Moving on -VII

Adrian huffed and closed the file in front of him, the moment James entered. He could take it as a break, the short conversation that they were going to have. At the moment, he felt like he deserved it.

"I thought the workload was being divided between you and Charles." James noticed. "Is she giving you more?"

"No." Adrian shook his head. "Charles picked up a few of his own projects."

If that felt sketchy to James, he did not voice his opinions. Rather, he just noted. "I see."

Adrian could not help but look at the files again. They had doubled and Number, but so had his quarterly profit and all of that was thanks to his brother.

He had never thought of Charles having a remote set brains on him. He actually did have them, and he had a good pair. He had an eye for profits and a better eye for returns that they were going to receive over the years.