Teasing - III

Joyce did not understand anything. One minute he had been teasing her look at him, and in the other one, he had asked her to get up with an expression on his face, and basically told her he wanted her to get out of the room.

But what has she done? Joyce had assumed that they were both playing. Had she crossed the line unknowingly?

She stood up, just as he had told her too and stepped aside of her chair. "What did I do—" she yelped when she felt him pull her towards him. Joyce landed on his lap directly before freezing on the contact.

She had fallen into his lap!

"I—s-sorry." She panicked, and attempted to get up but his hands became iron bars that did not allow her to move at all.

Joyce glanced at them, and then at him. "You are not letting me move. I have to get up."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why would I let you move?"

Joyce pointed at the obvious. "Because I am in your lap."