Oliver's POV
After 15 fucking years of existence, I finally met my biological family 15 years ago.
I was days old when my mother's bestfriend kidnapped me and put me to a hospital miles away from my family's hospital.
My adoptive mother, Crystellica, found me at the back of that hospital. She was a surgeon there. She raised me as hers over at the age of 20.
But after knowing that I have met my family, she vanished like a bubble, nowhere to be found. My family wanted to thank her.
But Today is my fricking birthday. My Grandparents made the party grand, inviting all their finds.
It doesn't look like its my birthday at all if the huge cake with my name on it weren't here at all.
"Dear, you look gorgeous!"
I look behind me.
"Aunt Justaffa!" I hug her.
"I never thought you'd really come here. How about your business in London?"
"My secretary can handle it. I came here after hearing the news from your father!" She exclaimed.
"Now where is my brother Philip and your mother Lhea?" she asked.
"They're at the balcony, if my memory serves me right."
"Thank you dear. I have presents for you. It's in your room"
She kissed my cheeks and left.
"Oliver, my boy!" another nuisance.
My precious hours wasted talking to my clan and dancing the daughters of my clan's friends.
I got out of the area and now to the garden.
"It's pretty dark here."
The only lights I have is from the fireflies.
My biological mom, Lhea, likes flowers, so dad created the garden for her.
I was enjoying watching the flowers when I saw a girl in a golden gown sitting ..
"Belle?" I said without asking.
It's like she just sensed me. She panicked.
"W-wha? Be-Belle? Who? M-me??"
I laugh at her.
"What's so funny?" She asks and pouts. She stands. Her eyes...I can't clearly see it.
"Who are you?" I asked her.
"My father says I shouldn't tell my name to strangers" She said with hands on her waist.
"Okay" I gave up on learning her name.
"You, who are you?" She asks.
She doesn't know me? That's weird. I was basically told that if I wear this royal blue colored mark, everybody will know me right away.
"You don't know me?"
"How would I know you? I haven't met you before."
Why do you keep asking? I haven't really met you and if I have, I can't clearly see you, you know.
It's very dark here and you're wearing a mask.
"Oh right." I agreed.
Then I noticed her small lips.
"You're kissable." Again, I said without it subconsciously.
"What? Stop saying embarrassing things like that. You're making me blush."
"You're so honest. It makes me wanna kiss you more."
She looked at me.
"Then, kiss me. I'll tell you my name if you do it"
What? No way. Lucky.
"What? You don't want to? Okay, I'm going back."
As she was going to leave, I grab her arm and kissed her.
Her gasp for air couldn't leave my mind.
I knew she was going to give me her everything as soon as she let me inside her mouth, not complaining about how I suck the life out of her tongue.
And I was ready to give up all for this lady as soon as she sucks the life out of my senses.
My heart's racing, I wish hers too.
I touched her chest, groping her breasts, feeling her warmth and heartbeat.
It's like mine.
But I didn't expect her to moan, making me much aroused than earlier.
"Oliver! Oliver! Oliver!"
I heard my mother shouting from the house.
She pushed me away, with a shaky voice, trying to catch her breath she asks.
"You're Oliver...F-Freshcker?"
"Yes, baby. "I kissed her forehead.
Please stay here, I'll be back." I left her.
Where were you? I was worried, dear! My mother exclaimed.
"Why are you chasing your breath? Your lips are swollen too as well."
My mom said everything.
"Who were you kissing? You're still fifteen but it seems like you're already an adult."
My father joined the conversation, pointing out my embarrassing boner with his lips and a smirk on his face.
The male audience laughed.
"I wasn't kissing anyone okay? An ant bit my lips."
"And that turns you on?" My brother, Alexiac added, making the audience laugh more.
"You have weird fetish, Oliver."
Then two guards came running in our way. With the lady I met at the garden.
What is she doing?
What are you doing to her?
I was gonna to her when my brother, Alexiac, grabbed me.
"Stay." he said.
"What are you up to, Max?" my father asks the guard with blonde hair.
"We caught a Rovichkov."
Rovichkov? What's that? A group of rebels?
"A Rovichkov? Who?"
"It's the sixth generation lady, Ms. Lhea Rovichkov."
"Lhea? Arthur's only daughter." my mom said.
"Where are your parents, dear?" my grandmother asks.
"You're clan killed my mother! I was only five back t hen! She angrily said.
The guards let go of her, making her sit at the floor, sobbing.
Then I saw my parent's eyes to her full me full of sadness.
"Wha-What's happening here?" I ask.
I resisted my brother, run towards her, lifting her face. Then I saw her shining hazel eyes with the golden fleeks.
"Mom, Dad, care to explain?" I asked as I wiped her tears.
"Oliver..."I look at my mom"...do you perhaps know her?"
"Yeah. She's the ant who bit my lips."
Everyone gasps.
"It happened." My grandmother said.
