{11} "This B(18+ word)tch!"

"Soo-ah, calm down, she's not worth it ladies, don't make this any worst than it has to be." Gokk do said, as he was now in between me, Soo-ah and this red-headed B(18+word)tch.

"Yeah, why don't you listen to your babysitter, hoe." she said, smiling at both of us as Soo-ah got angry again and somehow managed to wiggle her way out of Gokk do's grasp, immediately punching her in the face, knocking her out cold.

How did we end up in this situation you ask? Allow me to enlighten you.





Almost an hour ago.

The club was loud as expected, when we entered we found a place by the bar to sit for awhile and chat a longer.

"So Sagwa... mind telling me why you broke up with Okada, I never liked him that much because he's a totally d bag, but you broke up with him so suddenly that even I'm wondering if he did something to upset you." she said, after we were seated with our drinks.

"That's really difficult to explain." I sighed sipping my beer.

"I knew it! He did do something to you. That bastard, I'll kill him!" she said, causing me to jump at her sudden out burst.

"No, it's not like that, I promise, it wasn't him at fault, it was actually me. He's always been there for me, he's my best friend and well... I guess I felt guilty knowing that's all he'll ever be to me and the fact that he was in love with me... I couldn't stay in a relationship with him, you know it's not nice to play with people's feelings like that." I explained as carefully as I could surprising myself with my own words.

Soo-ah blinked at me for a whole minute before speaking. "Oh, I guess I misread your relationship then, well in that case I understand where you're coming from."

"Thanks. Wait, what do you mean by you misread things?" I asked, looking at her.

"Well, from my perspective it looked like you were totally in love with each other, I mean you guys were the ideal couple everyone was jealous of you, so I never once thought that was the case with you." Her words made me feel guilty even more than they should have.

"Oh..." I sighed, directing my attention elsewhere awkwardly.

"Oh my god, did I upset you? I'm sorry, forget I even said anything." she said panicking, holding my hand.

"I was just taken aback that's all, but there is a question I've been dying to ask you though."

"Ask away."

"Why exactly do you hate Gokk do?" I asked and her smile immediately disappeared replaced with a hooded look as she took the glass from her lips slowly.

"I don't know why, but he just doesn't sit right with me, something about his personality just bugs me, he seems off somehow, like I don't know what his game is. I even understand Okada better than I do him, which is saying a lot. Sagwa please just watch yourself around him okay?" she said, about the man who was practically with me 24\7.

"Uh, okay but don't you think maybe it's because you don't know him too well, I mean I'm with him all the time and he doesn't seem that bad aside from him pulling tricks on me, he's quite pleasant to be around." I assured her.

Maybe I can help her trust him more.

"I guess you could be right." she sighed, looking down at the table.

"Hey, I'm curious, who is Sun-woo's father anyway?" At my words she choked on her drink and started coughing and I rushed over and patted her on the back.

"That's... that's a long story." she wheezed.

"As usual, I'm willing to listen." I said smiling brightly.

"Well about five or so years ago, I met him his name was Jaemin, I remember thinking back then how handsome he was with his brown eyes, brown skin and curly hair, honestly he was so beautiful it was insulting actually. Like I said before, I started opening up to people more so when he began working with Okada in the gang, I couldn't keep my eyes away from him and it was clear that he felt the same about me so when he asked me out I didn't hesitate in saying yes.

"I fell for him hard, he became my everything, he was so sweet, so gentle, I thought he could never lie to me, there was a time I thought that if he ever betrayed me I wouldn't even be mad. I was hopelessly and helplessly in love with him. But as fate would have it, he wasn't who I thought he was; actually he was a spy sent from another gang to gather information and then bring us down, I was almost certain that he was using me, the bastard even tried to kill me and I ended up being the one to end his life, shortly after, I found out I was pregnant." she finished and I couldn't believe my ears.

"Wow... that's a lot to take in, I don't even know how to react to that." I breathed out slowly.

"The hardest part is... eventually I'll have to tell my son who his father was and that I'm the one who killed him." she said, downing her drink.

"I can't imagine how hard that must've been for you."

"It was... but I'm okay now, it was a learning experience. I'm more careful when it comes to trust, I haven't dated anyone since then; raising my son well is my top priority." she said giving me her widest smile, even though I knew she wasn't okay. Maybe it was the look of concern I gave her that made her add, "Don't worry, I haven't given up on love yet, if the opportunity should arise I'll take it. Now, we didn't come here to sit and sulk all night, let's hit the dance floor!" Soo-ah expressed, jumping from her seat, taking my hands.

"Let's do this!" I giggled, as I followed her making sure to drink the remainder of my drink first, can't be too careful these days, if you know what I mean.

We both shuffled onto the dance floor, finding a spot where we could both dance with each other close by as the beat dropped, it has been awhile since I got out and had fun, let alone drank, I wasn't big on drinking or dancing in clubs, but tonight I wanted to let loose and step out of my comfort zone.

