Sadistic Approach

Gio's PoV

''September 24, 2134. The birth date of Oliver, my junior in the military.'' I am currently speaking in my class about Oliver.

Starting today, Oliver will be teaching them and I want my students to have a heads up about him.

''Oliver is a super energetic person, you have to train your stamina to keep up with him. He saved 32 soldiers during the dispute between Aville and the Belarus.

Just get away from his bad side. He always hid his temper...''

I always train my students more than their limits. Training them until their bones start to make noise is not enough for me, I need the bones to break and heal and break it again

so the bones can mature. That is my motto in training people.

''Now, because today is his birthday, show him some respect. But only this day that you act like respectful students. That man always loved to be called as Teacher or Senior.

That man has some loose screws in his head.''

''Now, practice your greetings. Answer.''

''Yes, Sir!.''

My student, I taught them how to speak. They have to speak if I say so and not if, obviously, I didn't ask.

I got out of the room and go straight to the vending machine in the 3rd floor.

Then I grabbed the black tea.

As I head back to the room, I saw Oliver in the backyard talking to one of his student, face so closed.

''Oh...the first student to taste the bite. Who is that...student?''

Its the Korean, Lee Dae Jun.

He got a very short-temper personality and get angry even in slightest mistake. ''I'm gonna train that kid on how to know his place.''

I walk towards my room.

Yes, I'm a sadistic person. I get pleasure watching people in pain.

And yeah, I do Bd's.

''Have you finish?'' I said as I enter the room.

Nobody answered. HAHAHAHA!

''Good. Answer.''

''Yes, sir!''

''Are you sure about that? Answer. Dyestaty'.''

Caspian, my trusted student, stood up.

''Yes, sir. We have perfected our greeting and our behaviour towards him.'' He said with a straight face.

Ahhhhhh! Caspian!

How would you look if you wear the bunny suit? You might look cute. You might shiver when I whisper in your ear. Ahhhh!

''Okay. You may sit now.'' I commanded him and he follows.


Your name will be engraved in my mind until I taste you.

''Never forget to smile, okay. Now, Dismissed!''

''Goodbye, Professor Dexter. You may have a great day for the rest of today!''

I take a one last look at Caspian and smiled at him, making him confused as hell.

A smile appeared in my face as I imagine him in a bunny suit. It made me erect.

I got in at the soundproof bathroom and did my thing until the bell rang. Yes, we have a soundproof restroom for things like this and more. Some teachers in the 6th grade

wanted this so the school renovate this some years ago.

That was 7 minutes and it made me very, very sweaty.

As I walk towards the ground where the class 1-A is located, the Class 1-B male changing room is open in which I peaked to see who is there.

Then I saw Caspian and the other's changing.

My focused was with Caspian. He got a petite framed body with green eyes and black curly hair with silver highlights in the tips. His hair goes past his shoulder. He tied it in a ponytail as he finished wearing his PE uniform, who by the way, formed his body. His nipples peaking slightly.

I wanna lick those.

Then I got back to my senses as the bell ended.

I walk straight to the ground never looking back.

As I arrived, I met Oliver.

''What are you teaching them?'' He asked.

''''I'm teaching them Close-Range shooting, bombing and driving different vehicles used for military.

It's like the things I taught you when you arrived at the military.'' I answered.

''As expected of my senior, who is an ex Major General who commands the division of 10,000 up to 20,0---''

He stopped as soon as he realized what I'll be teaching on his students.

''What?'' He said with wide eyes. Ahhhhh! Its the look in his eyes. He looked worried.

''Your gonna teach them BOMBING! and how to drive a freaking battle tank and submarines?!'' I just nodded.

But he can never defeat Caspian's reaction when I trained them.

''Don't hurt my precious, Lhea and her fri---.''

''Shut up, Oliver. Your being paranoid. Just go to your next class, please. I wasted 3 minutes with you.''

I left him and I can still feel his eyes locked on me.

''Good day, Class 1-A.'' They didn't respond.

