A breaking point- IV

The thrill, rush, adrenaline and the numbness that came after it, all of it came back to her.

Joyce had been through everything in the matter of hours before it finally dawned on her and the numbness remained.

She had fallen back into the void that she had once successfully escaped. In that void, nothing remained, not even her. Her mind went blank, and floated with the waves, there were no thoughts, no thinking, just numbness.

The numbness was what she had craved the most, and when it was given to her, it felt like an escape that she chose every time, but this time, she did not want to. So that void had become a nightmare.

Slowly, after a long time, she came back to reality. Her mind was still hazy, and it made everything difficult to comprehend around her. The room was blurry and spinning as well but by the second she was getting there.