A Night

My mouth parted. I had so many questions but before I could ask them, he slipped out of me and pulled me down next to me. Rolling me onto my side in-front of him.

This was new.

I waited for him to position me and enter me again, but to my shock, he didn’t. His arms wrapped me, and he held me against him. Molding his body to the back of mine. Curling his knees up behind me and framing me like a shield.

I lay there. Still shuddering slightly and eventually subsided into exhaustion. Still I couldn’t sleep.

Not with him so close.

I could feel his soft breaths against the back of my neck and was sure he was already asleep.

Even though he hadn’t finished. I’d read enough to know that could be quite frustrating for guys. So, I was surprised that he’d chosen to end the night that way.