{22} "Ace Of Spades."

"Maybe I knew all along that these emotions of mine would eventually lead to my own downfall, but even then, I still chose you, even if this love is so beautiful... yet painful." —Icychica_

After the show there was a party, everyone gathered in the garden including the models and everyone else who contributed to the fashion show's completion. They chatted and congratulated Ren on finishing her fashion show.

I stood at a table with the girls and Tan, feeling a sense of relief, as I sipped on a class of champagne.


"Hi guys." I smiled as I saw Kazuchika, Ian, Yunho, Hanseok and to my surprise even Jinsoo was there. But strangely, Namjun wasn't.

"Where's Namjun? I'm sure I saw him earlier." I asked Kazuchika.

"He said he had to... leave early."

"Oh." I nodded a little disappointed. I then turned my attention to Jinsoo. "More than anything... I'm surprised to see you here Mr. Park Jinsoo."

"I invited him." Hanseok said.

"And I remember declining multiple times, but you—you just couldn't take no for an answer, could you? It's better to say that I was dragged here against my will." Jinsoo complained, glaring at Hanseok who cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I'm glad you came anyway."

"I'm not here to have fun, I'm here to work. Sagwa, I remember you saying that your boyfriend wasn't a murderer or a criminal, I'm here to see if that's really true. If I see any illegal deeds, I'll arrest everyone who participated in this show."

"Come on, don't be like that." Hanseok said to Jinsoo.

"Wait, you're a cop?" Kazuchika suddenly asked looking at Jinsoo.

"Yes." Jinsoo responded.

Kazuchika looked at Ian and Hanseok before approaching them, whispering with a raised eyebrow. "You guys brought a cop into my restaurant?"

"I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that, he's a friend." Ian responded and I could sense that Kazuchika was about to explode.

"Oh really? You know what I'm thinking?" Kazuchika said in a calm voice but his teeth were gritted, as he slowly moved closer to Ian.

Before things escalated, I decided to intervene. "Anyway Mr. Park, you definitely won't find any illegal deeds here, so just enjoy the party."

"I'll be the judge of that." Jinsoo grumbled before going on his way followed by Hanseok, Ian and the other guys.

"Those nitwits." I heard Kazuchika mumble as he watched them walk away. "They could have put all of us in danger, as well as the life of that cop. They're lucky it was just me who knows, but if one of the people here find out he's a cop, his life will be in jeopardy. I just hope they stop him from revealing himself to others."

"Yes, I thought it would have been dangerous, which is why I didn't address him as Officer Park."

"I bet they didn't even think about that when they brought him here." Soo-ah added sipping her wine. "But... I don't think he'll blindly expose himself to others either, besides, it's not like he'll find anything, even if he searches, the 'illegal stuff' he's looking for usually goes on in the basement and not many know that even exist."

"Wait what?!" I looked at Soo-ah a little confused by her words.

"Oh right... Sagwa, it was nice of you to stick up for Kazuchika like that and it's not like your words weren't true but... this is a gang, we might not be as ruthless and heartless as others but to the law we are criminals, though some of us haven't committed heinous crimes, that won't change how they see us."

I think I already knew the truth in her words when I said that to Jinsoo, what I really meant was I hoped that he'd eventually see that this gang was unlike the others he'd dealt with.

"She's right Sagwa."

"I know she is, but I have faith that he will come around sooner or later."

"If he manages to stay alive that is." Kazuchika mumbled.

"What did you just say?"

"Nothing." he replied before walking away, going in his father's direction.

"Soo-ah, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is this 'illegal stuff' that goes on in the basement?" I whispered out of curiosity.

"Well the weapon shipments are delivered here disguised as food supplies, then they go to the basement where members of the gang can count and sort them, if I'm not mistaken that's also where Kazuchika's father keeps his money and the gold he gets from the illegal casinos he owns. I'm sure there's a volt down there somewhere. I actually haven't been to the basement. I've only heard about it from my brother since he manages everything here."

"Really? How come?"

"Only high ranking gang members are allowed down there, the elevators can go to the basement only with a special 'Black Ace Of Spades card' that carefully selected people have, mainly the ones Kazuchika trust the most, even if you steal a card and get down there, there's still so much high maintenance stuff involved to get into the volt."

"I see but... if this is all so top secret is Ian supposed to just tell you about it?"

"He isn't, so... pretend like you didn't hear anything from me." Soo-ah instructed with a small smile.

I smiled back. "Rest assured. I won't say a word, I promise." I gave her a wink.

Just then, the DJ started playing some up beat music and some people started shuffling onto the dance floor, even Soo-ah began to dance in place. Watching her dance reminded me of when we were at the club and I smiled, though it didn't end well, I had fun and I learned more about this girl called Soo-ah.

Soo-ah then took my hands. "Come on Sagwa, dance!" she said swaying my hands with her.

I laughed and began matching my movements with hers, her lips turned up into a bright smile as she happily spun me around.

While dancing with her, I began to get this feeling, the feeling of another's eyes on me, as though someone was watching me, when I looked around, however, there was no one in particular, but I did see Gokk do approach us.

"Hi Sagwa." Hearing his voice behind her, Soo-ah stopped dancing and turned around, I noticed her body tense as she stared at him.

"Hey." I grinned as I waved at him.

"Hi Soo-ah." he almost whispered in a husky voice as he stared down at her, I had to practically stop her from falling over.

"H... hi." she responded with a stutter.

"Great job on the fashion show tonight."

"Thanks, it was a team effort really. I couldn't have done it without everyone's help. I just hope Kazuchika's father acknowledges my accomplishment."

"I'm sure he will."

"You say that but he hasn't even said anything to me yet or even looked in my direction."

"Give him time, you know how he is." Only I didn't know, he was a complete stranger to me, but from the way he treated me I had some idea about his personality. "I'm sure he's surprised you actually succeeded, I know I am, no offense."

"None taken."

"Look, all I'm saying is... be patient. For now, enjoy your victory." he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Gokk do." I smiled.

"You're welcome. I gotta go, see'ya." he said saluting, giving Soo-ah one last (very meaningful) glance, which caused her to shy away before he left.

"What was that?" I asked Soo-ah when he was out of sight, after seeing the way they acted with each other. "I'm assuming your date went well." I said with a raised eyebrow.
