A crazy suggestion - III

Joyce sighed loudly as she opened her eyes. For a second, she closed them and almost went back to sleep when she realized the difference between the bed that she had fallen asleep in and the one that she had woken up in.

What the hell happened?

"You're awake."

Her head snapped to the side that she had heard the voice from. To her surprise, it was the man she had least expected to be here.

It was Adrian Murphy.

"Y-you.." Joyce stammered, she tried to get up and sit on the bed.

Adrian raised his hand, silently asking her to stop and she did. He moved closer to the edge of the bed, where her feet were and pressed a button that slowly lifted the upper part of the bed, making her lay down in more of a sitting position.

The last time that she had been in a close space with him, was in the basement where they were usually in the dark, and in a situation where they were fearful of their lives.

This time, it was different.