The call - I

After a quick lunch with her friends, she found herself sitting and just left in her previous office, waiting for David. He came after his lunch break as was expected from him, and Joyce taught him how to work with the interns.

They discussed a significant amount of items that had clearly been missed the first day and could not be talked on the phone. These items were specific and there was no way David would understand even half of what she was saying if they attempted to do it over the telephone.

Around three, she was done with David and officially free for the day. But the problem was, how was she supposed to spend the rest of the day? Now that she had to look forward to something happening in the night, or whenever in the dark possible, how much did she supposed to pass the day?

Joyce ended up going to Adrian, but alas, he was busy too. When she arrived, he was five minutes away from a video call in Australia.