What an annoying class. ''Now, now, I cannot accept this, Class 1-A. Hear me out...''

They just pay attention to me and got the confuse look on them.

''I'm a sadist and I don't like our first meeting would be like this.'' They have these mix emotion on them.

Some are disgusted. Some are scared. I like the scared ones.

''Don't worry, I won't let you participate in Bd's or anything about sex, unless you want to?''

Then I saw a smirking face. He looks like his gonna burst in any seconds.

''You...with the blonde hair...'' He pointed himself. ''Me?''

I hate when people answer's without my permission.

And I am sure that he is a...''Are you a maso?''

He didn't answer but he put a smirk on his face.

''Why didn't you answer?'' I asked him directly. I want an interesting answer.

''You didn't asked for it. You just asked but it's clear you don't want answers, unless you told me too, I won't.'' he answered straightforwardly.

The look on his 'mates are amusing.

''Who are you?''

''I'm Yura Kovichkov.'' Then I saw his twin brother.

''And you?''

''I am Yuriy Kovichkov.'' He isn't into Bd's. He answered directly without me asking for it.

''Forgive me. I don't know your Bd rules but I can read atmosphere's coming from people's aura. And it looks like your disappointed towards me when I straightforwardly answered.''

His fine.

I also like people like him.

Ohhhhh! My dear Caspian...looks like you have a rival now.

''This is getting weird so let's start the class...''


''I haven't finished yet you already speak...'' I said as I got offended.

''When I'm speaking no one is allowed to speak, got that? I'll let you get away this time since this is our first meeting.''

Then all of them zipped their filthy mouth.

''That's more like it.''

Then I spent all the time left to teach them how I like my class to be.

Fortunately, they learned faster than I expected them to be.

''Goodbye, Class 1-A.''

They stayed silenced.

''Good. Now answer.''

''Good bye, Professor Dexter.''

I looked at Yura for the last time and smirked at him. He now have breakdown.

This class will be the last before break.

Class 3-A. The class who survived the 3 years here completely, without anyone who left or died.

Caspian Hutton's PoV

I've been here since February.

Everybody got here in different times but we move unto the next year with everybody.

It depends on our grades on who will be our next 'mates.

'mates. Professor Gio taught us to call others as 'mates.

Speakin' of Professor. I find him kinda awkward.

Lately, I always meet his gaze every time he enters and leaves the room.

I feel kinda nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

It feels like his threatening me or his looking at me because I have a funny face.

I don't know. His making me extremely anxious.

''Let's go to the changing room.'' Damien invited me along with the other boys.

''Okay. Sir, really is pretty hard on us today.''

As we walked towards the changing room, I suddenly felt the urge to take the restroom.

''Guys, let me take the restroom. Where is the closest one again?''

''The soundproof restroom is in the west alley.''

I hurriedly ran towards it and entered.

The soundproof bathroom is unheard outside but you can here all the sounds once inside.

As I enter, I heard my name being moaned by someone.

''Ahhhhh!!! Casp-Caspian.....'' Who is this?

I took my pissed, getting turned on by the moan somebody is making.

I covered my mouth as I slowly touch myself.

This is insane. Why am I like this? '' Caspian..'' I don't even know this ma---

As I heard the man say my name in a straight way, I got back to my senses.


This can't be right.

Is this why he is looking at me with those emotions in his face.

I bit my thumb. I didn't know you feel like this, sir. But I have to turn your feelings down.

I have a mission to do that's why I am here.

I have to go back to my country for a reason.

And I don't have the same feeling as you sir.

I rushed out towards the changing room and acted like nothing happened.

Oliver's PoV

''A 2014 study found that, amongst US soldiers deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan between 2004 and 2008,

19% reported the use of hand-to-hand techniques in at least one encounter, in a variety of circumstances and contexts such as close combat, prisoner handling, crowd control and security checkpoints, supporting prior research that indicated that, despite advances in technology, hand-to-hand combat remained a persistent aspect of modern warfare.''

Without knowing the time, the bell suddenly rang ending my 6th and last class.

