Oliver's PoV
''Now, we will be proceeding in the military lessons. The six months of normal schooling, forget about those.'' I said.
We are currently at the back of the red building. This is a humungous space. We can have physical classes here.
''Today, we will be focusing on Hand To Hand Combat.'' Today is my 20th birthday. Today, September 24, 2134. Friday, and here I am teaching my 'cute, little' students
about military.
I should be celebrating my 20th year in this freaking world.
''Hand to hand combat is really important. Now, care if somebody can explain?'' I asked.
And as always it is the smartest one who will answer first.
''Thank you for calling me by my name and not the stupid Alpha Uno name.'' he said.
''Its my birthday, I can't let someone spoil the mood for me. And I'll be re-nicknaming you soon. Now, let me hear your answer.''
''Hand to Hand combat...'' I bet this is gonna be elementary-like.
''...is the most ancient form of fighting known. A majority of cultures have their own particular histories related to close combat,
and their own methods of practice...''
Yep. Its elementary-like. The glasses guy continued. Then I settled with his new nickname.
''... The pankration, which was practiced in Ancient Greece and Rome, is an example of a form which involved nearly all strikes and holds,
with biting and gouging being the only exceptions, although it is commonly used in Sparta. Many modern varieties of martial arts, such as boxing and wrestling,
were also practiced historically. Other historical forms of close combat include the gladiator spectacles of ancient Rome and medieval tournament events such
as jousting. Hand To Hand Combat can also be called as H2H and is very useful in long distance reports...''
He was gonna continue and is boring. And basically, some of you didn't read it. Its okay, we didn't even listen anyways
''Thank you, Mr. Smith for that explanation. And hope of you listened as much as the readers read it.''
As I was gonna say something, a voice popped out of nowhere.
''Why didn't you explain? Why did you let a student when you are the professor here? You should be the one who did the explanation or is it basically, you don't know it at all.''
The Korean Brat, Lee Dae Jun.
This guy always wished to meet my bad side.
''What did you just say? The last part... I couldn't hear it.'' I slowly walked towards him.
''I am basically, straight to the point, that you aren't suitable as being a teacher here if you cannot even if explain your lessons.'' Dae Jun giggled.
''You know why I didn't explain?''
He stopped giggling as the area got surrounded by a heavy air.
''It's because I, Oliver Freshcker, the professor here. Your just a student. I am above you. My words, you follow. My orders, you act. So show a lot of respect.
I don't need that little respect from you. I need all of it. I am a very greedy teacher that you haven't met in the Junior Military and Senior Military school in Korea.
All of you are just like the soldiers I led in my battalion. Your just a tiny little pebble a battle tank can crush in seconds.''
He got scared.
''You have to change your attitude before advance in the second year.''
I walked back towards my post
''Remember, you have to respect your elders or even just somebody who also respect you. And your not gonna have a severe heart attack if your gonna say,
'I have a question...', show some respect child.''
All the other student looked at him, he bit his lip in embarrassment.
I looked at Lhea, who is looking at Dae Jun with pity. This woman didn't even have a plan for his lover's birthday.
''Now where were we? Oh yeah, left hand for asking the questions and the other one for others.''
I continued my lesson.
''Military organizations have always taught some sort of unarmed combat for conditioning and as a supplement to armed combat.
Soldiers in China were trained in unarmed combat as early as the Zhou Dynasty...'' and so the lesson lasted for almost an hour.
''Although hand-to-hand fighting was accorded less importance in major militaries after World War II, insurgency conflicts such as the Vietnam War,
low intensity conflict and urban warfare have prompted many armies to pay more attention to this form of combat. When such fighting includes firearms designed
for close-in fighting, it is often referred to as Close Quarters Battle, also known as CQB, at the platoon or squad level, or Military Operations on Urban Terrain,
also known as MOUT, at higher tactical levels. Any questions?'' I end my explanation on Hand to Hand combat.
It was silence for a few seconds.
''Oka--yyy'' Lhea asked me please...
Then a left hand popped from the crowd.
''Give way to...Ms. Arianne Rodriguez from Philippines, am I right?''
''That is correct, sir.''
