{7} "Why Did You Kick Me In The Nuts?!"

"Some say fear is the greatest weapon a human can have, it's like a rock holding you down stopping you from doing something you really want to do, though also seen as a burden or useless emotion it's what stops us from ruining our own lives or someone else's. We don't understand we need that burden bearing rock to hold us down, otherwise we would surely perish." —Icychica_

I was panicking inside, my heart was about to leave my chest; my soul, I'm sure would soon follow it in abandoning ship.

Though fearful to approach the unknown, I refused to stay there and do nothing to save myself, summoning the courage I turned around suddenly with speed and kicked them right in the delicates. I watched him stumble and fall to the ground curling in a ball, holding the area in pain. I prepared to further injure the intruder by taking a frying pan off the counter ready to hit him if he came near again.

"Why doesn't she just slap me in the face like a normal girl would?" I heard him grumble from below still gripping the area.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" I demanded, still holding onto the frying pan.

"Sagwa, seriously? Why did you have to kick me in the nuts?!" He rolled over to to glare at me.

He knew my name.

I almost dropped my guard for a split second.

'No, it doesn't matter, I don't know who he is.' I argued in my head, my eyes darted to him when I saw him stand up.

He started to come closer so I swung the object in my hands at him to which he dodged holding his hands up in defense. "Whoa, why are you trying to attack me? Did you guys fight again?"

"I asked you a question!" I demanded him to answer me, my voice taking on a more serious tone.

"Sagwa, it's me, Gokk Do." he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, coming closer again.

I swung at him. "Stay back! " I threatened causing him to jump at my sudden out burst.

"Oh come on, why do you always end up taking your anger out on me? Put that down it's not like you'll hit me with it."

I raised my eyebrow at him challengingly before *WACK* I hit him on the head with the frying pan.

"Ouch! Are you drunk?!" he exclaimed in pain once more, holding his head.

"No, I'm perfectly sober, now, what are you doing in my house?!" I asked him, never once letting my guard down.

"I— Okada sent me."

'Why would he?'


"Sagwa, why are you asking me all this?" he then questioned making me move closer to hit him on the head again.

"Okay! Calm down, he sent me here to watch you because he wasn't sure you were alright yet. I'm starting to see what he meant by that." he muttered the last part to himself.

"Call him." I demanded. I wasn't so sure I could trust him yet, this would at least reassure me.

"Excuse me?" He titled his head in confusion, running his tongue over his lips.

"Call him, if he really sent you... prove it, for all I know you could be trying to trick me or something." I wasn't taking any chances.

He hesitated for a moment before deciding not to argue with me further. He took his phone from his pocket slowly dialing a number, he put the device to his ear as it rung.

"Hello?" I heard his voice from the device as it was now on speaker.

Hearing his voice Gokk Do—as that was his name answered, "Boss, I think you were right about Sagwa."

"Gokk Do? I'm kinda busy right no— wait, did something happen, is Sagwa alright?" Kazuchika asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Your girlfriend hit me on the head with a frying pan and said she doesn't know who I am." he replied.

"What?! You're kidding, right?" he then began laughing. "She hit you on the head, with a frying pan?" At that point his laughter kept getting louder until he started coughing.

Gokk do just stood there with this face expression that read 'I didn't sign up for this sh*t' I wanted to laugh as well, thinking about it, it was pretty funny.

"I'm sorry, I should be asking if you're alright but that was so unexpected." he said trying to regain his composure.

"Well, I'm fine thanks for asking." Gokk do replied rolling his eyes.

I then dropped my guard putting the frying pan down.

"We're cool now, it was just a misunderstanding." I said to Kazuchika, in all honesty it wasn't my fault, he was the one who snuck up on me.

"If you say so, but for the record, you sure you're okay?"


"Good, I won't be back until later tonight so Gokk do is there to protect you." he informed before he finally hung up.

I then allowed my eyes to meet Gokk do's with an apologetic smile. "So... you're my personal body guard."

"Uh huh."

"Look, I'm sorry about the whole frying pan thing, but to be fair you scared the shitzal outta me, who sneaks up on someone, grabs them by the hand and says 'don't move' in a threatening voice like that, what did you think was gonna happen?"

"Okay, I admit to trying to scare you, but I didn't except you to freak out like that and why did you ask who I was anyway?"

"Uh well I..." I struggled to come up with an excuse. "Let's just forget about that right now, how did you get in here?" I quickly changed the subject.

"He gave me a key and the combination, I did knock but no one answered so I came in to see if you were here, but I found no one. I was gonna call the boss but I heard you come in and then..."

"And then you thought it'd be funny to scare the crap of out me right?" I finished his sentence.

"Right, sorry."

It's strange, I knew every person that worked with Kazuchika but I've never seen or heard of this Gokk do person. There was Markcus, Lucas, Henry, Haruno and Boom gi. But I've never seen him before and from the look of it he doesn't seem new. Although, it was a new world so I guess I'd have to get use to new people showing up.

"So, do you mind telling me where you went?" he asked, bring me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, I went to the cafe near by to walk Koda."

