Oliver's PoV
''What a bad luck..'''
''You say something?'' my senior, Gio, asks.
''Nope...not a thing.'' I sighed.
I rushed to the class I'm gonna handle. Shoot, I didn't have the chance to ask the white cats room.
I look at the schedule my adoptive mom prepared for me last week.
''Hey, DON'T RUN IN THE HALLWAY!'' a janitor yelled.
''So, its class 1...A.''
Class 1-A. First years, huh. First years aren't disciplined at all. This is bad. But maybe I'll enjoy it if the white cat is there.
''Lucky!!! I'll be motivated everyday.''
I arrived at the room. Red building, 6th floor, 1st room. ''Oh, yeah, I'll be their professor for the next three whole years.''
Last month, I was fucking with some prostitutes. Today, I'm honing this students as disciplined agents. Tomorrow, I'll...I'll...I'll be able to get my first payment.
I opened the huge freaking door. *loud gasps* I heard. I think they are really excited for me. ''Now, entering...'' I walk inside the room like a clown entering a
children's party. ''...your new handsome professor, Oliver Fre-..''
''SHUT! YOUR! MOUTH!'' a book flew into my into my face. And it's a freaking encyclopedia.
''Who threw this ENCYCLOPEDIA! In my precious face.'' I asked, nicely.
''I never knew your face is precious. Maybe to you, but to US, its nothing but a mere trash.'' a sweet familiar voice said.
''Uh huh. White cat, really?'' I faked a pissed face.
''Stop that face, dog shit. I know you're happy to be my teacher so you can make my life here difficult.'' she said. Damn smart cat.
''It is part of training here, Ms. Rovichkov.''
''That's why I am prepared, Mr. Freshcker.''
Then the room temperature suddenly drop. I can feel the heat in their looks.
Now, this is what I call 'matured'.
''Why did you tell me to shut up? It is my first time here and this is your first conversation with me.''
''We are meditating, sir. It is a tradition of the first years to do this before the class starts. sO PLEASE, when you arrive, listen to the door if we are leaking some
noises or not.'' A cute little girl with huge watermelon ahead of her.
''What's your name?'' She looks familiar.
''Pia Travis, sir''
'' The pronounced dead princess. Why are you friends with that cat?''
''Her family adopted and welcomed me into their home. Sir, why aren't you shocked knowing that I'm long dead yet here I am, standing here in front of you.
Are you perhaps a genius that knows my father is just lying...''
I am a genius.
'...or are you really scared, inside.'' The white cat giggled. I bit my tongue. This rabbit is cruel.
''It is nice to have teenagers who is completely innocent.'' Then Lhea gave me a sexy, freaking erotic look.
A cat will always a cat.
Okay, now it's time for introduction.''
''As you can see, I am your new professor, Oliver Freshcker.''
The class looked at Lhea instead of me.
''It is great that you know the history in both of our families, but I am the new professor here. Not her.''
''No wonder you and Lhea don't get along.'' a four-eyed boy at the back row said. '' I am Aaron Smith, 17 years old from Greenland, Australia.
If that's the question you wanna ask.''
OOOOOHHHHH! His a good-looking brain.
''Cat bit you tongue?'' This watermelon-brain...
''That's it!'' I exclaimed.
''What?'' a pink-haired lolicon joke about 5'4 girl said.
Shoot! I know who this is.
''Anne Greyst.''
''How do you know me? If I can recall, I haven't met you in my life.''
''Your Prof. Khan Greyst's I-don't-know-blood relations.''
''His my uncle.''
''Oh, right.''
That day flashed in my mind like it occurred yesterday.
10 YEARS AGO^ May 16, 2124
''Take the nine year-old Oliver to the headquarters. A seven year-old girl inside a tank was found 2 hours ago.''
I'm with General Khan Greyst. I am still a trainee in the junior military.
''We found this girl inside a tank with unknown substance in the coastal area of Red Sea.''
''Is she fine?''
''Dr. Rivers said she is now stable.''
''Do you have any idea why she is in a tank?''
''We don't know but the substance is keeping her alive. It's like her food, water and air.''
''GENERAL!!! GENERAL!!!'' a doctor came running towards us.
''We have discovered the details about the girl.'' he said while catching his breath.
Everybody and me rush in the room.
''Good day!'' Gen. Khan greeted all the staffs inside the room.
I go near the girl. She was peacefully lying in a bed, with tubes on her.
''The liquid substance she's in is Glycomerine Carbonite.''
''What's that?'' I asks.
''It is a safe chemical that is commonly used in experimenting young life. It is use in growing living things until a certain period of time.''
''So, I am certain that you have discover how long she was in that huge tank.''
''Her whole life.'' A new doctor arrives.
''WHAT!'' All of us is shock to the core.