I had always neglected these things for work and because I wanted to be the perfect daughter my parents drove me to become. But somehow, even where I was didn't please them and that destroyed me but I guess I'm old enough now to start doing the things I want to, for myself and not for them; I wished I could've stood up to them before things got this bad between us.

Soo-ah seemed to be really into the music even shouting at one point: "This is ma jam!" and pulled me to dance with her as we swayed our hips and feet to the music and after a few more drinks, she was fully in party mode, you would have thought her personality would have changed a little after getting drunk, but nope, it got a whole lot worst and soon she was dancing with multiple guys; however, being the responsible person I was refrained from drinking as much to keep an eye on her.

"Sagwaa! Come meet my new friends!" She grabbed me to stand by her side. "These boys are hella cute, since you're single now, I'm going to hook you up with one of them." she whispered to me patting my back.

"Uh thanks, but I'm not really interested in—"

"Oh come on sweetheart, we won't bite, right boys? Well unless you're into that sort of thing." one said interrupting me, towering above my small frame in comparison to his making me step back, to my surprise Soo-ah came between us and pushed the guy away from me.

"No touchy, at least tell her your name first." She gave the guy a suspicious glare squinting her eyes at him.

"It's Taeyong, now that you know my name how about a few more drinks on me?" He wrapped his arm around me.

"No thanks, I think we've had enough to drink." I said, laughing awkwardly, taking his arm from around my neck.

"We'll have fun, I promise you can trust us, so how about we leave thi—"

"Taeyong!" A female voice sang his name, some of the guys around him started whispering 'busted' causing him to glare at them angrily.

"Sh*t." I heard him mutter, rolling his eyes as a red headed women approached us immediately grabbing onto him.

"Hi babe." he grunted, looking at her with a forced but somehow annoyed smile.

"I was looking all over for you, the girls are ready to go." she said, before noticing and Soo-ah's and my presence.

"Well if it isn't Kazuchika's hoe and her pathetic sidekick." she spat, smirking at both of us. Though I had no idea who she was, I could tell she was no friend of mine.

"Say that again I dare you." Soo-ah grumbled, beside me with a sarcastic smile.

"Hold on, she's Kazuchika's girlfriend?" Taeyong asked in surprise.

"She is, seriously how do you not know this when you're his son." The red-head replied to him rolling her eyes.

"In that case you're coming with us after all, I wonder just how much my father would be willing to pay if I captured you." Taeyong smirked, I immediately sensed a dangerous aurora coming from him. "Grab her." he said to the boys around him.

They followed his orders coming towards me. I took a step backwards as Soo-ah leaped in front of me, punching one of them in the face then stomach.

"Well that sobered me up a little." she huffed, running a hand through her hair before glaring at Taeyong. "If you think I'm gonna stand ideally by and let that happen you're terribly mistaken." I never thought I'd be in this much danger, I don't like violence but right now it's either fight or be killed so I have no choice, I won't let Soo-ah fight them alone.

They laughed at her words completely ignoring them and continued to approach us. "Stay behind me." she ordered.

"Not a chance, we're doing this together." I insisted holding her hand.

She looked at it and hesitated before searching my face carefully and sighed. "Okay, as long as you're sure."


I came back to Sagwa the moment I was finished helping the boss. I knocked on the front door and waited for her to answer, even though I could just open it and walk inside, she hated it when I did that though, that's why I knocked instead. I kept waiting for her to answer but she never did.

"She's probably taking a shower." I mumbled, letting myself in.

Koda greeted me as I entered, I went straight up stairs to her room and yelled loud enough so she could her me from the bathroom. "Sagwa, I'm back, and I brought dinner!" But there was no reply, I took it upon myself to cautiously enter her room making sure to cover my eyes. "I'm coming in!" If she was in there she would have already flung a pillow at my head so I opened my eyes. The room was completely empty along with the bathroom, I ran back downstairs to check the rest of the house which was empty as well.

"Damn it!" I expressed in frustration.

Okay dude, don't panic she's probably at Soo-ah's.

I then took my phone out and called Soo-ah but it went straight to voicemail the same happened to Sagwa's. "Sh*t, where the hell are you?"

I ran outside. "Lucas! Lucas!" I yelled for one of the other body guards.

"Yes sir, is there something wrong?"

"Did you see Sagwa leave the house?" I asked him trying to remain calm.

"Right, she left with Soo-ah a couple hours ago, she was all dolled up too."

"You knew she left and you didn't think to tell me this sooner?" I said still remaining calm.

"Hold up, I though you knew about this already, she told me you'll be with them, that's why I let her leave without question."

"Clearly as you can see, I had no idea, tell me you know where they are?" I asked praying to god he knew.

"I have no idea." he laughed awkwardly scratching behind his head.

"Fudge!" I yelled, losing my cool.

"Boss is going to kill you if something happens to her." he stated, making me turn to glare at him.

"Correction, he's going to kill all of us, especially you, since you're the one who let her go without knowing where she's going first, so do us all a favor and track her phone." I told him and he immediately followed my orders, they could be fine and I was just overreacting but I could help but worry.

