The impending call - II

Around lunchtime, Joyce did not focus much on eating. Instead, she kept staring at the watch on her wrist. Only half an hour was left for Declan to be able to call. By far, it did not look like he was going to.

"Why do you look like you're going to have an anxiety attack?" Daphne kept her face on her hand supported by her album on the table. "Please tell me what to do in case it does happen. Do I call an ambulance or the family doctor?"

"No one." Joyce answered. "Also, I'm not going to have a panic attack."

"Hopefully not." Daphne sighed.

She again glanced at her watch subconsciously. Why was her brother not calling? She had purposely told Adrian that in case he did, he was to text immediately. She even begged him to do that.

"Alright, out with it. What's going on with you?"