"Okay, but next time take me with you, if something happens to you, I'll take the blame and he'll probably kill me so... I'll greatly appreciate it." he told me, rubbing behind his neck.

"Relax, I'm sure he wouldn't do that." I brushed off his comment.

"Yes, he very much would, they're all kinds people who would love to get a hold of you, his girlfriend, which is why you shouldn't go places alone, if I fail in protecting you he clearly stated he'd kill me."

I looked at him in disbelief. "But I'm not even his girlfriend, why would he go so far to kill you if I die? That wouldn't be your fault, seeing you, I'm sure you would've done everything to protect me, if I still died after that then... you shouldn't be blamed." I didn't believe Okada would really kill him for such a reason.

"What do you mean you're not even his girlfriend?"

"Oh um... I... broke up with him."

"What really?!"

"Yes. Don't worry though, I'll make sure he does nothing to you." I smiled.

He gave me an unsure nod in response, as the earlier events were now over I took a seat in the living room to which Gokk Do sat down with me.

The moment he did, what Tan said to me came to mind and I wondered if Gokk do knew anything about it.

"Hey, Gokk do?" I addressed him.

"Yes ma'am?"

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about the missing shipments and items from the restaurant would you?" I asked and the moment I did he turned his head around, his eyes widened slightly.

"How'd you know about that?"

"Why wouldn't I? I help the gang, remember?"

"I'm not really at liberty to say anything and Kazuchika said he wouldn't tell you until we knew who was behind it, he doesn't want you to worry."

"So you're saying, you still don't know who the culprit is?"

"I can neither confirm or deny that."

I rolled my eyes. "Uh huh, so basically you haven't found them yet, I'm gonna guess that's what Okada is so busy with right now." I concluded and I heard him sigh across from me and I look in his direction.

I know this might come across as creepy, but his sigh was so familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd heard it before, he was fairly young with brown hair and if I had to guess he was around 6 feet, he also had a tattoo of a house or was it a temple of some sort on his left upper arm; he basically had a baby face, it was cute really.

I then heard a knock on the front door and I immediately got up and ran to open it; however, before I could touch the door nob Gokk do took my hand off of it. "Wait, you didn't check to see who it is." he alerted me.

I rolled my eyes before checking the outside camera and I almost squealed when I saw them. I opened the door to let them in. "Soo ah!" I exclaimed as Sun-woo ran past her and entered the house and at that moment I was glad the inside pool had a cover—it blended in with the floor.

"Sagwa!" she replied, hugging me tightly.

We parted from eat other and I saw her eyes land on the man behind me, her face changed to a grimace and I saw them both just stare at each other and it wasn't a very friendly stare either. I stood between the two, looking at them, feeling a chill up my spine.

"What is he doing here?" she asked through grit teeth her eyes not evening sparing me a glance.

"He's my bodyguard, apparently."

"Really? I'm sure Okada could've done better than this... this thing." she jabbed at him.

'Why is she so salty here? It's almost frightening.' I thought, watching Gokk do open his mouth to respond.

"Pleasure to see you to Soo-ah." He exhaled.

"Okay, now I'm feeling strangely claustrophobic in my own house." I said moving from between the two.

"No dear, the pleasure is always mine." she replied sarcastically, brushing past him.

"So what's up?" I asked her as I sat back down.

She sat next to me. "I'm here because I thought we could go out tomorrow tonight and have some fun."

"Sure, I'd love to go," I paused then looked at Gokk do. "Under one condition."

"And what is that?"

"Gokk do here has to come with me." I told her pointing at him.

She looked at him then back at me. "You're kidding?!"

"Nope." I responded popping the 'p'.

She sighed and rolled her eyes before glaring at Gokk Do, Gokk do on the other hand smiled and waved at her teasingly.

"Is there anyone you do get along with." I stated watching them.

"There is, but I can't help it if my honesty offends others, that's their problem." she sassily replied, shrugging her shoulders, all at once eyeing Gokk do with an evil smirk.

All I could do was shake my head, she reminded me of Lisa with this new attitude she had, it was astonishing really.

Gokk do then spoke, "Guess you'll have to get use to me, I'm her bodyguard, every where she goes, I go." he told her pointing at me and himself.

"Great." she replied sarcastically, even adding a wide smile.

At that moment little footsteps were heard making their way in our direction, followed by another, which I picked up to be Koda's paws.

"Yah! (Meaning hey) Kim Sun-woo stop running around with your socks on before you fall!" Soo-ah scolded the child who simply smiled ignoring her words.

"Sun-woo watch out!" I then yelled watching him slide out of control towards the couch, seconds later.

"Woah there little man." Gokk do said as he stopped Sun-woo from colliding with the couch, picking him up so that he sat in his lap.

Soo-ah immediately held her hands out to Gokk do as to say 'give him to me' which he did.

She cleared her throat. "Thank you." she mumbled, almost as though she contemplated for a while whether or not to say it.

Gokk do smiled at her evilly with a raised eyebrow. "Look, this doesn't mean I'll be nice to you or anything from now on, so wipe that smile off your face!" she hissed.