Moments later Lucas came back with a piece of paper and gave it to me, the paper contained Sagwa's location which was the Nightdancer night club.

"Okay Lucas you're coming with me, tell some of the others to come just in case, this could be nothing but I got a bad feeling about this." I told him as he followed my orders.


"Argh!" One yelled in pain as I kicked him in the face, ducking as another tried to grab me from behind, elbowing him in the chest, I grabbed a metal platter from the bar hitting them both over the head with it. Grabbing that platter was the best decision I ever made it was so much easier to knock them out with.

Soo-ah and I kept fighting them but it felt like every time one went down another took his place. I hadn't realized in all the commotion the bar had emptied due to the fight, we were out numbered ridiculously, there wasn't even an opening where we could make a run for it and soon we were both over-powered. They had Soo-ah completely restrained, as she yelled and tried to break free from their clutches.

Taeyong decided he'd be the one to capture me instead and came at me, I tried to defend myself but he grabbed my arms, placing them behind my back before I could even do anything. "Thanks for the show ladies, but show's over, let's move."

"Yeah I don't think so," I heard the click of a gun behind me. "Let them go or I'll put a bullet in your skull." A male voice dangerously threatened and Taeyong stopped moving.

"Gokk do? Is that you?" I asked, recognizing his voice.

"It is, are you hurt?" he asked, as calm as ever, whereas, my heart wouldn't stop beating so loudly.

"I'm fine." I replied, trying to keep my voice calm, but it ended up cracking a bit.

"Oi, are you deaf? I said let them go, you're out numbered and I'm sure you're the only ones here without guns." he said, taking on a more demanding and impatient tone.

Taeyong then released a defeated sighed letting me go and the others followed his lead, releasing Soo-ah who came to my side.

"Go over there." Gokk do said, causing all of them to move to one side of the room away from us.

"I really should kill you, bastard, but since I don't want to start a war, I'll let you off with a warning." Gokk do walked towards Taeyong, putting the gun directly onto his forehead. "If you ever lay a finger on Sagwa or Soo-ah ever again, I won't hesitate this time to put a bullet in your head." he finished, making Taeyong give a throaty laugh as he held his hands up surrendering.

"Okay you win, this time at least, we'll leave." he said, with an arrogant smirk, as they all turned to leave Gokk do then put his gun away with a sigh.

"Are you guys sure you're okay?" he asked, looking at us with a worried look.

"Yes, but I'm a little shaken."

"Oh and by the way Soo-ah say hi to that child of yours for me, I do hope for your sake he doesn't stab you in the back like his father did." Taeyong's girlfriend then turned and said to Soo-ah.

I looked at Soo-ah who curled her fingers into a fist and gritted her teeth and she ran at her to grab her by the neck, but was immediately stopped by Gokk do.

"Let go of me!" she expressed, in a struggle to break free.

"Soo-ah, calm down she's not worth it, don't make this any worst than it has to be." Gokk do whispered as he held onto her.

"I don't give a sh*t what you say about me but don't you dare talk crap about my family! You hear me b(13+word)tch!" Soo-ah warned, still restrained by Gokk do.

"That was a dirty move, why couldn't you just leave quietly, there was no need for that."

"Oh shut up, you're nothing but Kazuchika's play thing, I wonder how long it will take before he gets bored of you, the man whore he is." She smirked like she won or something, at that point I couldn't contain myself any longer and I slapped her in the face, hard, knowing if I had punched her she would have lost a tooth or two; there was a kind of people I couldn't stand and this redhead was one of them.

She held her face in surprise like she didn't expect me to actually hit her, well news flash, I'm not the same person you once knew.

"Sagwa! What did I just say?!" Gokk do yelled, grabbing me as well.

"Yeah, why don't you listen to your babysitter hoe." she teased both of us, her cheek still red.

"That's it." Soo-ah mumbled and somehow managed to wiggle her way out of Gokk do's grasp and immediately punched the girl in the face knocking her out cold.

"Yup, she deserved that one." Gokk do looked at the unconscious woman on the floor as her 'boyfriend' went to her side. "Let's get out of here before something else happens." He lead us out of the club followed by the other guys he brought with him, as we reached outside Lucas approached us.

"Holy moly, are you guys okay?" Worry evident in his voice as he started searching for any bruises on me and Soo-ah.

"Yes we are, although I think both our hands could use some ice after the fight earlier." I said now noticing how red and partially swollen our hands had gotten.

"You got into a fight!" Lucas expressed, more worried as he grabbed both my and Soo-ah's hands to look at them, Soo-ah rolled her eyes.

"It's not that bad, please stop worrying, I'm sorry for tricking you Lucas."

"Don't apologize, it's my fault for not checking where you were going." Lucas took off his jacket, placing it around my shoulders as Gokk do did the same for Soo-ah.


"Let's get you guys home." Gokk do said, as we got into the car.
