Beast-devouring flower

Although Jackson has accepted the mission, he didn't attack immediately, as he has no strength to do so.

"System, do I have to sacrifice the weaker-wolf to revive the bear?"

[Responding to host: Yes, it's necessary]

"So, do it"

Jackson felt a little pain in his head, then gave a small smile and spoke.

"Summon- Mountain Bear".

A two-and-a-half meter bear appeared before him.

Jackson gave a satisfied laugh, he then looked towards the battle.

The Goblins were in a critical situation and if he did nothing, they will die.


After Jackson shouted, both the mountain-bear and black-wolf advanced.

Both the monster-eating flower and the Goblins were perplexed.

The bear moved forward like a tank, made of meat.

The flower was not intimidated and attacked.

Vines emerged from the ground tying the bear.

The mountain bear gave a roar of anger, though he was trapped by the vines, he tore them off with his tyrannical arm.

As for the wolf, he tried to approach but couldn't, because he was being blocked by the vines, those wouldn't let him approach the flower.

Jackson advanced where the Goblins were being cornered.

Wielding his sword, he cut off all the vines in the vicinity.

Then he looked at the Goblins, they were a lot like normal kids, if not for being bald and green.

The Goblins looked at Jackson in confusion.

"Don't worry, I came to save you."

Jackson told them, who looked at each other in bewilderment.

They didn't understand what was happening.

The Goblins were roaming the forest when they suddenly got attacked by the flower.

They tried to resist but the flower was too strong and when they were about to lose, a bear and wolf appeared, who then started attacking the flower, it made them baffled, but

it wasn't over, a human appeared and saved them which made them even more puzzled.

Jackson set them aside and concentrated on the flower.

He then advanced to where the bear is, with his sword he sliced apart the vines that imprisoned the beast.

After being released by his Master, the mountain-bear moved onto the flower.

Jackson used the bear as a spearhead to make way for him to move forward.

The flower seeing the bear's rapid movement panicked.

She launched a thorn that hit the bear hard but only caused minor injuries.

As for Jackson, he stood in front of the wolf because he knew wolf had a weak defense and if he got hit by the attack, then it would suffer serious injuries.

Jackson was able to defend himself thanks to the basic technique of Defending Martial Arts Talent.

He knew that things couldn't go on at this rate otherwise, he and his animals will end up dying.

Jackson noticed that the bear's advance isn't having much effect, it's motions were being blocked by the vines and the thorns were eroding the bear's defense.

Jackson drew his bow, pointed it at the direction of the deadly flower and fired his arrow.

The flower was surprised, she summoned several vines to serve as a shield.

The arrow went through several blockades but in the end, was stopped.

Jackson shot his last two arrows, which were also stopped.

He mounted the wolf and started riding towards the flower.

The bear activated his berserker ability, giving a roar, he destroyed the vines that surrounded him like a cobweb.

The flower was alarmed with their advance.

She used her life energy and summoned a storm of petals that are as sharp as blades.

Jackson covered his body with Qi, but even so, his body was enveloped with wounds.

The flower seeing their continuous progress decided to flee.

But as Jackson would allow that!

The bear moved towards the front of its escape route.

Jackson, who was about to collapse, jumped of the wolf's back and advanced towards the flower.

The flower had no time to react and had its body cut in halves by Jackson.

But she is a plant, she wouldn't die so easily.

Jackson is lying on the ground when he saw the flower slowly reconnect its severed body.

He no longer has the strength for another attack.

Jackson then used his last card. He threw a small pot at the flower.

As it falls on the ground in front of the flower, it breaks and flames start appearing, covering the body of the flower.

This was a chemical solution, he had prepared to use on wolves.

But with the appearance of the seaweed-demon, he didn't have to.

Seeing the flower burning in the flames, he gave a slight smile.

Jackson felt his vision began to dim, he had lost a ton of blood.

He eventually fainted from the loss of blood.

But Jackson didn't notice that when the flames went out, the flower was still alive.

When the flower was struck by the flames, it attached lianas to the bear, that could no longer bear its wounds.

She began to siphon its life energy, which kept her alive.

Having regained most of her energy, she looked at Jackson who was passed out on the floor.