''Ngayon, anong gusto mong palaman?'' I showed my Filipino language. It translates to 'now, what do you want to know?'.
I learned it from some Filipino women when me and Gio visited Philippines years ago. Philippines, they have the most beautiful skin color.
I admire their skin as much as I have on mine.
Arianne giggled.
''Why?'' I asked.
''It's 'Ngayon, ano ang gusto mong malaman.' Its your grammar, sir .Palaman means Stuffing, Professor Oliver.''
Then Lee Dae Jun laughed. Yeah his the first one to laugh.
I just also laughed at the correction to restore Lee Dae Jun's broken confidence.
''Now, what's the question?''
''Ummm...sorry...But I wanna know who created the fighting knife, Fairbairn-Sykes? You forgot to mention the creator of the eponymous knife, sir.''
''Oh. Forgive me. The creator of the Knife is William Ewart Fairbairn and Eric Anthony Sykes in Shanghai based on ideas that the two men had while
serving on the Shanghai Municipal Police in China before World War II. Xiansheng Xian Wu Cian came from Senior Military School in China, they must have taught it there,
do they?''
I asked my Chinese student.
''Yes, they taught it there.''
''You can ask Xian Wu Cian about Chinese advancements. One of the advancements the Chinese made was the gunpowder. Ask Wu Cian about it, it will be covered
in the future lessons.''
''Ummm.. sir, why did you call him Xiansheng? Its not even his name.'' Arianne asked.
''Its because I respect him as my student. He is male so I must call him Mister, which translates as Xiansheng in Wu Cian's dialect.''
The bell rang, ending the first class.
''Your next class will be with Mr. Dexter.''
''Why? It's supposed to be with Uncl--I mean Professor Greyst.'' Anne exclaimed.
''Unfortunately, Professor Khan Greyst is on a month-long mission since this morning.''
''You better behave yourself with Professor Gio. Oh and please, you still have the 4th and the last class with me today, and I need you all in your PE.
Thank you and see you in the next class.''
As I walk towards the Red Building, I met Gio on the way.
''What are you teaching them?'' I asked him.
''I'm teaching them Close-Range shooting, bombing and driving different vehicles used for military. It's like the things I taught you when you arrived at the
''As expected of my senior, who is an ex Major General who commands the division of 10,000 up to 20,0---''
I stopped as I realize what he said.
''Your gonna teach them BOMBING! and how to drive a freaking battle tank and submarines?!''
He just nodded.
''Don't hurt my precious, Lhea and her fri---.''
''Shut up, Oliver. Your being paranoid. Just go to your next class, please. I wasted 3 minutes with you.'' He then walked away.
I'm gonna kill that bastard if I saw a slight bruise or wound on my precious gem.
I go straight to the changing room, got changed to my suit and walk towards Class 1-B.
Its 5th floor and 3rd room.
I got inside the room.
And it's empty. Guess they're still changing.
I wait there, reading my books.
A few moments later, the students starts to enter the room.
Minutes later, the room is filled in chitchats.
This day will be the first time I'll be teaching this students until their 3rd year.
''Okay, class.'' as soon as I finished talking, the chitchats disappeared.
This one is a hella disciplined class.
''O-okay. I am your Professor in Long-Distance Combat. Glad to meet you guys.'' Then all of them stands straight.
''We are grateful to have you as our teacher.'' a man black curly hair with silver highlights said and all of them bowed.
Thank God I still receive this kind of respect.
''T-thank you, I am flustered.'' They sat.
''As this is our first day together, I want to get close to you. Do you have your nicknames with you?''
Gio hates nicknaming his students so I bet they haven't.
''Yes, we already have.'' Still the same kid from before.
''Okay. Can you share that to me as I check your attendance. When I say your last name just answer with your NAME-AGE-NICKNAME, okay?''
''Yes!'' now all of them answered.
They sat behavely as I go through the attendance.
''Vanisi Agarwal, 16, Odin.''
That's weird for a girl.
And as the attendance continues, I felt bad for the students on how their Professor nicknamed them.
''Caspian Hutton, 16, Dyesyatyy'.'' Its the curly-haired boy.
