Impressive you're probably stacked with cash by now I remember where you were struggling with money back then you can barely afford a working pistol. And now look at you selling guns watching wars from your television and having the best time of your life."

"You bet I was but it wasn't all just sitting around I had my hands on experiences too Doc. You don't know how much cleaning up I had to do when I had a horrible customer."

"Lot's of gasoline I bet. But since that's how business works for ya. You always had to clean up someone's mess on your business especially. Bad customers are horrible for your portfolio."

"I even started up a network business and had multiple locations around the world. The main store you must have an appointment to have a proper deal with me."

"Sounds very fancy but it is expected you've become so big that you need to filter out your customers or clients to properly handle them yourself."

"Yeah, anyways do I have anything else to do after the tests?" As I disengaged suit removing it from my body after walking out the test room.

"Actually yes the Organization has a mission for you right now."

Seems like I'm gonna be thrown to a mission already after I just returned. Ah, I miss this feeling.