The Mother & Son

“What?” I frowned in utter confusion.

The Fey King chuckled. “I know. It’s all rather hard to follow.”

“She’s alive?”

“She is. In my castle.”

Castle? I shook my head to dispel the astonishment.

“Did Lord Charters discover the affair?” I questioned. Afraid for her.

The Fey King shook his head solemnly. “No, she told him right away. He chose to keep her even after he knew. Can’t say I blame him. She’s a ravishing little thing.”

Bodin’s mother? I’d never much thought of how she looked.

“But watching her sadness all those years, after she chose him, he could bare it no longer.” The Fey King continued.

“Why was she sad?”

His lips twitched and he smiled faintly without looking up. “She chose her loyalty to him, but I had my hold on her already. Something I don’t wholly control, but I did exploit to have her.”

What kind of hold?

Was that what Bodin was doing to me? Putting some hold over me? That thought made me chew my lip.