{20} "After A Problem Comes The Solution."


"Did you get what I asked for?" I asked sitting back, rubbing a hand through my hair as I looked up at one of my people.

"Yes sir." The man responded, placing the item —a jewelry box— on the table causing me to lean in so that I could take a good look at it.

I smiled with satisfaction as I admired it.

"You made sure no mistakes were made... right?" I looked up at him. "You know what happens to those who make mistakes." I looked at him expectantly waiting for his reply.

At my question his eyes avoided me briefly and he fidgeted with his fingers but quickly regained his composure. "Yes sir. I followed your instructions. I didn't face any cameras or leave any finger prints and I made it look like a robbery just like you planned." he firmly replied.

I nodded. "You can go." I said fanning the man away. I held the Jewelry Box in my hands as it's golden frame shimmered under the light. "I've finally found you." I chuckled with a smile plastered across my face.


I was really busy for the next 2 days as the date of the fashion show grew nearer. I found it hilarious how I wasn't at home and I was still so busy.

So busy was I, I didn't get a chance to find out how Soo-ah's date went.

What I really needed was to find a makeup artist or someone who knew quite a few of them. "ARGH!!!" I grunted in annoyance as I laid my head on the table with a loud bang!

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" Kazuchika asked, walking over to me holding my head up to see my sleep deprived face.

"'What's wrong?!' Ha! That's the understatement of the year!" I exclaimed, soullessly grabbing my cup of coffee and taking a huge gulp.

Kazuchika pulled out a chair next to me and sat down. "Okay, calm down, take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong."

"Your father did this on purpose, didn't he? He knew this was the busiest time for fashion companies, he deliberately gave me this job without any notice, knowing it'd be impossible for me to hire any makeup artists last minute. I checked almost everywhere and they're all booked." I rambled, telling him the problem that kept me awake the past few nights.

"Okay, I'll help you just show me where you checked already." he replied and I showed him, he nodded taking his phone out and calling other companies I hadn't checked. I continued to search separately as well, but even with his amazing negotiating and persuasive skills, we were still... stuck.

"Argh!" I grunted again as I got up from my chair, taking my now empty cup with me as I left his office, deciding to help myself to another cup of coffee.

I was stressed, if we didn't find any makeup artists soon we'd be in huge trouble, no doubt, and I knew that planning a fashion show was not easy and seeing all your hard work go to waste hurts like hell. I then let out a loud sigh as I added some ice into the cup.

"The body of a yet to be identified man was discovered today in the woods, shocking the hikers who found him, we have their interview for you now as they recall the horrible events..." With only the sound of the radio to keep me company, I was alone in the room.

Or so I thought.

"Sagwa?" A male voice asked, making me look in their direction.

"Oh, Tan it's you..." I responded with a smile, happy to see him as always. "What are you doing here?"

"You know, just thought I'd drop by and see how everyone's doing and stuff." he replied smiling back. "But... are you okay?" he suddenly asked, looking at me strangely.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked bringing the glass to my lips.

"Are you sure... cause... you've been drinking ice for a couple of minutes."

"Ah." I murmured, looking at the cup full of ice and no liquid visible. I gave him an embarrassed smile as I placed the glass onto the counter.

I was even more out of it than I thought.

He laughed as he filled my glass with coffee and handed it to back me. "So, what's bothering you, baby?"

"Well umm well..." I hesitated not wanting to bother him with my problems.

"Come on, you can tell Tan-tan, who knows I might be able to help." he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I then looked at him. 'Right, what do I have to lose anyway.' I thought, I then told him about my make-up artist problem.

He gave me a smirk. "I think I can help you."

"Really?! How?!" I asked in surprise.

"My company doesn't only make skincare products and perfumes, but I train my own makeup artist for my Spas and Salons. I don't mind lending them to you."

"Really, you would do that for me?!" I asked almost in tears as my over night search finally came to an end.

"Of course, it's not a big deal." he responded, causing me to immediately jump onto him, hugging him out of gratitude, he had no idea how grateful I was.

"Thank you so much Tan, you just saved my life." I whispered still holding onto him, he was surprised at first, but he returned my hug. I pulled away from him in realization. "Oh my— sorry about that, I was just so happy."

"That's okay, I never say no to a hug."

"Um... by the way what was the name of your company again?" I asked after failing to recall it.

"Ve cosmetics." he said, as he made a 'V' with his fingers.

I laughed a little at his action. "It's a fitting name indeed." I mumbled.

"When do you need them?" he asked referring to the makeup artists.

"I know this may sound ridiculous but um... right now?" I told him with an awkward laugh.

"Right now? Like right this minute?!" he confirmed a bit taken aback.

"Is it not doable?" I asked not wanting to inconvenience him.

"No it's doable, I'm just a little surprised." He then took his phone from his pocket, dialed a number and said, "Yes, can you send the girls over? Thanks."

"Thank you so much, we're just having a rehearsal, the fashion show will be in a couple days, the theme is Neon Lights. Look forward to it, I'll save you a seat as a thank you."

"Sounds exciting, you wouldn't mind if I watched the rehearsal too, right? I can even lend a hand if you need me..."

"I don't see why not, the more the merrier. I have to tell Kazuchika that you're helping us, the models and the fashion designer will be arriving soon, meet us in the garden." I told him finishing my coffee before leaving the kitchen.

I ran back to Kazuchika's office, so I was out of breath when I reached the door. "Great news!"

"You okay?" he asked watching me catch my breath.

"Never been better. Listen, I met Tan in the kitchen earlier and he very generously offered to lend us his makeup artists for the fashion show!"

"Oh, that's great." he responded and I could sense the relief in his voice.

I turned to leave but a thought suddenly entered my mind and I turned around. "Hold on a minute... if you knew Tan worked in this industry and trained his own make-up artist why didn't you suggest asking him to me earlier?"

"Ah well... that... I forgot." He laughed awkwardly. "Sorry."

True, my suffering could've ended quicker if he had remembered.

But regardless, I had fun, I was someone who always had everything planned out; avenues reserved and staff hired ahead of time, so having to search far and wide for makeup artists last minute and worrying about whether or not I'll find them in time was kinda enjoyable, it got my heart racing that's for sure. It was a new experience.

With that thought I couldn't be mad at him.

We both then made our way to the garden where the preparations and finishing touches were being made for the fashion show.

"The lighting shouldn't be too bright." I heard Soo-ah say to the staff from the runaway as they got the lighting in order, her face soon lit up as she saw me walk towards her and she hurriedly came down from the runway. "Hey you." she greeted gently bumping my shoulder with hers.

"Hey, I see you have everything well under control here." I commented amazed by how professional she did everything.

"Of course I do. Now you can focus on assisting the models when they arrive." she replied patting my back, the moment she mentioned them, the models and Ren arrived, right on time.

After getting them all settled, I quickly explained how the fashion show was planned out to them as well as where the cameras were positioned, so they were aware and knew where to look. Since they were professionals they quickly grasped my explanation.

From then on, Ren took over beginning rehearsal and I gladly watched from the sidelines with Soo-ah, Tan and Kazuchika.
