Tiny Betrayals

“She’s my maid.” I explained to the Fey King. Trying to think of a more apt way to describe Ginny but not finding any. So I moved onto the other part of his question.

Why I think Bodin capable of having killed my father.

Right beneath my very nose.

“He’s been behaving oddly since father died. Like he’s hiding something for me.”

And he’s nothing like I’d thought.

Not once he’s in this house.

“If you think so, you’re likely right.” He patted my knee in a distant manner. “But my son is no killer. Not unless a man deserved it.”

His brow furrowed thoughtfully. “How has Bodin been behaving oddly?”

“Stronger. More determined. Ruthless.”

“He gets like that when he’s on some sort of mission.”

“What mission would he be on?” My brows shot up.

“I’d assume, getting you.”


Those words would ring in my mind as I made my way back toward the door. It seemed shocking to hear it aloud.