College again - I

Monday morning.

The most dreaded morning of the entire week. Monday morning had finally come, meaning the third semester that she was supposed to join had begun.

When she woke up, that was with the alarm Adrian set for himself, she received a kiss on her forehead from him before he told her to go back to sleep. It was a small routine that they had gotten into. She would break up with him, receive a kiss from him and then wake up by the alarm set by him for her.

Joyce had showered and had diligently done her skin care routine, so that she looks bright and glowy with the sunscreen that Margaret had recommended. Now, she was sitting on the ground with the two outfits that she had decided on hanging in front of her.


She turned around, finding Adrian standing at the entrance of the closet.

"May I ask why are you not dressed yet?" He slowly entered the closet and stood beside her, his eyes now on the outfits decided by her.