{6} "Because I Trust You."

"When you trust someone that person makes you feel safe, to you they can do no wrong. Trust is very hard to earn and even harder to regain when broken, for your opinion of that person changes. Once broken you can never get it back." —Icychica_

When my computer finally decided to awaken, I tried to find that article again with no luck, it was like it completely disappeared, just when I was finally about to find a way back.

I didn't expect to find all I needed to know on the internet including the cure so easily anyway.

It was all too good to be true.

I needed someone I could trust to help me, and I knew the very person for the job.

I went to my room to search for his business card, he was the only person who knew what happened to me and I believed I could trust him. Dialing his number I waited anxiously for him to answer, biting my bottom lip.

The suspense was killing me.


"Good morning Namjun, it's Sagwa, I was wondering... can we meet?" I proposed getting straight to the point instead of beating around the bush.

"Oh Miss Sagwa, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine and you?"

I heard him chuckle breifly on the other end before he responded, "I'm fine as well."

"That's good to hear."

"Did you remember something?"

"Well not exactly, but I did find something really important and interesting."

"Oh, then give me a few minutes and I'll meet you."

"I'm not stopping you from getting any work done, am I?" I asked, hoping that I wasn't being a burden.

"No of course not, I'll meet you at the same cafe okay."

"Okay, I'll see you there."

Currently Okada wasn't home it was just me and Koda so leaving this time would be much easier.

Kazuchika had taken the car and I didn't really feel like walking there even though it was a walkable distance. My feet hurt from standing in those heels last night.

Guess I'll have to suck it up and bare the pain.

I decided to take Koda along for the walk, he didn't seem to mind, I didn't want to leave him alone in the hot house.

I threw on some sneakers and a sporty type short dress, after placing my hair into a ponytail, wearing a base ball hat, we left the house soon after I made sure I locked the doors.

The walk there was peaceful. Actually, I didn't recall seeing a single person along the sidewalk of the house the first time I walked outside, only when I reached the park, I saw people, the same thing happened today.

'That's strange, I wonder why no one walks here.'

I wasn't going to the park but I still walked slower watching some children run around blowing bubbles and having a water gun fight. It made me smile, it reminded me of when I was younger. I didn't have any siblings so my parents would be the ones to do stuff like that with me.

We were always so close, I hated being apart from them; however, when I got older and I met Okada things between us changed, when I moved with him back to South Korea and I never knew why. My mother is African American whereas my father is Korean, I was born in Korea and we lived here for awhile but then my dad decided it was best for us to move to New York.

But after my business took off and I left, it was difficult for me to see them. They never really seemed to want to see me either, I only have myself to blame for that.

Removing those memories from my head as I reached the cafe I tied Koda outside, before entering the cafe. I searched the area for Namjun's figure and soon enough my eyes found him staring out the window with his chin in his palm as he daydreamed. He was sitting alone with his beverage in front of him. His eyes slowly drifted away from the window and to mine instead, his face relaxed as he sent his dimpled smile in my direction.

I smiled back, almost out of instinct, I walked over to him and sat down noticing that he had ordered a cold beverage for me as well.

That was sweet.

I took my bag off hanging it onto the back of the chair.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here so early." Recalling our earlier conversation, I excepted him to be a little late.

"This place isn't far away from where I work." he told me sipping his drink soon after.

"I see."

"So what's the interesting thing you found?" he then asked getting down to business.

"Right." I took the artifact from my bag and placed it on the table between us.

"What is this?" he asked in awe at the beautiful object that laid in front of him, he took it in his hands, examining the art piece in amazement.

I couldn't hold back my snicker at his reaction, at the amount of curiosity that could be seen on his features and the many questions I knew he was about to ask me any minute.

"Where did you get this?"

"Well before I died— I mean... before my accident, my friend who I was with gave it to me, at first I thought that it was something meaningless but then I found something useful." I said earning another interested look from him.

"Which was?"

