A crazy suggestion- IV

Adrian sighed softly and it was obvious that his passion was slowly coming to an end. Joyce was not exactly telling him what he wanted to be answered, and he was only so much that he was going to let her stall for.

"Instead of telling me everything from the beginning, why don't you answer my questions and I piece everything together?"

Joyce nodded.

That was better. She did not trust herself to go all about the life story of how she took drugs for the first time and what she felt when she did so. If she talked, she would not stop.

"When did you start taking them?" He started off with his first question.

"When my mother passed away. It was too much to bear."

He nodded. "How did you come to my house?" That was the most important question. The history could be discovered any time, but the important thing was, he had to know how she got inside his house.

She had to be let in by someone. He wanted to know who that someone had been.