''Okay, goodbye, Class 1-A''

The students left the room one by one.

Lhea and her friends remained.

''What? You didn't prepare a party for me. What do you want?'' I asked cutely.

''Stop it, Oliver. You're already 20. Just a little sex and you'll be content.'' Anne said.

''But Lhea isn't ready yet.'' I exclaimed.

Lhea covered my lips with her hands.

''Shut up. I haven't marry you yet.''

Yet? Does that mean...

''Your planning to marry that guy?'' Pia asked.


A strong knock got our attention in the door.

''Your busy tonight? Wanna date?'' Its Brent.

His asking Pia on a date night.

''Can't you find someone better?''

Anne then slapped me in the face and Brent looked furious.

''What did you just say about Pia?'' Lhea asked me with an angered face.

''Pia? No, I'm talking to Pia about how she can't find someone better than Brent.'' I said and Lhea's face got normal.

''I'm sorry for slapping you, I thought you talked about Pia.''

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' Pia laughed.

''We will be going now.'' Pia bid goodbye.

''I'll talk to you later, Oliver. You can talk shit about me but I'll freaking kill you if you bad-mouthed Pia.'' Then they left.

''I gotta go. Denver invited me for a pair study.''

''Okay.'' Lhea bid goodbye and Anne walked out.

I kissed Lhea as soon as Anne is out of sight.

''That's a fast move, Oliver.'' I paused.

''A second after your student got out you kissed your bride, how sweet and...horny.''

After saying that, Gio walk like nothing happened.

''He destroyed the mood.''

Lhea chuckled.

''Wanna go for a walk? Think of it as a date on your birthday.''

''I agree.''

We got out of the school and rushed towards the sea.

It's a beautiful scenery.

'' the whole sea for your birthday.'' Lhea said as the wind blow her hair across her face. The sun reflecting in her eyes.

I am totally enjoying the view inside the golden baby dragon's eyes.

This is a gift money couldn't afford. This is the best sunset I have seen.

Best birthday.

I couldn't help but clear her hair out of her pretty face and moved for a kissed.

Lhea closed her eyes. I look into her face with eyes closed. She's still pretty with eyes closed.

Then went in for a kiss.

Moments later, she let me inside her mouth.

We enjoyed the moment while it last.

Having our outfits full of sand.

We didn't do the deed, but we kissed for a long time.

I got her into her dorm.

She left a mark on my neck and kissed me before she bid goodbye.

Fuck those kick, I don't need them.

Thank you for the wonderful blessing.

As I got into the house, Mom Crystellica and the other's surprised me.

''Surprised, Oliver!'' They shouted.

''Here's all the gifts I collected, Oliver.'' Gio said and presented all the gift he collected from the teacher's who couldn't come.

''Why did you do this? Your all are busy persons.''

''It is always a tradition to celebrate a staff's birthday by the other staff's or if it is possible or students will file a letter to celebrate

a staff's birthday with the hour it will be finished.''

''Caylon is never gonna be a normal school.''

It took until 11 in the evening before we finished the small little party.

I cleaned the mess after they got home.

Now I am tired.

I jump straight to bed.

''Ahhhhh!!! I'm tired. I want a kiss from the dragon.''

I was about to sleep when I heard a noise coming from my door.

''Who is it?'' I asked as I reached the door.

Nobody answered. I opened the door and frickin' racoon scared the life out of me.

''I just turned 20 today, don't kill me that fast.''

After that, I turned the light off, returned to bed and slept like its the busiest day in my life.


I woke up from a small bang in my window, which is just located in the left part of my bed.

I pretended to be asleep when I saw a silhouette in my vision.

Its so dark, I can't see the figure.

Then the figure suddenly jumped in my bed, crawling like a snake.

''Medusa?'' I asked without thinking.

''You have a fetished like that, Oliver?'' The silhouette said.


I turned my bed lamp on.

''What the freaking pizza! Lhea!''

Lhea! Why is she here? Its past two in the midnight.