"Apparently it's called: 'The Map Of The Soul Curse' and this object is what causes it." I then preceded to explain everything I found.

"You were cursed?!" he exclaimed, his face expression changing to a surprised one as he dropped the artifact in his hands.

People started staring at us. "Hey, not so loud." I scolded at him for his sudden outburst putting a finger to my lips.

I sat there looking at him, shaking my head, trying to figure out why he suddenly shouted.

"You're not afraid are you?"

"No, it's not that, I was just surprised, I can't believe this is actually happening, it's stranger than anything I've ever encountered before, so forgive my reaction." he said, his eyes sparking with a new found interest.

"I'm glad you think so..." I said leaning forward a bit resting my hands on the table, looking at him. "...because I could really use your help."

"My help? With what?"

"Before I could find out how to rid myself of this curse my computer blanked out."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. I want you to help me find a way to end this so I can return."

"I don't mean this the wrong way or anything but why did you choose me to help you instead of Okada?"

"For starters, you're the only one who knows what happened to me, I'm pretty sure telling him would only confuse things and..." I trailed off avoiding his gaze.


"...because I trust you." I finished, finally meeting his eyes again.

"If you don't mind me asking, why? I mean we only just met."

"You saved me, so I think that you're not a bad person so... I'm choosing to give you my trust, this whole thing would be a lot easier with someone to help me but you don't have to if you don't want to."

What I told him was true but if I was being honest, I wanted to trust him because he looked like Namjun or rather because he was Namjun.

"No, I'll help you, although I'm still not sure how to yet."

"To be honest with you, neither do I, but I was thinking that it's an old artifact right, so maybe an art museum or something in that area is a good place to start." I suggested after giving it much thought.

"Hmm, I can't argue with that." He smiled before sipping his drink as I did the same.

I then checked the time, it was almost 12 o'clock meaning I should leave before 'someone' came home and I brought Koda with me too, I didn't want him in the heat too long. Which reminded me, he's probably thirsty right now.

"Oh! I have to get back to work." Namjun spoke before I could, checking his watch. "How about we meet again when you figure out what museum we're going to."

"Sure and thank you for the drink."

"Don't mention it." he replied before leaving.

After picking my bag up I left as well. I found Koda, bending down I gave him a dog treat from my bag then I opened the top of a water bottle I had, pouring some water into a cup for him to refresh himself with.

"There you go boy, ready to go?" I gently ruffled his fur after he was finished drinking, he shook his entire body then looked at me with his tongue hanging out his mouth. "I'll take that as a yes." I cooed with a laugh untying him and beginning to walk.

I sighed. 'Looks like I'm in for it this time.'

Of all the mistakes I made this had to be the highlight of them all. Why do things like this always happen to me? What did I do to the universe to be punished like this? I'm still secretly waiting to wake up at home in my bed to realize this was all some messed dream, but I'm pretty sure that's never gonna happen, so I'm stuck here.

This curse is supposed to help me somehow, but I still don't understand how. My life wasn't half bad, although... my relationship with my parents wasn't the best and I did wish that I could fix my relationship with Namjun. I just don't see how throwing me into another world helped.

On arriving home I entered the code in the key pad then entered the house hanging up Koda's leash watching him immediately run freely through the house, I took my hat off and ran a hand through my hair undoing the ponytail it was in.

I then walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge taking out a bottle of water and taking a sip.

'I should probably start looking for some art museums in Seoul.'

As I was about to leave the kitchen I heard the sound of foot steps which was followed by the sudden feeling that I wasn't alone. I stopped walking and turned around.

"Kazuchika? Are you here?"

No one answered.


Strange, it felt like someone else was here but I don't remember his car being in the drive way, so maybe I was being paranoid.

Taking a deep breath I moved forward.

'Great a couple of days in another world and I'm already losing my mind.'

Just then someone grabbed my wrist tightly, causing my heart to drop as I yelped in surprise, a new found fear started to creep up my back.

"Don't move!" They ordered, making me visibly swallow as my body stiffened.
