A date night - II

"I-I.." Joyce clamped her mouth shut. She then decided to keep away from him. It was too difficult to hold a conversation when her face was heated up to the temperature of the sun.

Adrian smirked knowingly. He leaned forward and entangled their fingers. "Come," he said as he tugged her along with him.

Her body moved with him as he tugged her father, making her step right beside him and walk alongside.

The bodyguards had stepped back into the positions. Adrian opened the door for her and then came in from the other side.

Tobey was driving with another guard seated in the passenger seat right next to him.

Once again, Joyce found herself overwhelmed with the need to stay quiet. She knew that if she spoke, she would make a fool of herself. It was difficult to get a word out with him in such a close vicinity to her.

She had a lot of questions in her mind, mostly about where they were going tonight and what they were going to do but ended up remaining quiet.