The guest - IV

It was Chinese for today. The best part about Chinese? There was always the garnishing of garlic and ginger on top of it.

Of course, as history was the evidence, garlic was a necessary ingredient whenever they fought. She absolutely hated it whenever she conceived garlic. In fact, Joy said, even noticed that the chef used the bare minimum of it in the dishes that Adrian ate. The moment they all knew that it was not going to be dinner or food at home, the garlic would be increased to a normal amount we could actually taste.

So, naturally Joyce reached for it. She scooped it up and then ate it. Since she was habitual at eating garlic, she had no problems chewing it thoroughly, keeping it in her mouth for a while, making sure that she would at least 50 times instead of the usual 32 before swallowing it.

Just to make it more worse than it already was, Joyce opened the another container and repeated the action.