What a bloody sight - II

"Now," he smiled coldly, "why don't I answer your question, what do I want?"

There had been multiple times in her life where she had been afraid of her father. Frankly, speaking, that was because of the power he held, and because he was never going to have anyone else standing up against him. Even her mother would not choose to defend her because no one wanted to be at the receiving end of her fathers wrath.

Of course, they had been consoling after, but it mattered less.

It seems like her father had paused for dramatic effect. He casted an accusing glance at George before turning back to her. "Before that, what is it that you are willing to do for him?"

"He is innocent. Why does he have to be involved in anything?" She wanted to snap at him, but the words came out more as a plea than anything said out of anger. George should not be in this position, not mentally and not physically.