Screaming and hurting-III

Every pain on every inch of her body became more clear. The pain in her stomach that had previously dulled, now began to become more apparent and made its presence known in the worst of ways.

Whenever she would get a grasp on her mind to control water, body was feeling, a new reality was thrown in front of her. It made her mind go silent, and when it was not thinking, the pains that her body was enduring became more outward.

Joyce could not bear looking at him. At first, when she had seen him for the first time, Michael had been a reality that she knew had been coming and just accepted him. Then, it slowly turned into a mist until it vanished completely. She moved her eyes behind him, and at the door.

There was nothing but a wall in front of her, no one stood there. But she knew that if she ever made it out, there would be someone standing there ready to tackle her to the ground, and most probably, give her another hit on the head.