How I Like It

“Just a bit.” I panted teasingly. Licking my lips and eyeing his vulnerability as he struggled to catch his breath.

“That would’ve been very cruel. I’m quite enjoying myself.”

He dropped to his side and rolled onto his back. Turning me with him so I was mounted atop him. Adjusting myself so he wasn’t so painfully deep, I lifted slightly. He wiggled his shoulders. Settling more comfortably into my bed. He linked his fingers behind his head and gave his hips a little bounce.

Making me yelp. Falling forward and digging my nails into his chest at the slight bite of pain inside me. “You’re up, Allie Kat.”

“What exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I want to watch you pleasure yourself on my body.”

I frowned at him.

“You got to watch me.” He urged. “You saw me all twisted up trying to breathe and melting on top of you. I want to watch you.”

He gave another little bounce and lifted his eyebrows seductively. “Come on, Allie Kat. Play with me.”