{16} The Locket. (Pt.1)

"I'm scared, scared of the deafening silence I wake up to everyday instead of your sweet, sweet music, I hope that your sound never loses its effect on me because that would be how I die my first and final death." —Icychica_

Upon returning inside we both searched for Kazuchika all over, until we finally found him or rather he found us. "Sagwa where did you disappear to? I was looking every where for you." he said seeing me with Soo-ah.

"Where did I disappear to?!" I expressed in disbelief at his words pointing at myself. "I think I should be asking you that, you have this really bad habit of disappearing, what are you a magician?"

"That was because I had to check something but I came back right after, point is you should have stayed where you were." he argued.

"Why should she waste time that way, you brought her here for work, you should've told her before you left, I finished the tour you were supposed to be giving her, so you should apologize." Soo-ah remarked folding her arms as she met his gaze. She was wearing a black turtle neck sweater with blue ripped jeans and boots, the sweater's long sleeves almost covered her fingers, her short black hair laid to rest on her shoulders. Despite her short and tiny appearance as she scolded him she looked scary, like a powerful business women scary. It suited her.

Kazuchika was a bit flustered by her words, it's not that her words were harsh but the way she said them was filled with authority which I was certain shocked him, so he struggled for a while to come up with a response and she looked expectantly at him. "I'm waiting." she impatiently groaned.

"Sagwa, I'm sorry, I was wrong, won't happen again." Kazuchika turned to me and apologized as instructed.

"Good, you should always apologize when you're wrong." Soo-ah smiled satisfied with his apology.

"Mr. Okada!" A voice called from behind us, hearing his name he turned around, out of curiosity so did Soo-ah and I only to see Yunho approach us. "I got the numbers you wanted." Yunho said, handing Kazuchika a file, making me realize I had no idea what Yunho's job was.

Yunho's eyes then looked at Soo-ah to which he gave her a nod to greet her, then they landed on me and I smiled at him slightly.

"So, you found him." he said to me.

"Ah yeah, I did." I replied, nodding.

Kazuchika looked between us in confusion. "Do you guys know each other?"

"We met in the wine cellar earlier." I explained and he nodded. "By the way, what is it that you do here?" I asked my question directed at Yunho.

"I'm the accountant."

"That's cool." I complimented, but then I found it really interesting that not only did some of the members have jobs related to this restaurant but they still knew each other. Jungwoo was the only member I had yet to meet, I got the feeling that he was the only one that didn't know them and that thought worried me.

"Why is everyone gathered here?" Another voice added to the mix, then Seokian was seen making his way towards us in his black dress shirt with thin white stripes; his black hair styled; his pink lips turned up in a killer smile —which was enough to actually kill someone.

"Looking good Seokian." I mumbled to myself with a giggle.

"No special reason, it just turned out this way." Kazuchika replied to Ian, his eyes then landed on his sister and he walked over to her side and her eyes followed him with suspicion, he attempted to ruffle her hair, but ended up bent over, with his hand behind his back at a painful angle instead.

Keeping in mind their height difference, it was a very funny sight.

I was a bit surprised by the sudden action, but both Kazuchika and Yunho looked like they saw it coming.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ian repeated over and over in pain until Soo-ah released him.

"What did I say about touching me without permission!" she threatened watching her brother hold his shoulder in pain.

"You never learn, do you?" Yunho sighed, folding his arms and shaking his head at Ian.

"Yah! What if you broke my arm?!" Ian yelled at her, his face turning red with anger.

"You shouldn't have tried to touch me then."

"I just wanted to greet my beloved little sister by touching her head, am I not allowed to even do that?!"

"You can, but you know I hate it when you touch my hair. I just got this done, couldn't you have... I don't know asked for a hug instead..." Soo-ah said, her voice becoming softer. "I'm... I'm sorry that was more of a reflex." she then added going over to him, concern evident in her eyes.

"You need to be more careful." Ian whined looking down at her.

"Did it hurt that badly?" she hesitantly touched his shoulder.

"You clearly have no idea how strong you are." He flinched a little at her touch.

"Okay, I said I was sorry, come on let's get you some ice." She took him in the direction of his office but not before saying goodbye to me.

"Beats her brother up then gets worried she hurt him, I just don't get those two." Kazuchika sighed, watching them walk away.

"Neither do I..." Yunho agreed doing the same, before turning to Kazuchika and adding, "I'll be leaving now."

Kazuchika nodded, as Yunho went his separate way, our eyes met and I waved to him which he acknowledged by smiling.

Kazuchika then turned to me. "Come on, I'll take you home."

"No need, Gokk do texted me earlier, he'll do it, I'll go outside and wait for him." I said, his face suddenly looked at me with suspicion so he moved closer, looking down at me and I did the same, looking him in the eye, raising a quizzical eyebrow at his actions.

"Something doesn't feel right..." he mumbled. "Is there a special reason why you're allowing him to take you home but not me?" I folded my arms not answering him. "Don't tell me... are you... dating him behind my back?" he gasped in disbelief at his own wrong assumption.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm going with him because I promised to help him buy a gift," I paused noticing how he held his breath in anticipation as he waited for me to finish my sentence. "for someone else." I chuckled as he breathed out relieved. "Why are you so paranoid?"