''Where did you kiss her?''
"At mom's rose garden.''
Then my family started to tear up.
"What's happening?" my dearest sunshine said, looking at me teary-eyed.
"Bring them to the room." grandpa commanded.
My parents and the guards guided the two of us to a secret room.
"What's this, grandpa?"
"The history, my dear." I looked at Lhea, her face in complete shock.
"We have something like this at home."
"Yes, because it's fate.
Then my grandpa sat.
And the story began.
We spent about four hours at the room before we got out.
It's eleven in the evening.
"I've gotta go" Lhea said. I can tell she is still shook from what she heard.
I grabbed her face.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Your family...their part of the story is much more believable than mine.
"You can't be --" she cut my words.
"I can tell, Oliver! I can fucking tell."
I saw the pain in her red scarlet eyes. She cries.
I hug her as I try to calm her down.
"It's okay, I'm right here for you."
"I'm going home."
She ran out of my sight.
"Let her have her time to think through things, Oliver."
"...Alright." I walk into my room."
Ï hope she's safe in there. After what I've heard. I want her to live here with me. Be my bride until the time come."
I've waited for two weeks for her and all I received was a letter from her saying:
Dear Oliver, I know I came from a rival family but I pray to be the best bride for Oliver.
Oliver, wait for me till I come back. I'm just going to a far away place and settle things up.
It'll solve the mystery in both our families and find the truth about my mother's death.
Yours truly: Lhea Rovichkov
That's all I got. After half a year of break, I returned to the military. Continuing the six months I have left before I retire.`
~~Present Time~~
I spoiled myself for the past four years with the money and cards from my family. Eventually, they spoiled me too.
And I also spent the rest of it searching for my cat.
Who would've thought I'll be seeing you here, my white kitty, my sunshine.
I am currently following her with her friends on the way back to their dorm.
God, I'm sorry for being like this. I know I look like a pervert but gosh I miss her.
Her body has grown like in my wild dreams. I've been longing for it.
"It felt like I have met Professor Oliver somewhere."
Anne then started a chat.
Yeah, you definitely met me.
"You do?" Pia asks.
"Yeah, It feels like he's someone important..."
"Important?" my dearest sunshine added.
Yes, I'm someone important. I'm the male lead of this novel.
"Something like that...I think?" Anne answered.
Of course, you'll have vague memories of me.
"You know, Anne, there's no point thinking about that man. Lhea Proclaims.
White Cat? are you jealous? I asked myself.
"Yeah, Lhea's right, Rae. There's no point thinking." Pia agrees.
"By the way, I know it's not long ago since we settled here but ut feels different walking right now." Anne said.
She noticed me?
"I thought it was just me."
Pia senses me too, I look into my cat.
"What the..."
She's like a mother cat. Walking behind the other too.
She's being cautious.
Where did she learn that.
"FORMATION..." she screams, alerting the other two.
"B!!" The three of them facing three different ways.
Pia is facing the north part.
Anne on the west.
Lhea...she knows I'm at the east.
I smirked. Talent. Bravery. Coordination. Perfect Score, girls.
I've made up my mind.
"Girls! Girls! No need to tense up!~
I couldn't finish my sentence
Lhea attacked me right away. Seeing her expression, I ran away.
"Lhea, wait!" I heard Anne.
I ran as fast as I could. I don't care where I go.
"I'm sorry."
I reached the cliff.
"I'm exhausted."
"Well, I am not." a familiar voice behind me says.
"You pervert!" She jumped that left me no choice but to catch her.
"Are you out of your mind?! Don't jump on me! What if I didn't catch you?
Huh? You'll be falling to your death! I angrily scold her.
"I jumped because I trusted you."
"Next time, If you eve-" Huh?
"I trust you to catch me."
Did my heart just skip keep a beat?
After all these years, I'm still in love with you.
I put her down, grabbed her closer to me by her waist and kiss her lips=
I haven't seen for 4 years.
I got too excited so I paused.
"Again!" she proclaimed.
And so I did.
I feel like floating.
I'd die for this woman. I'll sacrifice everything for her lips.
I'll do anything for this body of hers.
I'm ready to forget everything if it means to be able to listen to the sound of her heartbeat.
To the orchestra of her moans she's making every time she grasp for air.
This lady who is currently kissing me.
"S-S-Lhea?!" I heard Anne's voice. God, please don't disturb this moment.
I grasped for air when I notice the girl's jaw drop watching us.
"Oh!" I exclaimed. Lhea opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Your friends are here." I said.
She looked at them with shocked eyes.
"W-What is this, Lhea?" Pia, stutterly asks.
"Ehhh-Hehehe." said with a smile and a wink.
God, this is so awkward, I wanna be teleported to hell.
"He's the guy I was talking to you." She said.
"My childhood sweetheart." She added.
I think I'm ready to die. She just bragged me to her friends.
Hashtag Proud Lover