''Dyesyatyy, why are you the one responding to me when we began?''
''Oh, Mr. Dexter chosed me to be the room representative. He wants me to check on my 'mates and answer the question a professor asked.''
''Okay, you may continue now.'' I forgot about this. Gio always loved to have someone to trust to when it comes to things like this.
Gonna do this on the next lesson. I'm assigning someone to be like this.
And Caspian looks like someone I knew.
''Maddison Jenkins, 17, Dvenadsat'.'' a girl answered.
''Okay..By the way students, when you wanna ask something just raise your left hand and if it is for other reason, raise the right one.
''Ummmm.....sir'' A sweet voice asks a question.
''What is it, Alice?''
''Do you know what's the meaning in our nicknames? Mr. Dexter didn't tell us and all the Russian 'mates we have was prohibited to tell the meaning so we are hoping
if you can tell us the meaning.''
''Sure but don't be mad at me. Be mad with your Professor.''
''Is it something funny?''
''Yes, it is.''
''What is it?'' another curios students asked, Zhang Daiyu.
''Its all just...'
''Just numbers from 1 to 15.''
''One to Fifteen?''
''Yeah, one to fifteen in Russian.''
''Professor Gio...you simple-minded jerk!''
The whole room is filled with laughter.
Then I finished the time with the Class 1-B with colors.
We just spent talking the whole lesson.
Now, its time to go back to my pets.
I changed my clothes to a PE and walk towards the ground we had our lesson held earlier.
I also chose to teach them here because I requested a renovation in the classroom.
The old one is so suffocating. They started the work today and it'll be finished tomorrow.
As I arrived, my students were already there.
Nothing beats going back to the pets.
I giggled under my breath.
''Good Day! sir.'' My students greeted me?
No. No. No, not my students. I love them just the way they are.
''When you are with me, don't behave like that. I don't like that behavior. Its obviously a pushed acting.''
My students breathes and...as always...complains about that way of behaving.
''More like it.''
''Now, I'll be nicknaming you as promised.''
Because I want their nicknames to be simple, I choose the Greek Alphabet to be their nicknames.
Its cool to hear.
That takes 10 minutes in our lesson.
''Now, I'll be choosing your class representatives.''
Every one got silence.
''Your President/babysitter will be...''
I really want it to be Lhea but that's unfair.
And I cannot have her friends have the burden because they are focused in their goals that are much more different than the others.
And Aaron will not be suitable as he is an introvert.
''...will be Louise Anthony Yorochyve.''
Then comments got out.
Some agrees, some doesn't.
''But why me, sir?''
''Because your an extremely energetic Extrovert. That's that.''
''Your Vice will be Aaron.''
''Because your an Introvert, I need you to learn basic communication and friendship. You can also use this on a mission.''
''Secretary will be Pia, 'cuz you got the cleanest writing in the whole class.''
''Greyst, you'll be the treasurer because I know Professor Khan taught you that money isn't the true treasure. You won't be interested in the money you collect.''
''My personal secretary will be Lhea because of a meaningful reason.''
''And what's the reason?'' She asked.
''I want you to be with me whenever I need you. Your the student I trust my life with.''
''Now, let's continue our lesson with Hand To Hand combat. We will be practicing basic H2H combat tomorrow.''
Its 09:12 am. After this lesson, it will be break time.
3rd Person's PoV (September 24, 2134, 21:34 pm)
Never thought of meeting you here, Oliver.
This mission is gonna be troublesome. Now, I have to report this to the Fleandear's.
The next head of the rival family of theirs is here at Robina Academy, teaching the golden baby dragon.
Holy Shot!
Is Oliver the cub?
What the fuck? Is this even real?
What the hell of turn of events?
Can't wait to hear their reaction.
I dialed the Fleandear's house number.
''H-hello?'' its Butler Davidson.
''****i*** reporting from Robina.''
''I am listening.''
I told them what happened the whole day and who is the new professor who came here.
''Thank you for the report. You may go back to your post now.''
''****i*** leaving''
''Aahhhhh! This is gonna be great!''
I tired myself thinking about imaginary things that will happen in the future.
''When the time comes, I'll be watching from a far.''