"You broke up with me, wasn't that because you wanted to be with someone else?" he said suddenly and I thought for a second about my reply looking at his sad face.

"I don't." I simply said.

So he wasn't over the break up yet, judging from the way he awkwardly looked at me and the way he subconsciously licked his lips while talking about it, it was pretty obvious he was still upset. And I was the reason he was this way.

"I meant everything I said to my father even though you don't feel the same... for you I'll try my best not to get jealous, if you do get another boyfriend, I won't harm him, I'm happy going back to being your best friend as long as I can stay by your side and protect you, I'll settle for that, and if you ever... want to be more than friends again, I'll be here... waiting." he said and I knew he meant every word even though it wasn't easy for him to say. I decided to tease him a bit to lighten the mood.

"Second best friend." I smiled mischievously watching him react to my words.

"Wa— then who's the first?!" His eyes widened.

"Soo-ah." I teased him with a smile.

"Soo-ah?! Yah! I've know you way longer than she has, what do you mean she's first?! If I even have to go up against Soo-ah to became number one on your list again, I'll do it." he ranted his voice indicating that he was taking me seriously which made me laugh.

"Gomawo (Thank you) and I'm sorry." I said making him stop his ranting to look at me.

He cleared his throat. "What for?"

"Thank you for saying you'll stay with me regardless and I'm sorry for hurting you and putting you in this situation..." I sincerely apologized for everything that's been happening to him because of me. "You do know I was kidding right? You are my one and only best friend, because Soo-ah is like a sister to me." I added making him smile at me. I hoped I made him feel better, even if it was just a little bit.

My phone suddenly vibrated, indicating I had gotten a text. "Gokk do is here, I have to go."

"Okay, have fun." I hurried down the hallway not wanting to keep Gokk do waiting.

I stopped walking turned around and yelled. "By the way, I don't hate you so stop thinking that I do!" Before continuing on my way shaking at him.

"Ready to go?" Gokk do asked standing outside the car, taking off his shades, he looked different somehow, maybe it was because I was so use to him always wearing black and leather that now he was wearing a white and blue T-shirt and black ripped jeans he looked completely different, it was a good different thought.

"l'm ready." I responded and he opened the door to the front seat for me and I got in.

After he got in as well he said, "The mall is the best place to start so let's go there."

"Okay." I responded buckling myself up as we were on our way.

When we finally entered the mall. "So, what exactly are you getting her?"

"I don't know, I was going to get her a locket, you know, so she could put a picture of her son in it but... is that too childish?" he asked rubbing his hand through his hair awkwardly.

I stopped walking to look at him. "I didn't know you could be so romantic and thoughtful," I said in a low tone as I slapped his shoulder with a smile, his idea was really good, it looked like he didn't even need my help. "Looks like you did well on your own, you didn't need me at all."

"I still need you to pick one she'd like, I'm not good at that sort of thing." he said bumping my shoulder playfully.

"Okay, then shall we." I replied as we looked for a jewelry store, we passed many other stores on the way until we finally came to a jewelry store.

The moment we entered a young woman came up to us. "How may I be of assistance?" she said sweetly with a grin on her face.

"We are looking for lockets."

"I see, may I ask the occasion?" she responded taking up a book of some sort waiting for his reply.

"It's a gift for someone." he said to her and she nodded now opening the book, turning the pages before pausing to look up at me.

"You're not the recipient, right?" she asked her question directed at me.

"Ah no, I'm here to help him choose one."

"Yeah, I didn't think you were." she stated, putting on a pair of glasses before calling us over to take a look at the book. "These are the most popular ones guaranteed to win a woman over, all at a reasonable price. This one is really simple and most girls find it cute. You can even have them initialed." she said as we looked at the photo. It was the usual heart-shaped locket with a gold chain.

"What do you think?" Gokk do asked me.

"Let's see the rest then decide." I told him, that one was a bit too basic I was looking for something that could stand out more for her.

"Okay, these ones can hold two pictures and are oval in shape, they are different from the regular heart shaped ones." The sales clerk said as we came to another photo.

"This gold one is pretty, is that ruby real?" I asked her.

"Yes it is, so it cost more than the others."

"This one is definitely a favorite of mine, the bird and the design is really beautiful." I commented and Gokk do nodded.

"This next one is very unique, it can hold six pictures as shown here and was made in China, my personal favorite. I think it makes a nice little ball when it's closed. Fascinates me every time." she explained as we came to the last photo.

"I like it, it definitely is different from all the rest, what about you Sagwa?" Gokk do asked me and I thought for a moment before making my decision.

"I'll go with the gold one with the ruby." I said and the sales clerk nodded closing the book.

"I'll get that for you right away." she replied walking away but suddenly tripped and fell, dropping the book causing me to immediately go to help her.

"Oh my— are you okay?" I asked helping her to her feet picking up the book.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm so clumsy. I'll go package your item." She awkwardly giggled.

I nodded and before I handed her the book, something caught my eye, it was without a doubt the perfect locket for Soo-ah.
