"About that... I might have made a tintsy-tiny little mistake." she said with an embarrassed look on her face.
"Oh no, what happened?"
"I may have... kissed him."
"Soo-ah?!" I asked in surprise at her words, dramatically placing a hand on my chest with a gasp.
"It wasn't intentional okay, it was after dinner, I had a lot of wine and when he gave me that necklace... I don't know what happened, I just felt so special, so important to him. I haven't felt that way in a long time. Ugh! I don't know what came over me." she said messing up her hair, as she slammed her head onto the table.
I giggled. "Soo-ah, it's okay. So, you kissed him, no big deal, it's alright." I gently rubbed her back.
"But it is a big deal to me, I don't just kiss guys after the first date, he probably thinks I'm easy now. I'm so pathetic." Her voice came out muffled because she was literally face-planting the table. But I understood her every word.
"The look that he gave you said otherwise. He still likes you and I'm sure he doesn't think you're easy, his eyes never left you even when he was talking to me."
"Yeah that's because he thinks I'm a coward for avoiding him. I hid from him whenever I saw him. Even earlier I wanted to run away but I couldn't because you were holding onto me."
"Listen Soo-ah, you have nothing to be ashamed of, just talk to him. Trust me everything will get better once you stop hiding and talk to him."
She sighed. "Alright fine, I'll talk to him later."
"I'm glad you agree with me..." I looked past her. "because here he is now." I told her with an evil smirk as I watched Gokk do appear again from the side of my eye.
"Oh my god, where?!" Soo-ah asked as she franticly looked around until she saw him. "I'm not ready for this yet!" she panicked, I decided to give her a little push in the right direction, literally. I pushed her gently as Gokk do walked by so that she stumbled into his arms.
He looked down at her and smirked; she looked up at him in a panic and was about to move away but he pulled her closer, holding her firmly in place.
I smiled knowing my work was done, I decided to give them some time alone.
I exited the restaurant going out for a walk and fresh air. There was no one in sight just me and the gentle night breeze, accompanied by the faint sound of music in the background.
I suddenly heard footsteps mirroring mine from behind, but when I turned to look, there was no one. I thought I was hearing things and continued to walk.
The footsteps started again, I quickened my pace and they did the same. My heart begun to race as I realized someone was really following me.
I was about to take off in a run, but before I could get any further they grabbed me from behind, wrapping their arms around me.
Immediately, I began wrecking my brain for any escape method possible, before things escalated, this person was obviously a man, perhaps about 5'11, the quickest way I could buy myself some time so I could runaway would be to elbow him in the stomach and kick him in the delicates, that's the fastest way to bring any man down.
I prepared myself, counting in my head. 'One. Two. Thre—'
"It's okay, Sagwa, it's me."
'...Namjun?' My actions slowed and I turned my head to face him, it was indeed him.
"You? How? I thought you left."
"I couldn't leave without seeing you first."
As flattered as I was to hear him say that, he almost gave me a heart attack and... he almost lost the ability to produce offspring. 'Well that could've ended badly.'
"You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were a sick prevert or something. You can't just follow a woman at night, it's misleading."
"Sorry I scared you. I was just hoping to see you if I waited outside."
"Okay, just never do that again." Boy didn't know how lucky he was.
"I promise, I won't."
"Um... could you... let go of me now?" I really did enjoy being in his arms, his cologne was driving me crazy, but we were in a public place where others knew about my relationship with Okada, I shouldn't be seen like this with him.
"Right, sorry." he said releasing me.
I turned to face him with a smile. "Why didn't you just come inside and look for me?"
"I... couldn't."
"Why not? I invited you so it was fine."
"It's complicated." There it was again, the look he had when I saw him at the function that night, it made me wonder what the reason behind his sadness was. I wanted to ask him, but it was obvious he wasn't ready to share that with me, so I didn't force him to.
"Did you have something important to say?" I said changing the subject.
"Not really, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the fashion show, you did a really good job."
"Oh, thanks, I'm glad that you came."
"Now that we've met, I can leave."
"Already?" I voiced my inner thoughts out loud.
"You don't want me to leave?" he asked with a mischievous smirk.
"That... is not what I meant. We just saw each other."
"I wish I could stay longer believe me but have to go, maybe we can have coffee some other time if you want."
"I'd like that." I smiled at him.
Before leaving he came closer, embracing me with his arms in a hug, resting his chin between my neck and shoulder, though his action was surprising, I gladly accepted it, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Sometimes... every now and then. I find myself thinking about you and strangely... I feel as though I've known you for a long time. Weird isn't it?" he whispered, his breath tickling my ear.
"Huh?" It wasn't that I didn't hear his words but I just didn't understand what he was trying to say.
He released me and smiled. "Nevermind. Goodnight." He then walked away after waving at me.
His words left me puzzled and I wondered why he said them, my heart did flutter a bit.
"How can he just leave like that after stirring up my heart." I mumbled, looking in the direction he went in.
I sighed and decided to go back inside, walking back toward the entrance.
Out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain to the back of my head and I collapsed onto the pavement, feeling my blood trickle down my cheeks; my eyes closing as I lost consciousness.
Who do you guys think knocked Sagwa out? Got any idea? Let me know in the comments. :-)