The impending call - I

The alarm at work and her up. It was the one she dreaded the most.

"Get up." Joyce heard him say. "Do not make me drag you out of the bed into the shower. I will do it."

She sighed and turned around in the bed so that she could see him. "Why don't you use the bathroom fast? I will do it after you." And enjoy the few more moments of sleep that she was going to get.

Adrian did not bother to hide her flight disappointment at your lack of determination for this. Yet, he got up before her and only woke her up when he was finally done getting ready.

Honestly though, how was he disappointed in her? She had never gotten up to train. There was no way she was getting used to it in just a week!

As Joyce was tying her shoes, she found Adrian standing beside her. "You do not need to worry. Sunday is going to be light exercise only."

So, Saturday and Sunday were going to be the cheat days. Saturday, no exercise and Sunday, light only.