''Since she was a sperm but in a different tank of course. From fetus to this day, she's been there.''
''That's too long. It must have been difficult.''
''Of course. When we got her out, she was like a new born baby. She have a hard time stabilizing. But I know she is an important child.''
''How?'' Gen. Khan asked. Seems like his interested in this.
''Dr. Frows, can you do the honor to explain the situation to this gentlemen.''
A large TV appeared on the west wall out of nowhere. The room darkened. Our attention focused on the large screen.
''She's been inside the tank for seven years which means her senses matured at the age of three. Her memories is only the sounds that she heard while inside the tank.
There is a 97% chance that her memories includes the conversation of her parents, the scientist who created her and some staffs of them. Dr. Almaden and his wife
are now extracting the memories---''
''Then her memories will be gone?'' I stopped him.
''Yes so she can be a normal girl, we certainly have to do it.''
''Wouldn't she ask about her life before she reaches seven?''
''We will put artificial memories in her. And the board of directors decided to give her to General Khan Greyst, making her your niece.''
''That'll be hard to swallow, but I guess I'll be lying to her about her parents.''
''Yes, you should.''
After hours of staying and listening to them, Anne, the girl will be released in two weeks.
''Where do you want to have dinner?'' General asks.
''At home.'' ''Nice choice.''
On our way back, Dr. Rivers called. ''She is now conscious with her artificial memories. She'll be seeing you in days.'' And ended the call.
''Guess you'll be babysitting my niece, Oliver.''
''As long as I can get a promotion, making me a senior in my age, I'm fine with it.''
But before the two weeks came, I was assigned to a different place because of the promotion. I just left a letter for Anne saying,
Dear Anne,
They have done something to cruel to you. Please love and take care of your uncle, his like a father to me. I'll come back to marry you
and help you on your revenge.
I was a child by that time that I FORGOT to put my name on it. Puberty was hitting on me back then and I find her cute by that time that I really wanted to marry her.
But I don't have any interest on a flat girl. They are cute but they don't turn me on like the cat does.
''Now, I''ll be nicknaming you so I can remember you easily...''
I waited for a few seconds for a debate but there was none.
''Lhea Rovichkov as White Cat, Pia Travis as The Rabbit, Anne Greyst as Re:Zero...'' I may not be able to marry her but I promise to help her in
her revenge.
''...and Aaron Smith as Alpha Uno...''
Four students in One Day
''...and for the rest of you, I'll nickname you next time once I know your abilities.''
''That's unfair!''
''Your Grizzly!'' I pointed the body builder who just shouted.
That makes Five students now. Sigh
Anne's POV
"I feel like I have met Professor Oliver somewhere."
Our class ended two hours ago.
"You do?" Pia asks. "Yeah. I feel like he's someone-" I couldn't finish my sentence. "Important?" Lhea added.
We are currently walking to our dorm.
"Something like that...I think?"
"You know, Anne, there's no point thinking about that man."
Lhea proclaims.
"Yeah, Lhea's right, Anne. There's no point thinking."
"By the way, I know its not long ago since we settled here but I feel different walking right now."
I immediately told them the feeling I felt a little while ago.
"I thought it was only me"
My eyes widened. Pia feels it too. I look at Lhea and...
She is now cautious. Lhea's walking behind us.
"Why are you walking behind us, Lhea?" I asked.
"Yeah, you should beside us." Pia added.
Someone is following us. I confirmed it with my cat senses.
"Who could be following us?" Pia asks.
Me and Pia get alerted.
The three of us combined, forming a triangle.
"Girls, girls, no need to tense up..."
A voice coming from the east.
Who could it be?
A senior interested in one of us? Or a spy interested to Pia?
A silhouette emerges from the forest.
"It's just me, professor-"
Lhea didn't let the man finish and just attacked.
"Lhea, wait!"
We followed Lhea in the trees.
"Where did they go?"
"I don't know. I hope Lhea's ok."
"But that voice, I certainly heard it before."
"It sounds so familiar."
After minutes of running, looking for my bestfriend, Pia and I heard the waves.
"We're near the cliff. I hope Lhea's there"
"Pia and I reached the east peak and there we saw...Professor Oliver and Lhea...kissing.
The first time I ever stuttered in my life.
I thought my first stutter was going to be confessing to my crush...
Who would have thought it'd be like this...My bestfriend french kissing our new Professor.
"Oh!" Prof. Oliver exclaimed.
Lhea looked at him and met his gaze.
"Your friends are here." he said and Lhea...with shocked eyes looked at us.
"W-what is this Lhea"?
I look at Pia.
Her jaws, dropped from the shock.
"Ehhh-Hehehe." said with a smile and a wink.
"He's the guy I was talking to you."
"My childhood sweetheart."
Pia and I stared at each other.