Oliver's PoV
*at the teacher's dorm after the dinner at Lhea's dorm*
I entered my room. That was tiring. But...''ahhhhhh!!!'' I screamed my lungs out.
My hearts gonna escape! BA-THUMP...BA-THUMP...BA-THUMP...
Never thought I'll meet my milenec here. I don't know how am I gonna act outside, in the public. But...we're far away from Lhea's family.
If I remember exactly...she have a brother...was it Brad...Brooke...Branton? Forget it. All I have to do is remember that...soft lips of Lhea.
She's a freaking good kisser. Is she born with i---. I couldn't finish my imagination as my OliverJunior stands. Shit. All I did was imagine and now I have to take care of this thing.
I opened my zipper and it went out like I called it. Then I start rubbing it, up and down. Imagining it's Lhea's hot, wet mouth.
And I overdone it. I slept around 12. Yeah, I masturbated that long. Finished a dozen rounds after I met Lhea.
''Ah, my fucking head...'' Then I remembered yesterday. Shoot! I'll be meeting with Lhea. I looked the clock. It's already 6:16. I'll be late.
I took a shower, grabbed a piece of toast and a yogurt milk and rushed towards the school.
6:56 am
I arrived at the gate. I can't wait for Lhea. ''YOUR ID!!!''
Why do I always forgate the ID? I waste 35 minutes to go to the dorm and back.
''Stuck your ID on your bag, Professor Freshcker.'' The guard scolded me.
I rushed towards the attendance table and signed. Run towards the red bulding, skipping the steps towards the 6th floor.
Before I entered, I catch my breath and opened the huge freaking door. The sunlight shines in my face, blocking my view.
As my eyes adjusted, I looked at someone's eyes. He got a pretty purple eyes. Then I realized who was the man.
Nothing's going my way today. All I want is to teach and have time with Lhea.
My eyes didn't look away as I saw the man's face change furiously.
''I---I am no---not th---the o-ne you---your thinking right now.'' shit. I stuttered in front of my class.
That is hella embarrassing.
Who was this man again? Brad? Brooke? Branton? Brayden? Bryson? Oh...Its Brent.
''Yes you are.'' He got up. Run towards me. My eyes caught Lhea's reaction. Her eyes widened.
As soon as Brent got near me, he punch me in the abdomen so hard, it made me puke saliva.
Who the hell trained this man?
I heard gasps from the room. I stumbled to the ground.
This is so embarrassing. I wanna continue this outside.
''How did you enter, huh, Oliver?'' He asked. I don't wanna answer now.
''How come you are here? You weren't supposed to be here.''
He keep punching me. Somebody please stop this man. My ears are ringing...I couldn't hear a fucking thing!
''I'm so-sorry...I didn't know...'' he kept punching. My face is numb. I can taste blood in my mouth now.
Now I'm tired. I wanna sleep. I decided to sleep.
''BRENT!'' that was a sweet voice but I hope Lhea just shout my name. That was all I hear before I lost conscious.
A sting in my face woke me up. ''What...is..this...?'' All I can say as I sat down.
''Don't sit just lay down, Oliver''
''No. I'm not the hot girl that watched you for an hour and a half.'' Then it the sound became clear. This person is a man.
''Where's Lhea?''
''On her remaining classes.'' Its my starsi, Gio. And beside him is my mother, Crystellica.
''You really got yourself beat up in your second day. Your first day here and you already fought a colleague.'' a deep voice coming from my back said.
I look behind. A man standing in front of the window. He got a huge build, is he a wrestler. He got long white hair tied in a bun. A military coat in his back.
Wait...Military? Shit! Have I been unconscious for years and the military already found this island and held everyone captive.
''CAKAJTE!!!'' I shouted. I look at Gio with eyes wide open. He just look at me with a confuse look.
''Is everyone okay?" I mouthed. He just ''Huh?'' I signed shhh.
''Is everyone okay?'' I mouthed again.
''Oliver, your being stupid.'' My mom said as she folds the newspaper.
''His the principal. The owner of Robina Academy, Mr. Afanas Valerian. You know him at the military as Marshal Alyosha Vasily.''
The third highest personnel in the army. He survived the brutal dispute between North Korea and our pride motherland, Aville. He lead the second battalion that time and won the war.
He hasn't retired yet?
I heard his arou...''How old is he?''
''I'm strong as a horse, Oliver. I am a proud 76 year old man.''
Shoot, he answered my question.
''So...why are you here? Just wanna say hi to your retired colleague? You miss me that much. We haven't even settled for a cup of tea.''
Gio's eyes widened.
''What, Gio?''
''That's harsh, Oliver. I just rejected your invitation doesn't mean I don't like you.''
He rejected my invitation when I retired years ago.
''Why are you here anyways?'' I ask the man straight.
''You're a new hired professor here, Oliver. So, I must tell you the real purpose of this Military Training.''
''Military Training...This is a school for training promising military or secret agents right?''
''That's what I told you.'' Mom interrupts.
''Yes, it is. But not for the other country. This is a training school for the promising ones to fight the cruelty of our own country. The teachers here signed for that purpose.''
Holy Shit.
''That's the purpose?''
''Aren't you shoc--'' I cut Gio's words.
''That's why you disappeared in the military?''
''You wouldn't just quit because of the cruelty. There must be some reason, right? I know you Gio.''
He just lowered his head. There must something bad happe-.
''They didn't do their promise, aren't they.''
He just nodded.
''I explained to him why the upper ranks didn't grant his wish. He wants revenge so he joined us.''
This is fucked up. Author why do you create such messy book? There must be somthing with your head. Why do you have a lot of background stories for all the characters?
The old man handed me papers.
''That's the papers.''
''Yeah, its obviously are papers. Pen.'' The male nurse handed me one.
''Why do you trust me that much? I came from a family Freshcker. A family of Businessman and woman. Some are politicians. I might go to the wrong way and leak this school.''
''I trust the Freshcker. They were called murderers by the politicians, The Rovichkov's.''
He also know that. They must be friends with grandpa.
I signed my name on it.
''So why did you create this Coup D'etat thing, huh, Marshal.''
He looked at me.
''Me and Mara Maravish Travis or Minister Mavish Travis are friends. Ever sin--'' he couldn't finish his dramatic background story the author of this novel created.
Someone knocked at the door. The nurse opened it.
It's Lhea and her friends. And also the guy who almost beat me to death.
''Guess I'll continue my story next time we meet, Oliver. There is a conference meeting at 8 o'clock. How about a cup of tea next time.''
He bid good bye.
''I'll call you later, Oliver.'' Then mom let them in.
''I have classes to attend, Oliver. See you at the dormitory.'' Gio also left.
Now, its only the five of us.
How I wish the three would just get out so I can have precious time with Lhea. I wanna hug her right now. Gotta keep the act together, Oliver, her brother is here.'
''I approved.''
He approve of what?